Rosedale Community Newsletter
Welcome back! Welcome fall.
Rosedale Mission Statement
Our mission is: At Rosedale, we are student centered. Because of this we believe in being welcoming, we stand for being inclusive, and we are collaborative in an effort to serve our community. This is demonstrated in our decision making and interaction with families, students, and staff. We, in collaboration, with our district want to know, value, and empower every student to achieve their dreams.
🦁Welcome Back, Lions! 🦁
We are so excited that your family is part of our community.
Currently we have a little over 300 students!
Our focus this September has been community in classrooms and as a school.
We are also jumping right into stretching our brains with academic work. Reading and writing are areas of focus this year.
Attendance is another focus this year. WE LOVE TO HAVE YOUR STUDENT HERE! Remember our HSD motto is 9 or less absences is best. Students who attend regularly create strong social connections and increase their academic skills.
Thanks for sharing your student with us. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help your child. We are a team.
Looking forward to an awesome October.
Growth and Greatness Honorees
Every month, we honor 5th and 6th graders for growth they have made and the greatness we see in them! These students are invited to a doughnut party and hear what their teachers shared about them.
Congrats to Afzal, Khloe, Myles, Vienna, Emmett, Caitlyn, Noel, Sienna, and Cosette.
Can't wait to see who is celebrated next month!
Parent Group Opportunities
You are an important part of our community. We have two different parent groups at Rosedale. We welcome you to join either or both groups. The parent group meets in person on the second Tuesday of the month at 6. The diverse family group meets in person on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30. There are snacks and childcare at both meeting. If the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday are non school days, the date for meetings may be adjusted.
Our parent group (often called a PTA or PTO) helps raise funds, plan events for students and families, and create community. They offer many volunteering opportunities. Our first meeting will be on October 8th at 6:00 in the library.
One of our staff's mission statement values is inclusivity. At many schools in our district, there is a PTO/PTA and also a PAC. A PAC is a parent advisory committee that brings together diverse family members to build a strong family connection within our community. This creates belonging and supports educators in being culturally responsive. It is a group that advises our community on how best to serve all our students. They may recommend and help plan more culturally representative events to add to the great things our parent group is already doing. Rosedale has a very diverse population and we want to hear from all members. Our first meeting will be on October 24th at 6:30 PM in the library.
Looking forward to coming together.
We love having our families volunteer at our school, in classrooms, and on field trips. Please click here to start the volunteer process. This does need to be renewed every two years. You can call the front office to see if you are approved when you have completed the process or if you are checking to see if your approval is still current.
At Rosedale, we appreciate and celebrate every student. We recognize that each family in our community has different beliefs, celebrations, and traditions. Sometimes we celebrate the same things and sometimes we celebrate different things and sometimes we choose not to celebrate. For those who do celebrate, we recognize and honor them with our words. In an effort to honor all beliefs, we are asking that you do not send birthday treats (edible or non edible) to school.
I have included the link to our district's guidelines.
Holidays are a part of many cultures and can be explored, learned about, and engaged with. It is important to bring a balance to holiday learning so we are not just talking about mainstream holidays but allowing everyone to share their celebrations.
Safety is a priority.
During the week of October 7th, there will be a fire drill. We cannot share the exact date and time of the drill. The purpose of a fire drill is to practice the response to a fire inside our school. Staff will prepare students for the drill and support individual students as needed. We expect students to follow their teacher’s instructions and walk quietly out of the school to the assembly area. The drill will end with an “All Clear” announcement. Staff will bring students back into the school at the end of the drill.
During the week of October 14th, we will have an earthquake drill. This is a drill where we drop and cover (usually under desks or in door frames). Teachers will lead students through the drill and will let students know this is practice.
Learn more about safety drills and the Standard Response Protocol on our district website. If you have questions, please contact me at Erika Pierce, 503-844-1200.
Please share your opinion!
I'd follow Rosedale on social media if they had an account,
I prefer
Dates to Know
8th 6 pm Parent Group Meeting (snacks and childcare provided)
8th 6:30 pm Hillsboro High Feeder Spanish Lit Night at Brookwood
11th No School
16th Chick-Fil-A Parent Group Fundraiser (more info to come)
24th 6:30 pm Diverse Family Group (snacks and childcare provided)
25th SPIRIT DAY Wear ORANGE 🍊🟧🔶🟠🧡📙🥕
28th 2:00pm All School Rally (families welcome - please check in at the office and meet us in the gym)
1st No School
11th No School - Veteran's Day
12th Picture Retake Day mydorian.com
12th 6 pm Parent Group Meeting (snacks and childcare provided)
21st 6:30 pm Diverse Family Group (snacks and childcare provided)
22nd SPIRIT DAY Wear YELLOW ⭐💛🟡🌕⭐💛
25th - 29th No School - Conferences and Thanksgiving Break
25th - 26th Parent Teacher Conferences (more info for signing up near the end of October)