TMS Community ROAR Report
March Newsletter
Be the Change at TMS!
Email: janine.smith@fcps.org
Website: https://education.fcps.org/tms/
Location: 408 East Main Street, Thurmont, MD, United States
Phone: (227)-203-2500
Twitter: @JanineSmithFCPS
Be the Change
Greetings Families,
As we enter the month of March, the days are getting longer; the weather is warming up, and it’s a great time to reflect on the progress we’ve made and look ahead to the exciting opportunities the rest of the school year will bring.
This month, we’ll be focusing on the importance of perseverance and growth as we finish the second half of term 3 and approach the final term of the school year. Whether it's preparing for upcoming assessments, participating in extracurricular activities, or simply working on personal goals, March is a great time to embrace the challenges ahead.
Be the Change,
Janine Smith-Principal
Chris Bittner-Assistant Principal
Anita Shank-Assistant Principal
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
Important Calendar Date Reminders
- Monday, March 3rd-8th Grade MISA
- Tuesday, March 4th- 8th Grade MISA
- Wednesday, March 5th- 8th Grade MISA
- Wednesday, March 5th-Interims Issued
- Wednesday, March 5th-Chorus Adjudication
- Thursday, March 6th- 8th Grade MISA
- Thursday, March 6th-TMS Community Food Drop 3:30-4:30
- Friday, March 7th- 8th Grade MISA
- Wednesday, March 12th-Band Adjudication
- Wednesday, March 19th-SGA Meeting 2:30-3:30 Ms. Rebuck's Room
- Thursday, March 26th- 2-hour Early Dismissal-Mid-Term 3
- Friday, March 27th-No School-Teacher Work Day
TMS Teacher of the Year: Ms. Lowe
Get Your TMS Yearbook!
Link: https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/thurmontmiddleschool
Soft Yearbook Cost $20.00 plus Tax and Conv. Fee
Hard Yearbook Cost $25.00 plus Tax and Conv. Fee
Additional Options Offered
Personalization $3.00
MISA Testing-8th Grade
Grade 8 - Science MISA Testing
March 3, 4, 6 & 7, 2025
Thurmont Middle School will be administering the 8th Grade Science MISA this coming week March 3, 4, 6, & 7.
Students have been working hard to prepare in their classes, but are encouraged to review materials provided by MSDE to familiarize themselves with the online platform, content, and released questions.
Students should get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, bring a fully charged Chromebook, and come prepared to do their best.
MSDE IEP Survey Opens February 14th
Dear TMS Families,
The MSDE Parental Involvement Survey creates opportunities for feedback and engagement. This is your chance to share feedback regarding Special Education Services for your child!
Share how we can better support your family and child with Special Education services. You can complete the short survey at www.mdparentsurvey.com.
The survey will be available February 14, 2025 through May 30, 2025.
Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences and ideas! Together, we can continue to improve Special Education Services and Programs in FCPS.
Counselor Corner
Debbie Wivell Retirement: We would like to extend special thanks and gratitude for the many ways in which Mrs.Wivell has supported the students, families, and staff of FCPS over the past 30 years! In her roles as CASS coordinator, Pupil Personnel Worker, Therapist, and Behavior Support Specialist she has made a positive difference in MANY lives! We have been blessed to have her as part of our TMS Counseling Team for the past several years and have appreciated her partnership in supporting our TMS community! She will be greatly missed! Words of gratitude and positive impact can be extended via this link. Congratulations Mrs. Wivell!
Student Progress: As Term 3 progresses past the midterm point, we are encouraging students to reflect and make any adjustments needed to improve attendance, grades, and behavior. We want all students to have a successful second semester! Remember current grades and assignments can be accessed anytime through Schoology. Please contact your student’s teacher or counselor if you have questions or difficulty with access to Schoology.
Additional Support:
Therapy Pet Visits to TMS- March 10 During All Lunch Shifts
If you prefer your child not interact with the pets, please contact your child’s school counselor.
TMS Peer Tutoring Program
Students completed a recent survey indicating their desire to either serve as a peer tutor or to receive some tutoring support from a peer tutor. Tutoring sessions are currently being scheduled for interested students. If you would like your child to participate in this program in either capacity, please contact your child’s school counselor.
TMS Counseling Team Contact Information:
Jane Nicholson- Registrar- jane.nicholson@fcps.org/ 227-203-2500 X45015
Rebecca Krauss- Grade 6 Counselor- rebecca.krauss@fcps.org/ 227-203-2500 X45017
Sherry Bueso- Grade 7 School Counselor- sherry.bueso@fcps.org/ 227-203-2500 X45016
Stacie Varanyak- Grade 8 Counselor- stacie.varanyak@fcps.org/ 227-203-2500 X45019
Diana Merritt- Career Coach- diana.merritt@fcps.org/ 227-203-2500 X45042
News from the Math Department
Please have your child take some time to look in Schoology for any assignments they can complete to improve their grade in math class. The end of term 3 is Thursday, March 27th.
Also, please encourage your child to complete topics on their ALEKS pie to ensure they will earn full credit each week for the assignment. Since the ALEKS topics are assigned every week there will only be a due date and not a deadline date. We also have incentives, awards and certificates in place at Thurmont Middle School to reward students for making progress on their ALEKS pie. Thank you, in advance, for any support and encouragement you are providing at home! Please reach out to Lindsey Lowe at lindsey.lowe@fcps.org with any questions.
How to Get to ALEKS on your Child's Device:
1. Open up a new tab or Google Chrome tab on your computer.
2. Click on “FCPS Bookmarks”
3. Click on “Clever Portal”
4. Click on “McGraw Hill”
Information from the E/LA Department
Marching into Writing in ELA Class: Tips for Parents
As we enter the month of March, TMS students are working on longer writing assignments as part of their assessments. These assignments are important for the upcoming MCAP assessment and, more importantly, for developing strong writing skills that will help them in life. Whether it’s writing emails, texts, work proposals, or even newsletters, we will all need to be able to communicate clearly in writing.
Here are some helpful tips for parents/families to support their child’s writing development:
1. Create a Judgment-Free Zone
- Approach writing support with an open and positive mindset.
- Reassure your child that they are the expert on their topic and that you are there as a collaborator, not a teacher or evaluator.
- This mindset helps even the most confident writers feel comfortable seeking your help.
2. Ask the Right Questions
- Before providing feedback, ask your child what kind of help they’re looking for. Some helpful questions include:
- “What would you like me to focus on?”
- “Where are you in your writing process? How can I help you move forward?”
- This ensures your feedback is meaningful and tailored to their needs.
3. Be Their Cheerleader
- Offer specific praise to help your child feel proud of their work. For example:
- Compliment a great word choice, clever transition, or improvement from previous drafts.
- Avoid generic praise like “Good job,” and instead celebrate their unique strengths.
4. Encourage Reading Aloud
- Ask your child to read their writing aloud. This practice helps in several ways:
- It’s less confrontational than a “red pen” approach, as the focus is on listening rather than correcting.
- It allows your child to hear their own work and spot issues like awkward phrases or grammar errors.
- If they’re hesitant, reading aloud can be done without needing immediate feedback from you.
5. Offer Constructive Comments, Not Corrections
- If your child is uncomfortable reading aloud, you can provide written feedback on their draft. However:
- Avoid rewriting their sentences or correcting everything.
- Instead, offer comments that guide them on how to improve while encouraging their voice to shine through.
By supporting your child in these ways, you’ll help them grow as confident writers. Remember, your role is to guide, encourage, and celebrate their progress!
Advanced Academics at TMS
Get Ready for the 32nd Annual Career and Technology Fair!!
Join us on March 18 at Frederick High School for an exciting showcase of talent, creativity, and innovation from Frederick County Public Schools! Students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will go head-to-head in a series of thrilling challenges:
6th Grade: Energize your marketing taste buds with the Energy Bar Challenge, get creative with Movie Magic Coding, and showcase your skills in the Engineering Design Challenge.
7th Grade: Dive into the world of tech with Games and Animation Coding, tackle the Engineering Design Challenge, and put your money skills to the test with the Budget Challenge.
8th Grade: Take on the future with Applied Computer Science, speed through the Hovercraft Challenge, and master the world of business in the Business and Finance Competition.
Location: Frederick High School
Doors Open for Students: 4:45 p.m. (Teachers may arrive at 3:30 p.m)
Awards Ceremony: Most competitions will be completed by 7:00 p.m.
Snow Date: Monday, March 20
Don’t miss this opportunity to see our talented students in action as they compete in hands-on, real-world challenges. It’s going to be a night of innovation and inspiration for the entire community!
Registration for the FCPS Science and Social Studies Fairs
Frederick County Public Schools is excited to announce the March 2025 Elementary and Secondary Science and Engineering Fairs, and the Elementary Social Studies Fair. This year, the Elementary and Secondary fairs will be held on two different dates but at the same location: Tuscarora High School 5312 Ballenger Creek Pike Frederick, MD 21703.
Middle and HIgh School Divisions: The Secondary Frederick County Science and Engineering Fair takes place Saturday, March 22, 2025 with judging from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and is open to visitors from 3:00-4:00 PM, with an awards ceremony beginning at 4:00 PM. Registration for the Secondary Science Fair closes March 2, 2025 11:59 PM, at this link: https://sites.google.com/fcps.org/fcsef/home
The Elementary (PreK-5) Science and Social Studies Fair takes place Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Registration for the Elementary Science and Social Studies Fair closes March 21, 2025. A STEM Showcase is open for visitors with interactive, hands-on activities and demonstrations.
Register for the Elementary Social Studies Fair: https://sites.google.com/fcps.org/ssfair
For more info, please contact the following curriculum specialists:
Secondary Science
Colleen.Beall@fcps.org, 240-586-7773
Elementary Social Studies and Science
Kim.Day@fcps.org, 240-586-7798
Register for the Elementary Science Fair: https://tinyurl.com/ElemSCIFair
Any questions, reach out to Mrs. Heather Kehr, Middle School Advanced Academics Specialist at heather.kehr@fcps.org.
Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
Children need a trusted adult to turn to when they feel threatened. It is important that your child is encouraged to contact their school counselor, administrator or teacher to report bullying because it may not stop without help. If your child feels uncomfortable reporting bullying and harassing behaviors, parents are encouraged to report it to FCPS staff.
To report bullying, use the FCPS Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form, available on the FCPS.org website.
If bullying happens outside of school, families can call:
- 211 for community resource information
- Law enforcement if threats or physical harm occur
Learn more about bullying, harassment, and intimidation in the FCPS Students and Families Tab, found at www.fcps.org. Information is also available in Bullying - Harassment - Intimidation Complaint Process for Students linked here.
School Meals
FCPS is using a new portal for school meal related information. Go to the parent portal at http://linqconnect.com/ where you can:
- Apply for meal benefits (FARM)
- View menus, meal prices and a la carte prices
- Add money to student accounts
- Transfer funds between students
- View student meal transactions
- Set low-balance notifications
Breakfast is FREE to ALL TMS Students this year!
24-25 School Updates
Late Arrival Procedures at TMS:
Common TMS Tardy Policy:
o 3 Lates: Detention- 15 minutes
o 6 Lates: Detention- 30 minutes
o 9 Lates: Referral- 30 minute After School
o 12 Lates: Referral- 60 minute After School
GEMS Program - Summer Opportunity
Applications are now open for the summer GEMS program. The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program at Fort Detrick brings local students to the cutting-edge world of science at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The program is designed for current 4th through 11th grade students of all academic abilities. GEMS promises an engaging and exciting hands-on experience.
The GEMS Program will take place in-person at Hood College in Frederick, MD, Student applications will be accepted until April 14, 2025. An online application and course descriptions can be accessed here: https://www.usaeop.com/program/frederick/
Camp Jamie - Teen Grief Camp
Frederick Health Hospice is sponsoring an overnight camp from May 16 -18, 2025, at the Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD, for grieving teens in grades 1 - 8 to come together to talk about their feelings and learn coping skills for dealing with death. Transportation is provided, but there is an application to complete as space is limited. All applications are due April 25. For more information or to register, please contact 240-566-3030 or go to FrederickHealthHospice.org/CampJamie
End of Term 3:
End of Term 3 is on Thursday, March 27th . If your child has missing assignments or needs to complete a re-assessment, please encourage them to speak with their teacher(s) as soon as possible.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher(s).
Lost and Found Items:
The TMS Lost and Found table is overflowing with clothing, lunchboxes, and other items. Please have your child look on the Lost and Found table, in the cafeteria, for any of their missing items.
Attendance Information:
If your child is unable to attend school due to an illness or doctor's appointment, or any other reason, please email a note to our attendance secretary, Ms. Shannon Ingram at tms.attendance@fcps.org.
For early dismissals:
- Parent/Guardian will come to the office to sign student out
- Please bring your ID
- Allow adequate time to locate student for an early dismissal
- If you allow someone else to sign your student out, please note the name you authorize in your note to the school. They will be required to show ID to pick up student.
Don’t forget, when going to a medical appointment, remember to get a doctor's note from their office. We will update your student's attendance accordingly.
Students Reporting Security Concerns:
"See Something, Say Something" and "Don't repost it. Report it" - Encourage students to report security concerns to a trusted adult (parent, school staff member, school administrator, SRO, or a local law enforcement agency). Students may also anonymously report concerns using the Safe Schools Maryland Tip Line at 833-MD-B-SAFE. In an emergency, call 911. Additional resources can be found on each school's website and the FCPS website.
FCPS Bus Delay Information:
A quick and easy resource to check if your child's bus is delayed is to visit https://apps.fcps.org/transdelay/ This site is updated in real-time to reflect any bus delays.
Volunteering at TMS:
Are you interested in volunteering at TMS? If so, all volunteers must complete the virtual training each year linked here. Please note this must be completed to chaperone field trips. Please reach out to Shannon Ingram with questions/concerns.
Community Liaison: If you are in need of assistance with school supplies, hygiene products, food, or other community resources for housing, please reach out Crystal Mckenzie, our TMS Community Liason at Crystal.McKenzie@fcps.org. We are here to support and assist all of our families!
Online Tutoring Service for Students: The Frederick County Library has an online tutoring platform called Brainfuse HelpNow. This service can be used with a Frederick County Public Library Card Number. HelpNow is a resource designed for K-12 students and beyond. Live tutoring is available in English and Spanish from 2:00-11:00 p.m. to provide homework help for core subjects, including mathematics, science, and English language arts. Practice long division, improve reading comprehension, and learn other key skills. Practice for standardized tests. Students may submit papers to HelpNow’s Writing Lab for expert assistance and feedback, or collaborate with peers in virtual study spaces. More information is available at the FCPL website, https://www.fcpl.org/learn/brainfuse-helpnow.
Career Coach Industry Monthly Topics
2024-25 PTA Officers:
Elizabeth Day-President
Jennifer Clements
Jessica Moore
Michele Conrad
Carolina Lake
Digital Membership: https://fspta-00023696.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
We need YOU to become a member of our PTA! Please be on the lookout for the online membership link for you to join. We are excited to grow our amazing TMS PTA!
Principal - Thurmont Middle School