Principal Welch's Weekly Update
October 8th, 2024
Fall Break
Hope you are enjoying your Fall Break! See you back to finish out the second half of our first semester on Monday, October 14th!
TUSD Bond Projects
Thank you to our families who supported the bond in the elections. For those of you interested in learning more about what this means for Rincon, you can click on the link below to see projects are on the horizon.
Rincon/University High Proposed Projects (tusd1.org)
TUSD will roll out the bond projects in phases. Phase 1 is dedicated to urgent needs such as heating/cooling systems, water lines, etc. Phase 2 will focus on school safety related to fencing, gates, cameras, intercom systems, lighting, etc. After Phases 1 & 2 are complete, TUSD will move into facility improvement projects. We are looking forward to these projects, to improve the campus for our students.
Site Council October 14th
Please consider joining us on Monday, October 14 at 3:30pm via ZOOM. The meetings last between 30 and 45 minutes and you will learn about school functions, budgets, and general school updates. You are welcome to add agenda items. If you have something you would like to have addressed during the meeting, please let me know by replying to this email. I will need to have any agenda items for this meeting by October 9th in order to add them to the agenda in time.
We would love to have you join us.
Topic: Site Council ZOOM
Join School Council Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 3436 2314
Hope to see you soon
ASVAB October 16th
October 16th all seniors will take the ASVAB in the library. This career inventory will help them to make decisions about their future career path as it will help to highlight special areas of talent and knowledge.
PTA Meeting
If you are interested in getting involved with our PTA, please join us at our next meeting on October 14th at 6:00 pm. You are free to attend in-person in the library or participate via ZOOM! Parents, students, teachers and staff are all welcome!
ZOOM Participants
Join PTA Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 513 783 3721
Passcode: rangers
Call In:
(719) 359-4580
Meeting ID: 5137833721#
PTA Skate Night Fundraiser October 16th
Wednesday, October 16th from 6-8 pm the Rincon PTA is sponsoring a fundraiser at Skate Country. Gather up your friends and family and head to skate country for a fun night of roller skating together. Please say that you are supporting Rincon and a portion of the tickets sales proceeds will be donated to our PTA who in turn, supports students and staff at Rincon.
PSAT October 17th
October 17th is a testing day for any Juniors who signed up to take the PSAT. Come ready to try your best to see where it can take you!
Seniors: Important Deadline!!!
So far, only 50 people have gotten their senior portraits done for the yearbook so far. The deadline for senior portraits for the Rincon Rawhide yearbook has been extended to November 1 - please do not wait any longer. If you already have your appointment scheduled for this month then you are good to go. Please do NOT cancel and try to reschedule due to this extension. We need as many people as possible to be able to make appointments between now and the deadline in order to accommodate the entire senior class. If you have not yet made an appt: please call Dodson Photography immediately to schedule an appointment.
TUSD Parent Survey on Lockers: Link Updated
As with any topic, there are pros and cons to issuing students a hallway locker. Many parents grew up in an era where we remember going to our lockers between classes. However, the majority of modern-day high schools have disposed of their lockers or were built without hallway lockers and typically only issue lockers for PE/athletic equipment and/or instrument storage.
Before you complete the survey, here are some AI generated pros and cons to consider.
- Security: Lockers can keep belongings safe and secure
- Back support: Lockers can help prevent back pain by reducing the weight of backpacks
- Storage: Lockers can be used to store items that students don't want to take home
- Organization: Lockers can help students stay organized by using containers and dividers
- Personalization: Lockers can reflect a student's unique identity
- Convenience: Lockers can be conveniently located, especially if they're close to a student's classes
- Security: Lockers can keep belongings safe and secure
- Cost: Lockers can be expensive to buy and install
- Theft: There's a risk of theft from lockers, and students may store prohibited items
- Hiding: Students can hide things from teachers and staff in lockers
- Time: Packing up and getting to class can take time away from learning
- Jamming: Lockers can get jammed and stuck, which can be dangerous
- Location: Lockers may be located on another floor or campus, which can be inconvenient
- Size: Standard lockers may be too large, wasting space
- Cost: Lockers can be expensive to buy and install
The popularity of lockers in schools has declined due to the shift to electronic learning platforms and 1-to-1 devices.
Please take a moment to fill out our survey about school lockers if you haven't already. Your feedback will help us understand your student needs and your opinion, so we can make important decisions.
Parent Survey
We have sent a different survey to your students, please remind them to fill it out. The survey for students is available for them through their TUSD StudentVue account.
We appreciate your time and support. Have a wonderful Fall Break.
College and Career Update
RHS CCR Center Weekly Update: Fall Break - Oct. 4-11, 2024
Click HERE to View College & Career Readiness Program news, links, events, activities, and forms!
Please help FUND Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program, Thank You!
~ Mrs. J. Vasquez, College & Career Readiness Program Coordinator - Rincon High School
October 14th-18th is Homecoming Week
Spirit Day Themes
Monday: Disney
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: 2000s
Thursday: PJ Day
Friday: Class Colors
Freshmen: Purple
Sophomores: Gray
Juniors: Black
Seniors: White
Homecoming Dance
Attention Rincon students, get ready for an exciting night Under the Sea on October 18th! This year's homecoming dance will be from 8:00-11:30pm in the South Gym, and tickets will be available in the finance office for presale at $15! Prices will increase to $20 at the door, so act fast. Also, if you'd like to bring a non-Rincon guest, please fill out and turn in a guest permission form found in the finance office. See you there!
Any parents interested in being a chaperone at the dance, please email Mr. McDonough.
Important Note: The dance will end at 11:30 p.m. We ask that all parents and rides be coordinated to pick students up promptly at 11:30 p.m. as students will not be allowed to linger and stay behind, so there is no reason to delay their ride. For student safety, please make sure all transportation is coordinated to be at Rincon to pick-up students at 11:30 p.m.
Events this Week during Fall Break
October 10th: FR/SO Football 6:00 p.m. @ Vista Grande
October 11th: Varsity Football 7:00 p.m. @ Vista Grande
Homecoming Week Events
October 15th: Girls Volleyball @ Sunnyside 4, 5, 6 p.m.
Girls Golf @ Buena 3 p.m.
October 16th: Cross Country vs Palo Verde 4 p.m.
October 17th: Boys Golf @ Sunnyside 3 p.m.
Swimming vs Foothills 4 p.m.
FR/SO Football vs Amphi 6 p.m.
October 18th: Varsity Football vs Amphi 7 p.m.
Homecoming Dance SGym 8-11:30 p.m.
Counseling Department
Ms. Morgan will be out on leave 2nd quarter. To ensure students on her caseload still have a counselor, here is how her caseload will be split while she on leave.
Kat Kaderabek: SOPHOMORES Last names starting with A-L and Soph/Jrs M-Z
KJ Tousley: JUNIORS Last names starting with A-L and all Seniors
Anna Finkle: All FRESHMEN
Jennifer Vasquez: All students College and Career
Ranger Faculty and Staff Recognition
Sue Darling
Sue Darling is an integral part of our PE department. You may have seen her on the sidelines helping with the chain gang at football games, assistant coaching with our girls basketball team, keeping score or just serving as a spectator at events to show support for her students and colleagues. Last summer, Ms. Darling came up with an idea to create a fitness center at Rincon to benefit our students. She masterminded the whole plan and came in over the summer to put it all together, on her own time. Her vision and effort will benefit the Rincon community for many years to come.
Thank you to Ms. Darling for her dedication to serving our community in so many ways.
Michelle Santa Cruz
Michelle Santa Cruz is our attendance registration lead. Most of you know her from her hands on involvement in our attendance office. She goes above and beyond to support students and their families. Ms. Santa Cruz also facilitates our classified staff recognitions that help to make our staff members feel valued for their contributions to the Rincon community.
Thank you to Ms. Santa Cruz for the positive impact she makes, creating a warm, welcoming environment at Rincon.
ENJOY YOUR BREAK! See you October 14th for a fun-filled homecoming week!
See you next week:)