FBMS Weekly Newsletter
December 9, 2024 #inspiringhope
December 13th is midterm, and progress reports will follow. Please see the dates below for Holiday Break and early dismissal.
December 11th--Early Release--12:10PM.
December 20th---dismissal at 11:15AM. <----TIME UPDATED
This past week we had guest speaker Mr. Tanner Clark present to our students courtesy of the PTO. Mr. Clark is a top teen motivational speaker who helps youths find their one second of strength to reach their potential, find happiness, and embrace their self-worth. The presentation was well-received. Thank you to our PTO for funding this event! Check out more about Mr. Clark here.
Grade 8 Art
Student in Mr. Kile's grade 8 classroom worked on their relief prints. Some incredible colors!
Good times with "Winnie," our service dog.
Grade 7 Physical Education
Students in grade 7 acquainted themselves with snowshoes, which they will use once we receive our first snowfall! The snowshoes were granted to our Physical Education program through a Marshfield Education Foundation grant. Thank you for supporting the MEF! The money raised directly supports our students!
Marshfield Food Drive
We are currently collecting nonperishable food items for our Food Drive. Please consider having your child pick out one item at the grocery store or one item from your pantry to send in. Collection boxes are in the foyer and front lobby. Recognizing that we can all do one small thing to help a larger cause helps to build empathy. Here are some item ideas:
-canned soup
-canned vegetables or fruit
-canned tuna or beans
-boxed pasta
-boxed rice
-peanut butter
Missing a sweatshirt?
Missing a sweatshirt or water bottle? Your child should check our Lost and Found in the auditorium lobby. Students walk through this lobby going to lunch and their elective classes. Check it out!
Christmas Gift?
Although the school year has just begun, it’s already time to think about yearbooks! Order your copy now to take advantage of the lowest price available. Yearbooks are a fantastic way to capture the unforgettable moments, laughter, and friendships that define your time at FBMS. Don’t miss out—secure your yearbook today and create a lasting keepsake of this school year! Click here to place your order. Yearbooks are distributed in June.
We have the following upcoming screenings:
SBIRT Screening for FBMS 7th Graders will take place in the late winter/early spring of 2025.
What is SBIRT?
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is used in schools as a process to screen for substance use and have a brief conversation. This health screening is required by Massachusetts law. School SBIRT teams can consist of school nurses, guidance counselors, health and wellness staff, youth wellness coaches, or other trained staff.
All students in 7th Grade will take part in this process. The screening and conversation takes about 5-10 minutes per student. After screening, trained school SBIRT teams will have one-on-one conversations with students about how to support their overall health, safety, and success in school. If the student needs more assessment or support, school SBIRT teams may work with the student and/or their caregiver to meet their needs.
Parents should contact the school nurse to opt out of the process: mcarroll@mpsd.org, kmellen@mpsd.org, mowren@mpsd.org Please email all RNs if opting out of SBIRT.
Postural Screenings for 6th and 8th graders will take place in December 2024.
Parents should contact the school nurse to opt out of Postural (scoliosis) screening: Please email all RNs if opting out of screening: mcarroll@mpsd.org, kmellen@mpsd.org, mowren@mpsd.org
Annual Physicals:
Students in Grade 7 are required to submit an updated physical with proof of immunizations for their health record at the beginning of the school year. Please send in via scan/email or Fax
All meds must be hand delivered by the parent and be given directly to the Nurse. Medications are not permitted to be sent in with students- this is unsafe as medication could get lost or contaminated. Guidelines PRIOR to bringing in medication, please have:
A current Physician’s order,
Parent Consent Form Filled out
The medication in its original container with a pharmacy label if applicable.
Absences / Injuries:
Please provide up to date information and indicate that students are receiving adequate care at and home and by their pediatrician, and clearance for participation in gym class. Please report any changes in health status e.g. health conditions, new medication, illnesses, and injuries.
Guidelines as to when to keep your child home. See attached link:
Guidelines on when to stay home
Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions. Be well.
FBMS Nurses: Maura Carroll, RN , Karen Mellen, RN , Megan Owren, RN
Clinic Contact Information: Phone: (781)-319-3965 / Fax: (781)-319-1780
We look forward to assisting families and students in achieving optimal health and wellness during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions.
Maura Carroll, RN, BSN mcarroll@mpsd.org
Karen Mellen, RN, BSN kmellen@mpsd.org
Megan Owren RN, BSN mowren@mpsd.org
Later than normal transportation, or "late buses," run almost every day. FBMS provides two late buses: a North Marshfield bus and a South Marshfield bus. If your child is staying after school for a club or activity, your child can take a late bus home at approximately 4:05PM. Events that run later than 4PM will require a ride home.
Students can determine what bus to ride (North or South) by checking the list of bus stops located in the front lobby. Additionally, students must have a bus pass to ride the bus. Buses pick up and leave an hour and a half (4PM) after dismissal so it gives students time to participate in after school activities or obtain extra help. We will be on hand to help students navigate this optional transportation.
Click here if you are interested in making a donation to the Marshfield Education Foundation. We are grateful that every year they fund grants written by FBMS teachers. Thank you for your continued support!
Live Links for the event above are below...
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior
Additional community events can be found on the district's home page. Click HERE.
Contact Us!
If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you!
Patricia Casey: pcasey@mpsd.org
Assistant Principals
Lisa Lynch: llynch@mpsd.org
Scott Madden: smadden@mpsd.org
Jeannine Smith: jsmith@mpsd.org
Guidance Counselors
Lou Johnson 6th: ljohnson@mpsd.org
Julie Swan 7th: jswan@mpsd.org
Lori Damphousse 8th: ldamphousse@mpsd.org
Special Education:
Melissa Morrison: mmorrison@mpsd.org
School Adjustment Counselors:
Greg Sorensen: gsorensen@mpsd.org
Taylor Reagan: treagan@mpsd.org
Front Office Administrative Assistants:
Susan Martina: smartina@mpsd.org
Melanie Drew: mdrew@mpsd.org
For a full staff listing, click here.
For other school and district contacts, please click on the district's web page here.