HHS Weekly Preview

Friday, September 5th, 2024
Weekly Announcements
1st classes! Lunch! Dismissal! Arrival! HHS Students get an "A" for their conduct grade this week! Awesome job by all! Lots of learning and reuniting with classmates this past week!
Home football game tonight. Parade starts at 6:40 in the back of school.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT NEXT THURSDAY! Come early becasue parking is limited.(SEE BELOW)
Picture Day THIS TUESDAY FROM 7:30-10:50. DCIU students will take picture when they arrive back to school. Check out the staff picture below!
Freshmen please use and protect your NEW Chromebook Covers!
College and Career Ready
College Visits, School Day PSAT and SAT, Common APP News
1) There are over 100 colleges scheduled to visit starting on September 16th. A list of the colleges is attached to this email. We will do sign ups on Naviance beginning next week. See below.
2) School Day PSAT and School Day SAT will be on October 9th at 7:30 AM. The PSAT is for Freshmen through Juniors and School Day SAT is for Seniors. (We will have some Juniors that would like to take SAT on that date and...that is OK. Juniors should consult with their counselor on what test to take.)
3) Class of 2025-(Seniors)-It is time to start your Common APP! Common App Website
Class of 2025:
College and Common Application Completion Days
Make sure your students SIGN UP IN NAVIANCE to visit with
any of the amazing colleges coming to HHS in the next few weeks!
Club News
Activities Fair
We will do an Activities Fair for every student in early October. Club leaders will present their clubs in a Fair format in the gymnasium. It is a wonderful time to sign up for a club and get involved at HHS!
Photography Club
There will be a photography club interest meeting this Wednesday after school in room 124. All are welcome, and no camera is needed.
Nurses' Department
State Medical Requirements
Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
All 12th Grade students are required to provide proof of having had the second Meningitis A vaccine on the first day of school, an appointment to receive the vaccine or exemption from the vaccine. If we do not receive this by September 9, 2024, your student will be excluded from school on September 10, 2024.
All 11th grade students are required to show proof of having had a medical physical completed by their doctor. Please send in all forms to the nurse.
Haverford High School Athletics Website
Mr. Gregory Decina, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Mrs. Michelle McCloy, Athletics Secretary
(610) 853-5900 x2560
Make sure all Fall student-athletes have FamilyID registration completed.
1) The Football Followers have teamed with Raising Surfers to promote the Haverford necklace! Great gifts for moms, seniors, alumni... anyone who wants to show their love for Haverford High School! Buy right on the website.
2) Soccer Fundraisers-See Below
The HHS Boys Soccer Boosters 14th Annual Mum Sale is underway!
Mums sell for $9 each, and are available in burgundy red, yellow, rust orange, and purple. They always look fantastic! The sale takes place on Saturday, September 14th, between 8-11 a.m. in the HMS Bus Lane. We expect some mums to be available on the day of the sale, but we're also taking pre-orders through September 11th (click here for link). When pre-ordering, please submit each order by who will be responsible for picking it up on 9/14. The order form will ask for a player’s name, but indicating "any player" will suffice. See attached flyer for payment options. Thank you for your support. Go Fords!
3) Haverford Golf 2024 t-shirts. $15 each. Pay using QR code. Code and tee logo are attached/below.
See QR CODE BELOW. Venmo @Staci-Gillespie-1
4) Freddy's Fundraiser on 9/11 for Field Hockey Team.
5) FBLA Fundraiser - Get Your Haverford Gear - "H"
6) Class of 2025 Car Wash-The Class of 2025 is having a car wash at the Oakmont Building on Sunday, September 15 from 9am-1pm! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up HERE. Spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors to get your car washed on September 15 to support the senior class!