Prairie Trails
May 2023
Important May Dates:
- May 2 BOE Mtg 7:00 pm
- May 5- Miles of Smiles- Dental exams on site for those who signed up.
- May 8 -12 Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 11- Kindergarten Field Trip /Wagner Farms
- May 18 All library books DUE
- May 21 - RTSD26 Chicago Dogs Game
- May 22- Kindergarten visits to Indian Grove and Euclid
- May 24- Last Day of Pre-k (Carol Peters assembly-pre-k families)
- May 25 -Capannari's Ice Cream Night (Teacher Celebrity Scoopers)
- May 26- PT Field Day
- May 29 No School Memorial Day
- May 31 Last day of school- early release 1:30pm
Reminder: Dental Exams Due by May 15
Dental exam forms are required by the State of Illinois for all children enrolled in kindergarten. These are due in the health office by May 15, 2023. If you have any questions, call the main office and we can share more information.
Kindergarten Music Sharing
The Prairie Trails Kindergarten Music Sharing is on Thursday, May 18th. This performance is an opportunity to see what your children have been working on in Music class and be part of the RTSD26 community. We’d love it if you and your family were able to attend! Below is schedule of when each grade will be performing:
6:00 PM (Nolter, Vernon, Naegele & Chmura)
6:40 PM (Frew, Patterson, Burke & Parker)
We’ll be performing in the Prairie Trails gym. Door 1 will open at 5:40 p.m. for families from the first show to find seats. Families attending the second show are asked to begin arriving at 6:20 p.m. There is no set dress code for the performance. We just ask that students dress nicely and feel comfortable in what they are wearing.
After the show there will be blizzards & dilly bars for sale. All ice cream purchases support the River Trails Music Boosters. The Music Boosters are a group of parent volunteers who fundraise for the RTSD26 Music program. They have been incredibly supportive of the RTSD26 Music program this year.
We will offer a virtual option for those that can’t be with us via a livestream feed on Youtube. This link will be shared the morning of the show. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions.
Teacher Appreciation PTC
We have an AMAZING line-up of special treats for the fabulous PT staff for Teacher Appreciation next week! From a staff lunch, to a traveling coffee cart, to a Taco Tuesday celebration, and so much more - we are celebrating the PT staff all week!
Click HERE to view our daily themes for the teachers!
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. We could use your help and support.
NON-PERISHABLE: Please drop off your items on Friday, May 5th anytime during the day in the front office.
PERISHABLE ITEMS: Please see item description for drop-off days/times.
MONETARY DONATIONS: If donating cash, please place in an enveloped marked "PTC Staff Appreciation Donation" and drop in the front office by Friday, May 5th. Please make checks payable to "Prairie Trails PTC"
We are SO thankful for all your support for our amazing Prairie Trails staff!
New & Returning Student Registration is Open
Registration for ALL grades......
All families are able to register their students for the 2023-2024 school year. This is required for all students.
Start the registration process NOW if you haven't already! Find the steps outlined on our district's webpage, or by clicking HERE to get started.
Help us count down the last days of school for pre-k and kindergarten!!!
PT Specials Update
PE For our Kids Heart Challenge Celebration, the Raven Leaders came and played with us for an entire day. The kindergartners had a blast and I think the middle schoolers would even admit it was a fun day. Also this month we have been reviewing skills needed for spring sports such as overhand/underhand throwing, catching, and soccer skills (dribbling, trapping, passing and shooting). Field Day is coming Friday, May 26th. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer. Check your calendar! More information will be coming home in your child’s backpack soon. Don’t hesitate to email me with any questions. Beth Miller
Fridays are for Spirit
Important Phone Numbers
- Prairie Trails Main Office/Attendance Line: (224) 265-9900
- Grand Prairie Transit (Bussing): 847-640-2142
Contact Information
Location: 805 N Burning Bush Ln, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 224-265-9900