PBC Parent/Families Newsletter
Winter edition
I hope you were able to enjoy a peaceful winter vacation.
Please read on for all the information you need for a successful return.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025!
Be a Part of the Awesome Pieter B. PTO
Please consider joining Pieter B. PTO as our students can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and its operations. PTO is seeking volunteers to help with the following activities:
1) Teacher-led instructional support, usually in the classroom
2) School-wide events and activities
3) Student recognition events
4) Outreach and recruitment of parent and community volunteers
PTO Meeting Dates 2024 - 2025
6:30 pm meeting time
September 12 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
October 10 -virtually join the meeting click HERE
November 21 - -virtually join the meeting click HERE
December 12 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
January 9 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
February 13 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
March 13 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
April 10 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
May 8 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
Pieter B information regarding Outdoor recess
The winter weather has arrived quickly! Just a few reminders
1. Students go outside for recess when the real feel temperature is 15 degrees and above.
2. We use accu-weather to determine the real feel temperature.
3. If the temperature is close to 15 degrees, please send your students to student with their coat,hat and gloves ( just in case the students are able to go outside)
4. All students should wear a jacket during the winter season (especially on chilly days).
Stay warm,
A Message from the Health Office
In an effort to control the spread of illness we ask for your cooperation with the following guidelines.
Do not send your child to school….
If he/she has a temperature of 100 or higher. Please do not send your child to school until he/she is fever-free (under 100) for 24 hours without Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
If he/she has been vomiting or had diarrhea during the night or early morning hours. They should stay home until they have been free of the episodes for 24 hours.
If your child is coughing excessively and/or has a very runny nose. A constant cough is very uncomfortable for your child and it is also disruptive to the class.
If they have a severe rash that has not been seen by a physician. If your child has an open wound, please cover it with a bandage; if it does not appear to be healing, please consult your physician.
If your physician suspects strep throat or other infections do not send your child to school until the results are known. If the result is positive he/she should have at least 24 hours of antibiotics before returning to school.
If you suspect your child has pink eye (conjunctivitis), please take them to your physician. If it is a confirmed case, keep them home until they have been treated for 24 hours.
If your child has Head Lice- unless they have been treated according to the nurse or doctor’s instruction and no longer have live lice or nits (eggs).
As always, you will find the latest updates, important school events, and links to newsletters on our official school website, www.rcscsd.org. You are encouraged to sign up for the RCS App and be sure to check your email frequently. We will again practice being environmentally friendly and reduce paper this year. Thus, our Pieter B. Handbook which contains the Code of Conduct, as well as pertinent other forms, resources, and points of reference will be posted on our website. If you do not have internet access, a copy of the handbook will be available in the main office.
Hakim Jones & Tori DeGouff
Just a reminder:
Please avoid having your children arrive at school before 9:00 a.m. Supervision is not provided, nor do our doors open prior to that time with the exception of students going to breakfast at 8:50 a.m.
Students report to their classrooms at 9:00 a.m. If you need to contact a teacher, please go to the main office for assistance. Please do not go directly to teacher classrooms at any time.
Important Dates
PBC Events
12/23-1/1 Winter Recess
January 2 - Classes Resume
January 8 - Board of Education meeting 6 pm RCS High School
January 9 - virtually join the meeting click HERE
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day ( No School)
January 22 - Board of Education meeting 6 pm RCS High School
January 25 - PTO Big and Small Winter Ball 6:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m. RCS High School
January 29 - Lunar New Year (No School)