RFS Family Newsletter
February 3, 2025
Important Dates
2/5 EARLY RELEASE 12:15pm
2/11 PFA General Meeting 5 pm
2/13 Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm
2/18 Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm
2/24-2/28 No School-February Break
3/11 Teacher’s Workshop No School
3/18 PFA General Meeting 5 pm
Parent-Teacher Conferences-February 13 and 18 from 4-7:00 pm
Parent Conferences are coming up on February 13th and February 18th. Teachers will be sending information to schedule a conferenceo time. Your child's teacher has important information and data to share with you during conferences.
Unified Arts Parent Conference sign-up link (Art, Library, Music, P.E., Technology):
February 13th - UA sign-up link
February 18th - UA sign-up link
We look forward to seeing you at conferences!
REEDS FERRY SCHOOL is excited to welcome the HIP HOPPIN' HAWKS Jump Rope Demo team from Londonderry South Elementary School to perform for our students this Thursday morning. This inspirational group of jumpers will help us kick off our Kids Heart Challenge heart education event.
Teachers, Students & Families – Consider completing Finn’s Mission to help our school be entered to WIN $10,000! Finn was born with multiple serious, heart defects, and spent the first eight months of his life in the hospital. Finn has undergone 18 procedures, including two open heart surgeries. Finn is helping the American Heart Association to create a community of lifesavers!
By completing Finn’s Mission, students, staff, and families learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR, creating a legacy of lifesavers.
Teachers, staff, and families who complete Finn’s Mission also earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl in 2026 and your Finn’s Mission completion counts toward our Finn’s Mission total. If we reach 18, Reeds Ferry will be entered into a $10,000 Gym Makeover giveaway!
Here’s how to register and complete Finn’s Mission:
- Register at www.heart.org/schools or download the “AHA Schools” app and find your school.
- Under your school’s name, click on “Sign Up”, choose “District/School Employee” and follow the prompts.
- Once you are registered, complete the steps in Finn’s Mission on your home page.
Kindergarten News!
Kindergarten has begun Module 2 of Wit and Wisdom and are exploring stories and informational text about farms and farm animals. The Kindergarteners in Room 3 had the opportunity to explore STEM kits about fairy tales with farm animals and retell some stories. Room 3 also had a book tasting to read and discuss the different books that will be introduced during this module. Lots of fun partner reading and sharing!
Unified Arts Schedule
PFA News!
Elementary School Healthy Habits
RFS Lunch
Parents may add funds to their students' My School Bucks account. More information regarding My School Bucks can be found on the District's website: https://www.sau26.org/Page/6187. Information can also be found in the beginning of the year paperwork that will be sent home.
Use the live links below to access information and applications for the free/reduced lunch program
Today's Lunch will be ...
MSD policy for Volunteers
All volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings.