Sycolin Creek Chronicle
May Edition
Principal's Corner
Dear Parents and Students,
The month of May promises to be a very busy month at Sycolin Creek Elementary School. It’s hard to believe we are in the last quarter of the school year! First, during the week of May 6th we will celebrate Staff Appreciation Week. This is a great time to send Sycolin Creek staff a note or kind words to show them how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication to our students.
Next, for many of our students in grades 3 through 5, the month of May will be focused on the successful completion of various Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments. Please make every effort to ensure that our students arrive to school well rested and on time each morning. Also, please consult with your child’s teacher about any questions related to the SOL test schedule.
Last, as the school year nears its close and the spring weather brings with it many exciting extracurricular activities, I look forward to your continued support to make the fourth quarter productive for our students. While our staff will be sensitive to the many commitments that students will be taking advantage of during this time of the year, please make sure that your child is completing the assignments that are sent home as they are necessary to reinforce classroom instruction. Further, please consistently check your child’s homework assignments so that he/she is prepared for school each day.
As always, thank you for all that you do in partnership with us to provide a meaningful and high quality educational experience for your child.
Derek Racino
Star Salamander Students for the Month of April in P.E.
PE Star Salamanders for the month of April are:
5th Grade - Emily Pachon Andrade & Henry Roeum
4th Grade - Arianna Guzman & Tanner Drew
3rd Grade - Julia Winchester & Aidan Pradhan
2nd Grade - Lucy Stokes & Jayce Drew
1st Grade - Harper Collins & Keagan Tetrault
Kindergarten - Emily Flynn & Dustin Westlake
PE Star Classes of the month of April are Ms. Bowman's 4th Grade Class and Mrs. Hose's Kindergarten Class.
Music Notes
In April, students have been focusing on Music Literacy skills with our student teacher, Ms. Ticer. Ms. Ticer is a student at Shenandoah University. She has been doing a wonderful job getting to know our students and using her skills to share the love of music at Sycolin Creek. Kindergarten has been focused on using their singing voices and recognizing high and low sounds when they sing. First grade has been singing and writing melodies with so, mi and la. Second graders have been singing and writing melodies with so, mi, la, re and do. Third graders have been identifying pitches on the treble clef staff and practicing patterns on the xylophone. Fourth grade has been practicing recorder. Fifth grade has been practicing recorders and writing a special composition for their DARE graduation.
In May, Kindergarten students will be playing instruments and singing patriotic songs. First graders will be studying Peter and the Wolf and singing patriotic songs. Second grade students will be singing folk songs and playing instruments. Third grade students have been learning the names of the notes on the treble clef staff and now they will begin writing their own composition. Fourth and fifth grade students are going to begin using ukuleles in class this month. Fifth grade will also be preparing for DARE graduation and their Final Farewell.
All-County Singers, Emy Boyer, Brooklyn Edwards and Ellie Crisp, Alexis Siritakool, Juliet Latta, Olivia Segalini, Wania Hammad, Charlotte Smith and Grace Goodwin, have been working hard. They have learned many songs in a short period of time. On May 4th, Emy Boyer, Brooklyn Edwards and Ellie Crisp will be performing in the Loudoun County Elementary All-County Chorus concert.
Our Rock Star Music Classes for April are:
Kindergarten – Ms. Hutchings
1st Grade – Mrs. Diehl
2nd Grade – Mrs. Reynolds
3rd Grade – Mrs. Snead
4th Grade – Ms. Bowman
5th Grade – Mrs. Wong
Art News
April has been filled with clay! Many of your students have started to bring home projects. They have worked very hard on them and I know they are proud of their work. In May, fifth graders will start to create baskets using real reeds that have been soaked to improve flexibility. This is the first time they will be weaving in three dimensions.
Art Stars for April
Kindergarten: Ms. Whittaker
First : Mrs. Diehl
Second: Ms. Kulak
Third: Mrs. Duis
Fourth: Mrs. Forrester
Fifth: Mrs. Nacin
Have a great May!
Dr. Bennett
SEARCH for May
During the month of May, Kindergarten students will use dominoes to create "domino trains" with a given number of pips (dots). They will also explore Keva planks as they replicate a visual structure. First grade students will use their Perceiving Key as they use pentominoes to fit the pieces into a given outline. Second grade students will use their Reasoning Key as they complete Magic Square puzzles. Students will also use pattern blocks in another lesson to fit them into a given outline. Third grade students have completed portfolio lessons and will enjoy a lesson in which they read clues to place cubes in a certain order. Gifted eligibility notifications will be sent to families in late-May.
Sprouts' Ordering Information (School Supplies)
The Sprouts' online ordering opportunity is now open and will close on July 9, 2024. To order online, please visit www.sproutsupplies.com and use code SCES002, or by clicking HERE for the detailed flyer. Of course, if you would like to shop for your own supplies, the requested materials for next year can be found HERE.
Updated Respiratory Illness Guidance
In accordance with updated respiratory virus guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, LCPS has updated its guidance specifically relating to COVID-19 but also applying to the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Per this updated guidance, students or staff who have symptoms of, test positive for or have been diagnosed with a respiratory virus may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication AND their symptoms have improved or resolved. The COVID-19 isolation period of five days is no longer required.
Please refer to the chart on this attendance webpage if your child is experiencing symptoms or illnesses and you are unsure if they should go to school.
Thank you for helping to keep our students and staff healthy.
Additional Resources:
Newsletter Graphic: Resp Virus Guidelines graphic.png
Flyer (for printing and posting): Resp Virus Guidelines 040424.pdf
WordMasters' Results
The winners of the third WordMasters' test, are as follows:
Third Grade
1st Place Gus Maslowski
2nd Place Aidan Pradhan
3rd Place (Tie) Brooklynn Chettiar and Katelyn Seffens
Fourth Grade
1st Place Chaitra Tiparthy
2nd Place Maddie Thoma
3rd Place Noah Hanley
Fifth Grade
1st Place Allen Chang
2nd Place Emilia Boyer
3rd Place Vibhav Pinisetti
Congratulations to all of our participants for doing a great job!
Health Clinic Reminder
Please make sure to pickup all medication from the clinic prior to the conclusion of the last day of school. Virginia State Law requires that schools destroy any leftover medication after the students leave for the year. The new order forms/action plan for the 2024-25 school year can be accessed through LCPS website.
Our students will be taking many tests over the next several weeks. Here are some tried-and-true tips to help get your child ready for these tests.
1. Have a Positive Attitude - Approach the big test as you'd approach a giant jigsaw puzzle. It might be tough, but you can do it! A positive attitude goes a long way toward success.
2. Get your Sleep! - Make sure you get a good night's sleep before a test. Really! This can make a big difference!
3. Eat a Good Breakfast - Make sure you eat properly the day of a test.
4. Have the Tools You Need - Take your pencils, erasers, water bottle, fully charged Chromebook….whatever your teacher has told you to have. In fact, why not take a couple of extras? Be prepared!
5. Be On Time - Test days are days when you especially want to be on time for school. Even get there a little early if you can. There’s nothing that can get you flustered more than running late.
6. Listen and Read - Remember to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully.
7. Don’t Get Stuck - If you get stuck on a question, just make your best guess and move on. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Do your best!
8. Use the Process of Elimination - The process of elimination can help you choose the correct answer in a multiple-choice question. Start by mentally crossing off the answers that couldn't be right and then decide which of the remaining choices is probably right.
Invitation to Children's Business Fair at Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School
Rosa Lee Carter (RLC) Elementary School PTO is excited to extend a warm invitation to you and your community to join us for our 2nd Annual Children's Business Fair hosted at Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School in Ashburn, VA.
Date: THIS Sunday, April 28th, 2024
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School, 43330 Loudoun Reserve Dr. Ashburn, VA - 20148
Following the tremendous success of last year's event, which saw an incredible showcase of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit, we are eagerly anticipating an even more remarkable fair this year.
RLC Children's Business Fair is an incredible opportunity for young entrepreneurs to showcase their creativity, innovation, and business acumen. It's a platform where RLC students will exhibit their talents and share their unique products and services with the world.
Building on the super success of last year's event, we have been working diligently to ensure that this year's fair surpasses all expectations. With a diverse range of products and services on display - from handcrafted items to groundbreaking inventions - attendees can expect an unparalleled celebration of youthful entrepreneurship.
We believe that fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in our youth is vital for their future success. By attending, students from your school and community will be inspired by the creativity and innovation displayed by their peers, igniting their own entrepreneurial ambitions and fostering a sense of pride in their abilities.
We cordially invite you and your community to join us for this exciting event. Your presence will not only support and encourage our young entrepreneurs but also contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of the fair.
We look forward to welcoming you and your community to the RLC Children's Business Fair at Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School!
Lost and Found Area
Attention Salamander Families -- the Lost & Found here at school is overflowing with coats, jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. If your child is missing an item, and you believe it may have been lost at school, please stop by between 7:30 a.m.-3:40 p.m. to take a look. The Lost & Found is located in the hallway outside of the Gym. All unclaimed items leftover at the end of the year will be donated to charity, so please come sooner than later. Thank you!
Attendance Reminders
Sycolin Creek Elementary School
Email: derek.racino@lcps.org
Website: lcps.org/sycolincreek
Location: 21100 Evergreen Mills Road, Leesburg, VA, USA
Phone: (571) 252-2910
Twitter: @Sycolin_Creek