From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
April 25, 2017
How One School Turns Elementary Students Into Global Citizens
What Happens When Schools No Longer Give Grades?
Students in a Connecticut school district no longer earn traditional grades. Instead, report cards reflect students' mastery of specific skills under a mastery-based learning program, which data show has helped boost students' standardized test scores. Read the full story from the Hechinger Report.
Five Fallacies that are NOT Differentiated Learning
Differentiated instruction begins with an accurate understanding of what DI is -- and is not. Teachers may be surprised how easy it is to incorporate into their classrooms. And no, DI is not a separate lesson plan for each student. Read now.
TECH TALK - Smithsonian Learning Lab
The Smithsonian Learning Lab brings the beauty, scholarship, and depth of over 1 million museum artifacts into your classroom. Its main features are searching and curating the resources for classroom use. Users can search for resources including images, videos, texts, audio recordings, and learning activities. Searches can be refined to include specific types of resources and museum locations. Once useful artifacts are identified, users can add these to their own collections and annotate the items. The website is free and appropriate for students in grades 4-12.
Leadership is Delicious Ambiguity
CSI - Darren Hudgins
Wednesday, April 26, 1:30 PM (EDT)
How Can Digital Badges and Portfolios Show Proficiency?
Richer Picture - Dr. David Niguidula
Wednesday, April 26, 4:00 PM (EDT)
Early Number Concepts: Turning Misconceptions into Meaning
edWeb - Jessica Bobo
Wednesday, April 26, 4:00 PM (EDT)
Cutting Through the Confusion of Individualized Learning
edWeb - Gene Kerns
Thursday, April 27, 3:00 PM (EDT)
Structuring the Learning Environment to Promote Positive Behaviors
edWeb - Dr. Paul G. Young
Thursday, April 27, 2:00 PM (EDT)
Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today
edWeb - Richard Gerver and Cheri Sterman
Monday, May 1, 4:00 PM (EDT)
How Schools Improve My Engaging Families
Education Week - Karen Mapp
Tuesday, May 2, 2:00 PM (EDT)
Best Ways to Use Google Apps in Your Classroom (online conference with 6 webinars)
Simplek12 - FOR TEACHERS by TEACHERS: Matt Bergman, Deb Norton, Monica Burns, Meredith Martin, Naomi Harm and Nikki Robertson
Saturday, May 6, 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM (EDT)
FOR TEACHERS: To Boost Higher Order Thinking: Try Curation
FOR PARENTS: 10 Life Lessons I Learned From My Toddler
Family life can be busy and at times hectic.Practicing these 10 life lessons add to the joy of parenting while providing a great model for children who learn far more from what they observe than from what they are told.
FOR TEACHERS: 20 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day
The ultimate goal of teaching is understanding. But sometimes it’s easier for teachers to talk than to teach, especially when there is a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time. Teachers then assume students understand without checking for understanding. This article lists 20 simple assessment strategies and tips to help teachers check students’ understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly.
FOR SCHOOL LEADERS: Six Ways to Foster Leadership in Your Team
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 708-293-4984
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka