The Growler
Bellview Newsletter Back to School 2024 Edition
Bellview's Mission Statement
In this Newsletter:
- Free Breakfast & Lunch for all in 2024-25!
- Class placement notification
- School Supplies for 2024-25
- Kindergarten Soft Start Schedule
- First day of school!
- Daily Schedule
- Pick up and Drop off Routines
- Bellview PTO
- Family Calendar 2024-25
- Volunteering at School
All Kids Eat Free at Bellview!
Class Placement Notification
Families will get an email message from their child's teacher by the end of the day on Thursday, August 22nd notifying you of your student's class placement fro the 2024-25 school year. We are so excited to see you all soon!
School Supplies for 2024-25 School Year
We will be bulk ordering school supplies for all students again for the 2024-25 school year!
Here's how it works:
- We bulk purchase supplies that have traditionally been on a class supply list for every student.
By purchasing in bulk, our per student cost will be $30 per student, where the same items would cost a family $60-90 per student at retail stores.
Please send whatever portion of that $30 is possible for your family. Because we are providing supplies for all students regardless of their ability to pay, if your family can contribute more than $30, it would go a long way to supporting students at Bellview whose families may be struggling right now.
We are able to reduce the overall cost to families by $10 for next year because we saved student headphones purchased last year.
Additional benefits of this plan:
Saves money for all families by using bulk purchasing
Eliminates the hassle of having to go to multiple stores to find the correct items
Allows teachers to organize and prepare supplies before school starts so that the first days of school can dive right in to the fun and learning (and you don't have to lug three grocery bags on the first day of school!)
We know the Bellview community is so supportive of all kids at our school and so appreciate everything you do to support making our learning environment the best it can possibly be!
Students will still need to bring their own water bottle, back pack, and lunch box if they are a cold luncher.
There are several options for getting us the $30 before school begins (or after!):
Bring cash or check or card in to the school office after August 5 between 7:30-4:00 Monday through Friday
Send to school with your student after school starts August 26th
Call Meg at 541-482-1310 to pay by card over the phone, or stop in during office hours (After August 5)
Kindergarten Soft Start Schedule
We are so happy that you are joining our community! The beginning of kindergarten is a very exciting and important time in your child’s education and we want to do everything we can to get our students started out right. In order to ensure that our classes are well balanced and most beneficial for learning, we schedule a series of student and parent meetings to get to know your children before class placements are made.
The week of August 26th will be the first week of school for our 1st -5th grade students. We will have our kindergarten families come in to school in small groups for a parent and student orientation Monday the 26th. All students will have the opportunity to sing songs, listen to stories, play in a classroom with a group of other students, meet both of our teachers, Ms. M and Ms. Lawrence, and have a brief literacy check on letters and sounds. Parents will meet with the principal, Mrs. McCollom and the counselor, Ms. Bolinger to discuss some of the important points to know and plan for, for your student.
There will be four separate one hour sessions with approximately 10 families invited to each. The time frames will be 8:45-9:45, 10:00-11:00, 12:00-1:00, and 1:30-2:30. Please sign up for a time through this Signup Genius: 2024-25 Kindergarten Orientation Sign Up. We will determine class placement and teachers will notify families by e-mail. Families will set up individual appointments to meet with their child’s teacher later that week.
Kindergarten will start at 8:20 on Tuesday, September 3rd, and will get out at 12:30 each day that week. Regular, full day classes will start on Monday September 9th. Class begins at 8:20 each day and students are released at 2:50 each day except Wednesdays, which end at 1:30 each week. Students may arrive at school as early as 7:50 in the morning and can choose to go out and play on the playground, read and look at books in our library, or eat breakfast in the cafeteria (free!). The first bell rings at 8:15 and students are expected to be in their classrooms at 8:20.
First Day of School!
Daily Schedule
7:50 Students may arrive at school, supervision provided in the library and on the playground, breakfast is available (free to all!) in the cafeteria.
8:15 First bell rings, students go to class
8:20 Second bell rings, classes begin
2:50 Daily dismissal Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
1:30 dismissal on Wednesdays.
Pick Up & Drop Off Routines
- All students not riding the bus should use the front entrance to the school on Tolman Creek Rd.. Families driving their students may use the drop off loop out front.
- Please do not stop your car in front of the school door to let your child out of the car. Instead, pull all the way to the front of the loop to make room for other families to drop off their students behind you so that we don't get traffic backed up into the street.
- Do not get out of your car for any reason in the drop off circle. Make sure your child exits on the right side of the car and is ready to get out when you stop.
- If your child needs assistance for any reason with their seatbelt or managing their things, please park your car to help them and walk them over to the sidewalk.
- Students arriving between 7:50-8:15 will have some free choice/recess activities before the bell rings to go to class.
- Students arriving at 8:15 can report directly to class.
- Students arriving after 8:20 will need to report to the office to check in. They will need to ring the doorbell to be let in the building.
- Students in Grades K-2 will be picked up in the lower pick up loop at the end of the primary wing of the school. There is a separate entrance and exit to this loop so you don't have to mix with the cars for the other grades.
- Students in grades 3-5 will be picked up in the circle in front of the main entrance to the school.
- Siblings will go to the location of the youngest sibling's grade
- School is over at 2:50. That means your student will not be available to be picked up until after 2:50. Please do not arrive to the parking lot earlier than about 2:47 at the earliest to pick up your child. This causes traffic to back up on the street and gridlock in the parking lot that is not fun for any of us, or our neighbors. Traffic flows freely once the students are outside and ready to go. If you aim to arrive right at 2:50, that will probably work best, after that traffic is flowing!
Bellview PTO
Bellview is very fortunate to have an active and supportive Parent Teacher Organization! There is no fee to join and if you are a Bellview parent or guardian you are already a member! They meet several times a year in the Library at school to make plans for fun events and fundraisers. Please consider joining us!
PTO Meeting dates for 2024-25:
September 5th 6:30-7:30
October 3rd Carnival Meeting 6:30-7:30
November 14th 6:30-7:30
January 9th 6:30-7:30
April 3rd 6:30-7:30
May 8th 6:30-7:30
PTO Board:
President: Susie Goetz
Treasurer: Kristen Ellingson
Communications: Lia Spidlen
The PTO will be contacting you after school starts to get signed up for Fresh Schools emails, which is the communication system that they use. It is a great resource to stay up to date with PTO and classroom events!
2024-25 Bellview Family Calendar
26 First day for grades 1-5, 12:30 dismissal
26 Kinder Orientation
2 No School, Labor Day
3 Yahoo/Boo Hoo Coffee 8:00AM
3 First Day of Kinder, 12:30 dismissal
5 PTO Meeting 6:30 @ Bellview Library
9 First full day for kinder, 2:50 dismissal
11 Back to School BBQ 5-7
27 Jog-a-Thon
3 PTO Carnival Meeting 6:30 @ BE Library
11 No School, In-Service Day
14 No School, Indigenous People’s Day
25 Costume Walk & Class Parties in PM
26 Carnival 5-8 PM
28, 29 & 30 Conference Days
31 In-service Day, no school
1 No School, In-service Day
7 Family Math Night 5-7
11 No School, Veteran’s Day
14 PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30
25-26 Booksgiving
27-29 No School, Thanksgiving
10 Music Concerts 1:00 K,2,4 2:00 1,3,5
21- Jan. 5 Winter Break
9 PTO Meeting 6:30 BE Library
20 No School, Dr. MLK Jr. Day
27 No School, In-service Day
6 Family Science Night @ ScienceWorks
11 & 12 School OBOB Battles, Final on 13th
14 Parties in PM
17 No School, President’s Day
20 Talent Show 5:30-7:30
5,6,7 No School, Conferences
10-14 Classified Staff Appreciation
14 Bingo Night 6:30 @ Bellview Gym
20 Science Fair
24-28 Spring Break
3 PTO Meeting 6:30 @ Bellview Library
7-11 Book Fair
10 Art Night 6:00-7:00
21 Snow Make up day (no school if we haven’t had a snow day yet)
8 PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30
5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
16 4th & 5th District Track Meet
26 No School, Memorial Day
5th grade promotion, TBD
6 Field Day, Last Day of School 12:30 Dismissal
Volunteering at School
How To Become a Volunteer:
Step 1:
Complete the Volunteer Registration Form, which includes the Notice of Background Check form.
Once completed, please submit the forms and a copy of your driver’s license to the Office Manager of the school where the volunteer position is needed. Forms may also be mailed or faxed to the school office. If no school is specified, forms may be submitted to 885 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520.
Once you have passed your background check, you are cleared to apply to volunteer for any position throughout the school year. No additional background check is necessary, however, it is necessary to repeat this process each school year.
Step 2:
Mark your calendar with the agreed upon days and times. Please note that certain positions require training and a time commitment. Make sure you can fulfill the volunteer commitments before agreeing to the position.
Be prompt and dependable. Call ahead if you are ill or unable to keep your appointed times. When you commit to volunteering, people are depending on you.
Christine McCollom
She, Her
Email: christine.mccollom@ashland.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.ashland.k12.or.us/o/bes
Location: 1070 Tolman Creek Road, Ashland, OR, USA
Phone: 541-482-1310
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bellview-Elementary-School-104141858437771