Heartland MS Family Newsletter

Heartland Happenings - October 13, 2024
What a fantastic week we had here at Heartland! Round 1 of Parent/Teacher conferences is in the books! Thank you to all of you that came out to visit with our teachers last Thursday! If you weren't able to make it, that's ok! We will host another session tomorrow, Monday (10/14/24) from 3:30pm - 7:00pm. We know and understand that when teachers and parents partner up and are in constant communication, student success is the by product! See below for more information on PTC.
It was a busy week of fun and celebrations here at the Heart! We had the honor of celebrating our Heartland Middle School 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year, Mr. Shane Hohn! Mr. Hohn is the absolute best of the best! He is a FANTASTIC 7th grade science teacher that serves as a 7th grade team lead and a co-chair for our Foundations team. We celebrated him with a building-wide clap out parade and a special performance by our 8th grade band and Santa Fe Pom Squad! Mr. Hohn is the epitome of what it means to be a Thunderhawk and a phenomenal representative of the amazing teachers we have at Heartland Middle School! Well deserved, Mr. Hohn, well deserved! Congratulations!
Last week, we were able to bring attention and awareness to National Bullying Prevention Month! We had a fun week of dress up days that encouraged our Hawks to think about their words and the implications of their actions. The highlight of our week was Officer Brooks' 7th grade "Think Before You Post" assemblies! The theme centered around "Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in real life. Don't post anything or make threats that would be hurtful or harmful to someone. Remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Don't post pictures or videos that may be embarrassing for yourself or others." The assemblies sparked lots of important conversations and we are so glad that our Hawks are taking this seriously. I empower each of our Heartland families to have candid conversations often about this as communication and transparency is vital in our student's success.
Before I go, please be reminded that the deadline to turn in all missing assignments for the first quarter is this Wednesday, October 16th! No work will be accepted for the first quarter once the 2nd quarter starts after the break. This week will be a short week! We will have no school and our offices will be closed in observance of Fall Break (October 17 - October 21). We will be thrilled to welcome students back on Tuesday, October 22nd! I hope that each of you takes a moment to enjoy the Fall weather and time with family.
Veronica Johnson
Principal, Heartland Middle School
Grade Level Newsletters
Think Before You Post with Officer Amy Brooks! #NationalBullyingPreventionMonth
Parent/Teacher Conference Information - 2024
*Pro Tips - Having gone through MANY conferences in this format - here are some things to know ahead of time.
1) Different in comparison to elementary conferences - these conferences aren't mandatory. However, they are a great way to connect with those teachers you may need to speak with.
2) Make a plan ahead of time. It will probably not be impossible to meet with every single teacher your student has. Rank them in order. Pick the 2 or 3 "must-see" teachers so you know where to focus your energy. (Think lines at the amusement park - which rides are "must rides" vs. "would be good to ride")
3) Math is always the longest line. Always... Without fail...
4) If the conversation is going to take longer than 5-7 minutes - I ask that you make an appointment with the teacher at another time. 5-7 minutes is a great time for clarification and understanding but not enough time to resolve major issues.
5) Don't forget those elective teachers! Typically, the core teacher area is PACKED and if you go to the room where the elective teachers are stationed - tumbleweeds are blowing through. Elective teachers are people too - show them the love! They will all be located in the big gym!
6) Special education teachers are available. If your student is receiving support from our special education department - please feel free to stop by the media center and have a conversation.
7) It's a bit of a gamble on when to come. Typically, the first night has larger crowds. If the 2nd night is a possibility - give it a thought. The event runs from 3:30 - 7:00p on both nights.. Here's a straight honest statement - 6:45pm is a BAD time to show up wanting to visit with all the teachers. Remember - teachers will have been at work for over 12 hours at that point and things get a bit hazy...
Please access the Parent Portal to identify your child’s classes and teachers. While in the portal you can view grade and attendance information that can help guide the conversation with the teachers. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please go to the Edmond Public Schools website (www.edmondschools.net) and click on the Parent Portal tab to learn how to establish an account.
A common question we get is in regard to having your Heartland student join you for these conferences. I would say that is student specific. They can certainly attend. If you feel you can have an honest conversation with them present - go for it. If you need to get the scoop and it would be easier if they weren't here - that works too... Your choice completely.
We look forward to seeing our families on the 10th & 14th of October from 3:30 - 7:00p...
6th Grade Carnival Was A Huge Success! Thank You, WEB, For Hosting!
of nutritious food for Heartland students and their families in need of
extra support.
FCCLA Leadership Conference!
Now that we are in the process of running eligibility for OSSAA activities - there always tends to be some confusion as to when a student can and can not participate. Here are some bullet points to help define when a student can and can not participate.
- Eligibility is run mid-week. For example - we run eligibility on Thursday morning based on grades posted on Wednesday evening. If a student is listed as "ineligible" - that means they can not participate in any OSSAA games scheduled for the next calendar week of Sunday - Sunday. By OSSAA rules - students can still practice during that time. However, individual coaches may have other team rules regarding practice.
- Probation vs. Ineligible. The first week a student has a grade that qualifies them for the eligibility report - they are listed as "on Probation"... At that point in time - they can still participate and play in games. (Again - team rules may be more strict) If the student raises the grade by the next eligibility report run - their name comes off the list and they are good to go. If there is still a grade in question - the student becomes ineligible.
- If a student is listed as ineligible - AND - raises their grade (yay!!) the next time there is a grade in question -- they move back to the probation category. Therefore, there is always a week of grace after a student has worked to get their name off of the list.
Please feel free to contact Heartland Athletic Director Laura Brown with questions as I know it can be confusing.
Bus Information
Click the link and enter your address to find your bus number, bus stop, and pick/drop-off times.
Meal Pay Online and Free Reduced Applications
Add money to your child's lunch account HERE. Apply for free or reduced lunch: CLICK HERE TO APPLY!!
Child Nutrition Website
Honesty - Being truthful in what I say and do
Enthusiasm - Expressing interest and excitement in what I do
Attentiveness - Concentrating on the person or task before me
Resiliency - Recovering from adversity and finding the inner strength to withstand stress
and do my best
Tolerance- Demonstrating respect for others who do not share my perspective
Leadership- Knowing the way. Going the way. Showing the way.
Accountability - Accepting responsibility for my actions
Nice- Dude. Be Nice!
Discipline- Choosing behaviors to help me reach my goals and finish strong!
Heartland Middle School
Veronica Johnson - Lead Principal
Laura Brown - Asst. Principal, 8th Grade/Athletic Director
Dana Williams - Asst. Principal, 7th Grade
Paul McQueen - Asst. Principal, 6th Grade
Kim Treece - 7th Grade Counselor
Neika Jackson - 8th Grade Counselor
Cara Bowerman - 6th Grade Counselor
Email: heartland.middleschool@edmondschools.net
Website: https://heartland.edmondschools.net/
Location: Heartland Middle School, Explorer Drive, Edmond, OK, USA
Phone: (405)340-2972
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartlandmiddleschool