The Rossman Report
Family Newsletter - Week of February 12
Upcoming Dates & Events at Rossman
- 12 - 4:00 PM - Rossman PTO Meeting
- 13 - 6:30-7:30 PM - Kindergarten Round Up
- 14 - Kindergarten to MN Flyers
- 16 & 19 - No School
- 21 - MN School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- 23 - PTO Pizza Fundraiser DUE -Turn in to the Rossman office
- 29 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 29-March 5 - BOOK FAIR!
- 5 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 8 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice
- 11 & 12 - 4th Grade Ag in the Classroom
- 16 - Elementary Carnival! 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Middle School Gym
- 27 - EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:00 PM
- 28-April 1 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Rossman Book Swap & *Volunteer Opportunity*
To celebrate I Love to Read month, we will be having a BOOK SWAP the last week in February.
Here are the details:
- Students can donate gently used books to the Book Swap. Books will be collected in classrooms - Book Swap books are due by February 23.
- Book Swap DATES and TIMES:
- FEBRUARY 27, 1:00-3:00 PM - Kindergarten and 1st Grade
- FEBRUARY 28, 1:00-3:00 PM - 2nd and 3rd Grade
- FEBRUARY 29, 1:00-3:00 PM - 4th and 5th Grade
PARENTS/GUARDIANS - We need volunteers at the Book Swap! Contact the office if you would like to help. Thank you!
February is African American History Month
The celebration of Black History Month began in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, an African American historian, scholar, educator and publisher. It became a month-long celebration in 1976. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
The theme for 2024 is "African Americans and the Arts".
Teachers at Rossman have access to resources to share information and celebrate African American artists, authors, and musicians with students this month.
Music Concerts Coming Up...
Mrs. Brager's Music Classes
February 27th
8:45-9:10 -- Mrs. Boeke & Mrs. Richter Kindergarten
9:10-9:35 -- Mrs. Wenschlag & Mrs. Richter Kindergarten
11:30-11:55 -- Ms. Dobratz & Mrs. Jackson 1st Grade
11:55-12:20 -- Mrs. McCollum & Mrs. Jackson 1st Grade
2:10-2:35 -- Mrs. Sunram 3rd Grade
2:35-3:00 -- Mrs. Judisch 3rd Grade
Mrs. Trowbridge's Music Classes
February 29 - 2:10-2:35 -- Mr. Nelson 3rd Grade
February 29 - 2:35-3:00 -- Mr. Whiting 3rd Grade
March 1 - 8:45-9:10 -- Mrs. Richter & Mrs. Paulson Kindergartens
March 1 - 8:45 - 9:10 -- Mrs. Richter & Mrs. Braaten Kindergartens
March 1 - 11:30-11:55 -- Mrs. Jackson & Mrs. Holehouse 1st Grades
March 1 - 11:55-12:20 -- Mrs. Jackson & Mrs. Stockstrom 1st Grades
We celebrate these students deserving of a PRINCIPAL SPOTLIGHT this week!
Teachers nominate students to be recognized that demonstrate...
Exemplary Character ~ Excellence in the Classroom ~ Leadership Among Peers
Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
Laker Ticket Winners!
Students demonstrating Kind - Safe - Ready expectations might be awarded with a Laker Ticket from a staff member.
Each week, students turn in their Laker Tickets for a chance to be drawn and recognized for their work on meeting expectations.
Congratulations to this week's Laker Ticket Winners pictured below!
Classroom Laker Leader Awards!
Classrooms can receive Laker Way Awards for following Kind - Safe - Ready expectations in different areas of the building.
When a class earns 10 Laker Way Awards, they are recognized as Laker LEADERS!
Congratulations to the Laker LEADERS this week!
Mrs. Braaten's Kindergarten
Mrs. Wenschlag's Kindergarten
100th Day of School!
Today, Friday, February 9, is the 100th DAY of SCHOOL! Can you believe it?? Students enjoyed some fun activities to celebrate this milestone.
January Reading Calendar Winners!
Young Artists Young Writers Competition
Seven Grandfather Teachings - February
February: Humility- dbaadendiziwin
February Moon: Makwa Giizis (Mah-kwah) Bear Moon
American Indian Education Events
Drum & Dance!
Wednesdays & Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 in the Old Roosevelt Elementary gym.
Ojibwe Quiz Bowl
Ojibwe quiz bowl is a team that learns language and culture written in various books. To test their knowledge, competitions are held by each school throughout the year. Being Native American is not a requirement. All who would like to learn are free to join. Contact Melyssa Belland for more information.
Young Adult Young Writers Competition:
Forms are available in the office. Entries are due Friday, March 8th and the awards ceremony will be held on Friday, March 22nd, 11:30 am at M-State.
Upcoming Events for Juniors & Seniors:
We will be going to the University of Minnesota Morris on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. U of Morris College Tour
This is open to Juniors and Seniors who are in good standing with grades and attendance.
The Detroit Lakes Public Schools Pre-K to 12th grade POW WOW will be held on Thursday, March 21st at the DLHS Lakeshirts Fieldhouse. Stay tuned for more details!
Eagle Feather Ceremony
Join us to help celebrate our graduating seniors on Wednesday, May 8th, 5 pm @ DLHS
American Indian Education Department
Joe Carrier, Coordinator -
Melanie Holmquist, College & Career Facilitator -
Shelley Skarie, Family Liaison -
Complete the registration form linked below and turn in to Amy VanValkenburg at the High School by Friday, February 23. Hurry - space is limited!
Office Notes & Reminders
Student Safety Note: Be Prepared to Show Your ID
To ensure student safety, our office staff may ask a person picking up a student during the school day to produce a form of ID. If the person is NOT a parent/guardian or emergency contact, the student will not be released until the parent/guardian can verify permission.
7:30 AM - Building opens for drop-off students. Please do not drop off students prior to 7:30. All students will go to the cafeteria from 7:30-7:55 AM
7:40 - 8:15 AM - Breakfast is served (free for all students). Students can go through the breakfast line at any time between 7:40-8:15 AM.
7:55 AM - First bell rings. Students go into hallways to hang up backpacks and head to morning outdoor movement. Students can also stay in the cafeteria and eat breakfast
8:15 AM - Second bell rings. All students transition to the classrooms.
8:25 AM - Morning Announcements - Teaching & Learning Begins!
3:25 PM - Dismissal
If you need to pick up your student early, please plan to pick students up before 3:00 PM or wait until parent pick up at 3:25 PM.
Call the Rossman office by 2:30 PM to report changes to your child's dismissal plan. Office staff will be sure the teacher receives the message.
My student will be absent. How do I report attendance? Call the Rossman Office at 218-847-9268 and leave a message on the attendance line. The attendance assistant will call parents if we haven't received a message regarding a student's absence by 9:00 AM.
Call the office with messages during the school day. While teachers use Seesaw and email to send information and communicate, their day is extremely busy and urgent messages through Seesaw/email might not be read in a timely manner. In the event a substitute is teaching the class, that Seesaw/email message will not be seen by the sub. The best way to communicate during the school day is through the school office. Call 218-847-9268
Can I visit my child's classroom? Visitors are welcome! As a courtesy, please contact your child's teacher to pre-arrange your visit. Teachers love classroom volunteers and parent helpers. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the office or your student's teacher directly. Visitors will be required to sign in and wear a "Visitor" badge while in the building.
Winter is Here - Wear All the Gear!
Reminder: All students will go out to recess if the "real feel" temp is -10 or above!
Please be sure your students have the following items labeled with their name:
-Winter coat
-Snow pants
-Winter boots
-Winter hat
Extra socks and pants might be handy to have just in case.
Need Winter Clothing?
If you have clean, gently used winter clothing to donate, please bring to the Rossman office.
Many thanks!
DL Community Education Winter/Spring Brochure
Activities & Opportunities for Youth & Families
Polar Fest 2024 LINK
February 9-25
Polar plunge, freeze your buns run, pole ‘n holes fishing derby, the annual fireworks display and more!
There will be many fun activities to enjoy!
Frosty Family Fun Night Cornerstone Fundraiser LINK
February 16th, 5-7 PM
$5 admission, Kids under 5 are free
Games, trivia, food, and more!
Frazee Event Center
4th Grade Passport Skiing Program
Detroit Mountain and Andes Tower Hills are on the list.
Here is a link for more information:
Rossman PTO Info
Join the Rossman PTO!
If you can't make every meeting, that's okay!
Are you interested in volunteering for an event? Email
Information about Rossman PTO:
Next Meeting - February 12, 4:00 PM in the Rossman Collaborative SpacePurpose - To support the community of Rossman Elementary
Fundraisers - Butter Braids in the Fall; Pizza in early Spring. Funds are used to support field trips and special events, as well as provide extra funding for teachers and classrooms.
Family Connection - The PTO plans family events at Rossman to help foster a strong home-to-school connection. PTO also supports new families in acclimating to the school community. If you are new to Rossman and would like to be connected with a mentor family, please contact the school office.
Staff Appreciation Activities - On several occasions throughout the school year, PTO provides a meal or snack as a gesture of appreciate to teachers and staff. These events always lift spirits and strengthen our community!
PTO Great Northern Pizza Fundraiser
Spring PTO Great North Pizza Fundraiser is underway! Order forms are due February 23
Thank you for selling and supporting PTO initiatives.
Links & Information
Parents and caregivers - if your child is working through anxious moments, this website may be a helpful resource for you: SPACE - Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions
Need a ride to activities or school? Call Becker County Transit 218-847-1674
Shop for Laker Gear
Stay In Touch...
Location: 1221 Rossman Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: (218) 847-9268
Twitter: @DLPublicSchools