Mini Miners Preschool Post
May 9, 2023
Wishing you a lovely weekend full of love, joy and fun!
Thank you! You made Teacher Appreciation Week Special! 🥰
Upcoming Events 🎈✨
- Kindergarten bound students eating lunch in the Miner Diner
Thursday, May 16
- Comfy Cozy Day / Pajama Day
Tuesday, May 21
- Fun Day, Field Day!
- Please talk to your child's teacher for details
Last Day all students
- 3:00 - Preschool Graduation and Dance Recital: ALL children moving to kindergarten
10 Amazing KIDS ACTIVITY to keep them busy- PART 2 | 2+ Years KIDS ACTIVITIES
Parenting Tips - The Foundation of School Success
InBrief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning
Cool Summer Fun Ideas
Easy Creative Crafts and Fun Activities | Stunning Colorful Craft Ideas That'll Inspire You
Heather Hall
Heather is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters