Kennedy News
It's Time to Vote!
Did you know that parents and caregivers of school-age children often forget to vote or run out of time on election day? Don’t let that be you!
If you have already voted, thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to make sure your voice is heard. The future of our children’s education will be significantly impacted by the November 7 referendum election.
The two-question referendum focuses on safety and security, early learning, and academic, fine arts and athletic spaces for the next generation of learners in our community.
Blue Earth County Historic Courthouse
204 South 5th Street, Mankato, MN 56001
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Special Extended Hours:
• Saturday, November 4, 2023 | 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
• Monday, November 6, 2023 | 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Find your assigned polling place
Vote between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Want to learn more? Visit
Kennedy Parents, Your Vote Matters!
The referendum is around the corner and we need our Kennedy families to get out and vote. The actually election day is November 7th but early voting is open and has extended hours through the weekend.
You have been getting information from me about the referendum each week since September in this newsletter format. My goal has been to help our school community see the impact that this vote has on Kennedy. This is the last update before the election and I hope that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. If you want to look back at previous newsletters, click here.
Please remember that this is not about luxurious office spaces or unneeded improvements. At Kennedy and throughout the school district, this is about improving the safety and security standards in aging buildings not designed for the needs of our world in 2023. It is about improving special education spaces in aging buildings that were not originally designed to meet the needs of the unique learners that we have in 2023. It is about creating great cyber security, protecting personal information, and upgrading to ADA compliant bathrooms. The bottom line is that this vote is about meeting the needs of our students, our Kennedy Cubs.
Kennedy families, please make a plan to get out and vote! Early voting is already open. Visit to learn more!
Mr. Rustad Can Answer Your Referendum Questions!
Do you have questions about the upcoming referendum? Email me! If I don't know the answer, I will get it for you.
Steve Rustad: srusta1@isd77org
The Next Early Release is November 8th! Please Fill Out the Form
Our 3rd early release of the year is on Wednesday, November 8th. School is done at 12:30 PM. We are asking that ALL families fill out the Google Form for the early release. This is how we know if your student(s) will need after school care or how they will be getting home that day.
After school care starts at 12:30 and goes until 2:30. **There will be no busses running at 2:30. Students must either walk or get picked up at that time. If your student attends ACES, it will start at 2:30. **
Sign Up for Conferences! Conference Dates are November 13th, 14th, and 16th
Conference sign up is open! Fall conferences are Monday, November 13th, Tuesday, November 14th, and Thursday, November 16th. Conferences run from 3:20 to 8 each day.
Click the conference sign up link below to get signed up!
Kennedy Spiritwear Store is Open for Business!
This store will be open and accepting orders all year long, at any time! All orders will be shipped directly to your home and 10% will come back to our Kennedy PTO. Take a look: