5/6-5/10 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/8 School Nurses Day
5/8 Elite Dance here for Specials
5/10 AR Prize Giveaway and Read with a Teacher
5/13 I Like Me books read to K
5/14 Title Pre-K to Knead the Dough
5/15 Annual Title 1 Meeting
5/15 Alyssa from MCPL here for Specials
5/15 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Martinsville City Park
5/17 1st Grade Field Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo
5/17 Developmental Pre-K Field Trip
5/17 Recorder Black Belt Celebration
5/20 Chromebook Turn-in
5/20 4th Grade Honor Program
5/23 Superstars Day & Last Student Day
5/23 Report Cards will Post
- Our last student day is May 23rd. Smith Superstars Day dedicated to games inside and outside.
- This is not open to spectators. If you would like to volunteer contact Amanda Thomas at amanda.thomas@msdmartinsville.org.
As a reminder, all volunteers must have successfully completed a background check this school year, and these need to be done well in advance.
Students will be served sack lunches on this day.
Students should wear athletic shoes, dress for play and wear sunscreen.
If you know of a family who will be new to Smith Fine Arts Academy or a Kindergarten student starting school, please remind them to get registered. If they have any questions, call our office at 765-342-8488.
Enrollment 2024-2025
It is that time of year again! As we start planning for next year, current families should update information in Skyward. If you are already enrolled, you do not need to fill out additional enrollment forms. For our 4th grade families, your student's information will transfer to Bell Intermediate Academy.
If your child need to be enrolled for 2024-2025, visit the MSD of Martinsville website https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/enrollment.
The Aladdin Performance was Spectacular!
We hope you had a chance to catch Aladdin! It was a splendid performance with beautiful sets and incredibly talented young people! Thank you for your support!
Scholarships available for Camp Invention!
Register at INVENT.ORG/CAMP or 800-968-4332
Grades: 1st - 6th
Location: Brooklyn STEM Academy
251 N Church Street, Brooklyn, IN 46111
Date: June 3 - 7, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Scholarship Link If interested, please fill this out right away! They have a limited number left. Camp Director: Sharon Goodin (sharon.goodin@msdmartinsville.org)
Congratulations to these Smith Bruin Mathletes! They placed 2nd in the Math Bowl Competition.
Starting April 18th, we will welcome summer with the following fun dress up days and activities!
Resource and Title Instructional Staff
Kindergarten Instructional Assistants
Family Food Pantry
Our Family School Pantry is held from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. as a drive-through at the back of John R. Wooden Middle School. MSD of Martinsville's 2023-24 school year pantry dates are on Thursdays. The next food drive thru is 5/9.
STOPit Reporting System
Please click HERE for important information from the MSD of Martinsville Police Department regarding STOPit, a new anonymous reporting system. If you have any questions, please contact the MSD of Martinsville Police Department at 765-342-6641.
School Delays and Cancellations
Inclement Weather
As we begin a busy season of school and holiday activities, I would like to make you aware of our procedures and communication plan concerning the possibility of inclement weather:
● Weather decisions are made by our team who monitor conditions closely.
● When determining a delay, early dismissal or cancellation of school, countywide weather conditions are reviewed. In addition, we utilize the National Weather Service website @ www.nws.noaa.gov/om/cold/wind_chill.shtml
Before school, a decision will be made by 5:30 AM and communicated to you and your family in the following ways:
1. Staff/ parents will be notified through an all-call using School Messenger. (Telephone numbers are generated from our Skyward database. At your convenience, please check Skyward to ensure your telephone number is up-to-date for this academic year.)
2. Communication will be added to the district's website and social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MSD of Martinsville
3. Communication will be sent to the following radio and TV stations: WCBK, WISH 8, WRTV-6, WTHR-13, Fox-59.
4. This information can also be found on our website, https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/safety/.
When school is on a two-hour delay, students may enter the building at 10:25. The tardy bell will ring at 10:40. The end of the day dismissal times will remain the same.
Lunch schedule on two-hour delay days:
11:00-11:30 KDG Lunch
11:10-11:40 3rd Grade Lunch
11:40-12:10 4th Grade Lunch
11:50-12:20 1st Grade Lunch
12:20-12:50 2nd Grade Lunch
There will be NO breakfast on two-hour delay days.
Early Dismissal
As weather conditions in our area can change quickly, an early dismissal may be necessary. We will make a decision concerning dismissal as early as possible then call parents through School Messenger and communicate information to our website, social media and local media.
Families are encouraged to develop a weather plan. For example, if parents or guardians work, where should your child go if there is an early dismissal or a two-hour delay?
Federal funding has been made available through school-wide Title I services for the purpose of providing students with extra support in reading and language arts. This extra support is available for all students at Smith Fine Arts Academy. Classroom teachers, Title I teachers, and instructional assistants will provide assistance in reading, language arts, and math through small-group and individual instruction, as children demonstrate need for support. Please contact Lynn Zook at 765-342-8488 ext.1521 with any questions about support your child may receive.
*If the following information is needed in another language, please contact the classroom teacher or the school for assistance
Smith Fine Arts Academy promotes positive character building by highlighting Character Lifelines each month. April’s Character Lifeline was Patience. During the month of April, the following students have been learning about being patient with themselves and others: Carter Hammack, Amelia Kivett, Forrest Smyth, Cooper Leitz, Ashlyn Worley, Caden Cooper, Huxley Savage, Lou Dickerson, Grayson Anderson, Lauren Lynch, Lane Fleener, Arianna Hale-Swafford, Jaylen Rike, Lincoln Metzger, Annabelle Wagoner, Ryleigh Clendenen, Eleanor Barrett, Ryleigh Fowler, Braedon Wolfe-Sanchez, Ryder Chirpas, Jaekob Hatton.
Congratulations students! Keep up the good work! 🤩
If your child wishes to celebrate their birthday at school, please make arrangements with the teacher prior to the celebration. If you choose to send treats to school, please choose treats that are commercially prepared. We ask parents to send only edible treats, not drinks. Students have access to water. Convenient individual portions should be sent since teachers do not have knives or plates to serve treats. Homemade treats are not permitted.
All visitors to MSD of Martinsville Schools during the school year will be required to have a Limited Criminal History Check. Completed background checks are confidential and will be kept in the school office. A valid driver’s license or state-issued ID will be required for the background check. Please complete the Background Check Form, available in the office, and present your ID to the office at least a week prior to visiting or volunteering. In order to keep our students safe, individuals who do not have a valid driver’s license or state-issued ID will not be allowed access to our building or our students. Please note: If you have a misdemeanor conviction within the last 5 years or a felony conviction within the last 10 years, you will not be allowed to visit/chaperone during school hours. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we keep student safety a priority!
The building opens at 8:25 a.m. Students should not arrive before that time since there is no supervision. Please monitor the time your child leaves for school to make certain he or she does not arrive before 8:25 a.m. We ask that you call the school office (342-8488) by 9:30 a.m. if your child is going to be absent or tardy. If we have not heard from you, you will receive a phone call informing you that your child is not in attendance. A note is necessary the day your child returns if you do not call the school.
· Please share our dismissal procedures with any friends and/or family members who will be responsible for picking up your student.
· To change your student’s dismissal procedure, please call the office at 765-342-8488 ext 3 before 3:00 p.m. We may not be able to accommodate dismissal changes after 3:00 p.m. Please do not leave a message when making a dismissal change.
· If your child is a car rider, please stop by the office to pick up a green sign to place in your car during dismissal.
· Car riders, bus riders, and daycare students will begin dismissing at 3:30 pm. Walkers will be released at approximately 3:45 p.m., after all buses and car riders have departed.
· Students who are being picked up early must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or emergency contact.
Text "Y" to receive messages!
W.E.L.L. Wednesday Schedule
Student Fee Information
Free & Reduced Application
Click this link to apply! Applying has benefits for the school and your family. If you have questions, check out the video.
Menus are available at the beginning of each month and can be found at: artiescafe.org .
Lunch payments may be made, and meal/textbook assistance forms may be completed, online at artiescafe.org.
Student Lunch: $2.75
11:00-11:30 (WEDNESDAY)
1st Grade
11:50-12:20 (WEDNESDAY)
2nd Grade
12:35-1:05 (WEDNESDAY)
3rd Grade
11:10-11:40 (WEDNESDAY)
4th Grade
11:40-12:10 (WEDNESDAY)
The goal of the clinic is to keep everyone safe and healthy.
The school nurse encourages everyone to get their flu shot. Contact your doctor or go to your local pharmacy to get a flu shot. We also would like to remind you that if your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, they will not be permitted to stay at school.
Students must be fever FREE for 24 hours without medication to return to school. They must also be vomiting and diarrhea FREE for 24 hours to come to school.
Please talk to your children about hand washing and personal hygiene.
If your child borrows clothes from the clinic, PLEASE wash the clothes and return them to school. Clinic clothing will be offered ONCE and if not returned, parents will have to bring clothing to the school.
The clinic welcomes clothing donations. New or gently used tennis shoes, leggings and sweats are items that are needed most.