Final Principal's Pen
June 14, 2024
Dear Julian Curtiss Families,
As I sit down to write this letter, I am overwhelmed with emotions, for it marks the end of a journey that has spanned over nearly three decades. It is with a profound sense of pride and gratitude that I bid farewell to the Julian Curtiss community.
In the twenty-seven years I have served within the Greenwich Public Schools, nineteen of them have been graced by the halls of Julian Curtiss, where I have had the honor of serving as principal for fifteen remarkable years.
As I look back on this journey, memories come rushing back. We faced challenges like the aftermath of 9/11 and the anxieties following Sandy Hook. We weathered mother nature from ice storms to hurricanes like Irene and Sandy, and more recently, the upheaval of Covid. Despite it all, our community's resilience and unity have been a guiding light, helping us through even the toughest moments.
Amidst these challenges, there have been countless moments of joy and success. My fondest memories will always be our amazing classrooms buzzing with learning, the joyful celebrations of our students’ accomplishments, and the deep pride that fills us as we witness our children growing, learning, and embarking on their life journeys. I will miss the sounds of laughter in the hallways, the classrooms and the playground that accompany the joy of learning and the limitless potential within each of our students.
As I prepare to move on to the next chapter of my journey, I do so with a heart full of contentment. For there is no greater joy than knowing that we have made a difference in the lives of others, and that we have contributed, in our own small way, to improving the social fabric around us.
To the parents, staff, and students of Julian Curtiss, I extend my deepest thanks and appreciation. Your unwavering support, dedication, and passion for education have been the driving force behind our collective success. Thank you for the beautiful school bell that was presented to me today. The JC Bell will forever ring in my heart!
Though I bid adieu to this chapter of my life, it is not goodbye, but rather a heartfelt thank you.
Adios! Au revoir!
With Love and Appreciation,
Trish McGuire
From our Beloved Nurse Theresa
It's hard to believe yet another school year is almost over. It's also hard to believe that I am completing what is both my 4th and sadly my last year here with all of you.
I have accepted the position of District Nursing Supervisor for New Canaan Public Schools. This was a hard decision to make as I love our community in every way. Each and every one of you has been a part of my life during my time here and I will miss you all so very much. Thank you for all of the support and love you have shown me. Julian Curtiss truly is a special place, and it's because of all of you! I am so proud and honored to have been a part of this community and to have served as your school nurse. I will never forget the wonderful impact all of you and your children have made on my life.
With much gratitude and love,
Nurse Theresa
- YWCA: Last day is June 14th
- Family First: Last day is June 17th
- YMCA: June 18th - Early pickup at 12:45 pm for Early Release
- B&G Club: June 18th - Early pickup at 12:45 pm for Early Release
Parents will see updated information in their Linkit portal the week of July 8th, including the GPS Benchmark Spring scores in Math and ELA. Parents can drill down into the subscores to get insights in order to understand their children’s score on specific skills.
Looking ahead to the next school year, you can access the supply lists for each grade through the following link:
DIBELS Score Reports
For families with children in grades K-3 and grades 4-5 with reading goals on their IEP, DIBELS End of Year Home-Connect report will be sent home in student folders Tuesday, June 18th. DIBELS is GPS’s universal reading screening assessment tool that measures early literacy skills aligned to the five pillars of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The Home-Connect report reviews the skills your child was assessed on in June and makes suggestions on things you can do at home to support their continued progress as a reader. For more information about DIBELS, please read the parent guide in English or Spanish.
Options for our Students to Continue their Reading Journey into Summer Months
We are THRILLED to offer multiple options for our JC readers to immerse themselves into reading over the summer months:
- Grades PreK - 5: Choosing literature from GPS Library Media Specialist curated list of books
- Grades PreK - 5: Exploring fiction and non-fiction books in our My Summer Book Bag. Our district has been lucky to partner with Scholastic in providing summer reading literature to all Title 1 students, from PK to Grade 8! Scholastic My Summer Book Bags have been distributed to all JC students on Friday, June 14.
- Grades PreK - 5: Engaging in Greenwich Public Library Summer Reading Program
- Grades K - 5: Using Online EPIC Library. We are excited that all GPS K-5 students will have access to a 40,000+ book/audiobook/read-to-me digital library during the summer, with no limitations on time or number of books to read, through a platform called Epic. Epic is a digital reading platform that safely fuels curiosity and reading confidence for kids 12 and under. Students can use Epic on any computer or tablet by entering their grade level class code. These instructions explain your student can get into Epic and how you can check in on their reading progress throughout the summer!
JC EPIC CODES (grade levels based on 2023-2024 School Year)
Grade K: mmb1943
Grade 1: vng2797
Grade 2: nxe4761
Grade 3: swy6719
Grade 4: nci0528
Grade 5: dhv5776 - Grade (incoming) 5: Reading from ten (10) GPS Library Media Specialist curated Battle of the Books literature
- Grade (outgoing) 5: Reading from any of the lists and participating in the Governor's Challenge
This Seamless Summer Learning provides opportunities for students to explore, think and apply what they have learned and continue to learn during the summer. All experiences connect to CT Core Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, Mathematics, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the Media and Digital Literacy Standards (ISTE) & the AASL standards (, expectations for ESOL and FLES (Foreign Language in Elementary School). All experiences can support each learner at their level of readiness, need, strength and passion. The purpose is to promote learner choice.
Seamless Summer Learning K-5 Playlist can be accessed using this link.
Please consider utilizing some time over the summer to prepare your student for the upcoming year. These packets and IXL practice will allow your student to sharpen critical skills for the start of the 24-25 school year.
Students Entering Math 6
Students Entering Math 6A
Students Entering Pre-Algebra 6
Students Entering Algebra
Mark Your Calendar
June 18: Last day of school for students - Early Release Day 12:45 dismissal