State Testing at FHHS
April 2024
Dear FHHS Families,
It is unbelievable that we are heading into the final stretch of the school year. As all the end-of-year celebrations and milestones approach and our lives get even busier as we look towards summer, I wanted to make sure your family is aware of the upcoming state testing schedule the week of May 20-23. Please make sure to avoid scheduling pre-planned absences during this time.
Our 10th graders take the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in Math and/or English Language Arts. 11th graders who have not taken the SBA or need to test again will also be testing at this time. Further, the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) will be on Monday, May 20th for 11th graders. All 9th and 12th, and most 11th graders do not test at this time but the library will be open with staff available. Seniors will be assigned Senior Exhibition practice sessions on testing mornings by their Advisors.
What time are the tests?
Research shows that students do better on high-stakes testing when they are in smaller groups and when we spread out the testing. Students will be testing in regular classrooms and we will be using the testing/late start schedule for these days; Wednesday will have its usual release at 1:40 pm. The bus schedule will remain unchanged. Students who don't have alternative transportation or who would like quiet, supervised study time can ride the bus at their regular time and go to the HS library until testing ends at 10:10am.
Who tests on which days?
9th Grade: no students in 9th grade test this spring
Any non-testers who arrive before 10:10 am will be housed in the Library
9th-grade students who have Cs and higher in all classes can opt to come at 10:10
9th-grade students who have any C-, D, or F grades are required to attend mandatory study sessions with freshmen teachers and other staff
Friday 5/24 half day for all - No Testing
10th Grade:
Monday 5/20 & Tuesday 5/21: SBA English Language Arts
Wednesday 5/22 & Thursday 5/23: SBA Math
Friday 5/24 half day for all - No Testing
11th Grade:
Monday 5/20: all 11th-grade students take the WCAS
Tuesday 5/21: 11th-grade students who haven’t tested or met standard take the SBA English Language Arts; any non-testers who arrive before 10:10 am will be housed in the Library
Wednesday 5/22 & Thursday 5/23: 11th-grade students who haven’t tested or met standard take the SBA Math
Friday 5/24 half day for all - No Testing
12th Grade: no students in 12th grade test this spring
12th-grade students will be assigned a specific time during one of the testing windows this week to do a practice run-through of their Senior Exhibition Presentation
Friday 5/24 half day for all - No Testing
What do testers need?
Testers need to bring their charged district-issued Chromebooks, water, a dry snack, wired headphones, and reading material or homework for after the test. Neither personal computers nor wireless headphones are allowed. Please also help your students get a good night’s sleep the night before they test and a nourishing breakfast in the morning.
Can my student prepare for these tests?
Students have been preparing every day as they engage in their regular course of study at FHHS. For more information about the SBA and WCAS tests, visit OSPI State Testing. To try out an online Smarter Balanced or WCAS practice test, visit SBA Practice Test.
How are test results used?
Knowing your student’s achievement level (1 through 4) will help families and individuals guide which courses to take next year to help prepare for career and college success. We will work with your student to make sure their course choices fit their goals for life. Our staff uses the testing data to analyze our practices and better meet the needs of our students based on their demonstrated strengths and areas for growth, and to verify we’re meeting the learning goals set forth by the State Board of Education. These tests are used for state and federal accountability, as well as for assessment of graduation requirements.
When will we get the results?
Our school will have access to the SBA test scores a few weeks after students complete the online tests, but the WCAS results will not be available until August. Next fall, students’ scores will be uploaded into Skyward/Family Access so all families can view the scores.
Do these tests impact graduation?
If your student scores a 3 or 4 on both ELA and Math, they meet the Graduation Pathways Graduation Requirement. Students who score a 1 or 2 will have the opportunity to continue working towards passing the test or pursue an alternate graduation pathway. You can view your student's previous test scores by logging into Skyward and clicking on the test scores tab on the left-hand column and then click to expand the little triangle to the left of the date to see the score.
Where do I turn if I have questions?
High-School Counselor (before 6/3): Gordy Waite // (360) 370-7132 // gordonwaite@sjisd.org
High-School Principal: Andrea Hillman // (360) 370-7109 // andreahillman@sjisd.org
District Assessment Coordinator: Rod Turnbull // (360) 370-7299 // rodneyturnbull@sjisd.org
Thank you for continuing to work with us to make sure your child is successful. Our students are so much more than a test score, and their results on these tests are only a piece of what makes them the amazing individuals inside our halls every day. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better support your student. We want them to leave us with a solid foundation of skills and a future full of opportunities.
Sincerely, Andrea Hillman, Principal