Middleton Update
August 19, 2024
Dear Middleton Families,
It's hard to believe the start of the school year is just around the corner. I hope you all had time to enjoy family, friends, and fun this summer (and some Summer Olympics as well!) I enjoyed eight full days with my family in DC and NY. We saw two Broadway plays, two MLB games, fireworks over the Hudson River on the 4th of July, and so many museums and memorials. The Edinger kids all hit milestone birthdays this summer as well: 21, 18, and 16, so we celebrated all summer long.
Thank you all for warmly welcoming me back to Middleton. While it will be my first year as the principal at Middleton, I am not new to Middleton or to Sherwood. Last year I was an assistant principal at an elementary school in Wilsonville, but for five years prior to that, I was the Instructional Coach at Middleton. And from 2000-2018 I taught fifth grade at Archer Glen. My family and I have lived in Sherwood since 2015, but Sherwood has felt like home since I began teaching here 24 years ago and was warmly welcome into this incredible community by the 33 families in my very first classroom at AG. I am excited to be back in Sherwood!
Below you will find all of the information you need to get this school year started. Additionally, be on the lookout for an email (or emails) coming your way on Friday, August 23rd between 3:00 and 3:30. At this time, teachers will email class placement information.
Looking forward to a great year!
Natasha Edinger
Meet & Greet: August 27th 4:00-6:00
All 1st-5th grade students and families are invited to join us on Tuesday, August 27th from 4-6 pm for our annual Meet & Greet Night (formerly Supply Night). At this time, families can visit their children's teachers and drop off school supplies. (If you ordered supply kits these will be delivered to your child's classrooms and ready for you to unpack.) This event is an open house style; stop by any time betwen 4:00 and 6:00. If your family needs help with supplies, please contact our SHARE Center.
Middleton Supply List for 24-25 School Year / Lista de Utiles Escolares - Espanol
Welcome to Kindergarten
Check out this SSD Kindergarten Newsletter for all things Kindergarten!
School Schedule
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 28th. Our school day begins at 7:55 AM. The front doors open at 7:30 AM. Students who arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 will wait in the gym or cafeteria until 7:45 when students are released to walk to their classrooms. Students eating breakfast at school may arrive as early as 7:30 AM. School ends at 2:15 PM. On Wednesdays, school is out at 1:15 PM (with the exception of the first day of school, dismissal will be the normal time of 2:15 PM)
Crosswalk Change
NEW THIS YEAR: We will no longer have a crossing guard at the Crooked River crosswalk. Please have your students walk up the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street and cross over Old Hwy 99 in the front of the school where crossing guards will be stationed. After school, students will cross in front of the school as well and travel down toward Crooked River on the opposite side of the street.
Arrival & Dismissal
Other than the close of the Crooked River Crosswalk, our arrival and dismissal procedures will be the same as the past few years. To allow parents to enter the building without background checks creates a breach in our security measures. As such, parents will be allowed to drop off their students at the main entrance doors in the morning and all teachers will walk students out of the building at the end of the day. This allows us to closely monitor who is in our buildings at all times.
As a reminder, dogs are not allowed on our school campus. While we understand this is a great time to walk your dog, the safety of our students is our top priority.
More detailed procedures are outlined below if you are new to Middleton.
Arrival Procedures
If you are new to Middleton, here is some helpful information about dropping off your child.
- Car Drop Off: Please utilize the front parking lot to drop off your child. Pull forward along the designated curb, stay in your car and continue to pull forward. Students should exit on the sidewalk side of the car.
- Other than bus riders, students will enter through the front doors, which are unlocked at 7:30. Students arriving between 7:30 and 7:45 will wait in the cafeteria with supervision.
- Give hugs and say goodbyes outside the building. If your child needs help entering the building, a member of our incredible staff will be available to help transition your child into the building.
- Bus: When busses arrive at school, an adult will meet the bus, walk students to the cafeteria, and supervise them until 7:45 when they are dismisses to go to class.
- Late Arrival: Students will enter through the main entrance doors and check in at the office. A staff member will help your child to class if needed.
Dismissal Procedures
- School is dismissed at 2:15, or 1:15 on Wednesdays. Kindergarten students generally head out a few minutes earlier than this.
- Walkers: Students meeting an adult to walk home will meet near the trees behind the readerboard.
- Bus Riders: Staff members will walk students to the bus.
- Car Riders: Staff members will stay with students out front and watch for parents to arrive. Please pull forward as space allows. Students will load cars on the passenger side only.
- If you need to get out of your car for any reason, please park so traffic can keep moving.
- If your child is walking home alone or picking up a younger sibling, please let your child's teacher know. Older siblings will walk to their younger siblings pick-up location to meet them.
- If you need to make any changes to your child's regular dismissal plan, please contact the front office @ 503-825-5300 before 1:45. Teachers often do not have time to check email or listen to messages during the day so please call the front office for alternate plans.
Are you planning to volunteer in your student's classroom this year? Are you planning to attend class parties or chaperone a field trip? If so, you will need to complete a background check first. The process is simple and takes less than five minutes. Click HERE to complete your background check. (A new background check must be completed each new school year.)
Cell Phones
As we start the school year, we would like to share a quick reminder about our elementary school cell phone expectations, as outlined in our Student Handbook Addendum. Cell phones at the elementary level need to be away "Door to Door." Students with cell phones will need to put them in their backpack prior to entering the school building, and they will need to remain away in backpacks until students leave the building at the end of the school day.
Smart watches are allowed at school, as long as they are not used as a cellular device. If students are using watches to call or text at school, they will be asked to put their watch in their backpack for the remainder of the day.
If students are not following the cell phone or smartwatch policies, they will receive a warning and reminder to put them away in their backpack. If future incidents occur, the phone/watches will be collected and stored in the office or with the teacher until the end of the day. Parents may be asked to come pick up watches/phones if there are incidences beyond that point.
As a reminder for all personal devices, the school is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen devices. If families are concerned about these items, we encourage them to keep personal devices at home. We appreciate your help in ensuring that our students have a school environment that is free of distractions and supportive of learning!
If your home address is more than one mile radius from our school you may be eligible for transportation. To view transportation maps, routes, and pick-up/drop-off times please visit the transportation web page linked here.
SHARE Center
The SHARE Center is available for all of your back-to-school needs! They have clothing, shoes, backpacks and school supplies -- all ages and sizes!! Click on the link here to learn more about the resources provided.
For an appointment at the SHARE Center, please contact:
Amy Gillett at agillett@sherwood.k12.or.us or Ursula Pinto at upinto@sherwood.k12.or.us
Or call (503)825-5087
Free Meals Application
Information about meal prices and menus can be found on our Nutrition Department web page. If you would like to apply for our free and reduced lunch program please complete the application linked here.
Early Release Wednesdays
Starting September 4th, students will be released at 1:15 each Wednesday. Early release Wednesdays provide our staff with the opportunity to collaborate, review student data, and create plans for ongoing instruction. We are grateful for this valuable time, and throughout the year we will share updates of things teachers are working on during their Wednesday collaboration time.
Upcoming Dates
August 27 | Kindergarten Orientation | 8:00-9:30, 10:00-11:30, 12:00-1:30
August 27 | Meet & Greet Night (grades K-5) | 4:00-6:00
August 28 | First Day of School
August 30 | No School for Kindergarten
September 2 | No School, Labor Day
September 3 & 4 | Kindergarten Conversations
September 4 | Early Release
September 5 | First Official Day of School for Kindergarteners!
September 26 | Back to School Night | 5:30-7:00
October 1 | Fall Pictures
October 10 | Fun Run