Eagle's View
May 2, 2024, Vol. 5, Issue No. 33
From the Principal:
Dear Parents and Families,
I am so excited about the upcoming St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Fun Run! With just a week away from our big event on Friday, May 10, 2024, I wanted to update you on our progress and share some key details about this much-anticipated school event.
Raising Funds and Promoting Health Our Fun Run is not only a fantastic way to promote physical fitness and healthy habits among our students but also a crucial fundraiser for our school, which will be focused on continued enhancements to our school’s safety and security. We are thrilled to report that thanks to your enthusiastic support, we have already raised approximately $50,000! While this is a fantastic achievement, we still have a little way to go to hit our target of $80,000. We are confident that with your continued generosity, we can reach—and even exceed—this goal.
Event Details The Fun Run will take place on a specially designed course on our campus. Participants will include our students, staff, and any family members who wish to join in the fun. Remember, this is a community effort, and every lap run or walked counts towards our goal!
Global Participation We are excited to remind you that family and friends from around the globe can participate in our fundraising efforts. This is a wonderful way to connect our community with the broader global family that supports our students. Every contribution, no matter where it comes from, brings us closer to our goal.
How You Can Help We are aiming for 100% participation from our students, and we suggest a fundraising goal of $250 per student. Here’s how you can help make the Fun Run a success:
- Encourage your child to participate enthusiastically in the run.
- Reach out to friends and family for donations, reminding them that their support enriches our school community and promotes health and fitness.
We are looking forward to a fantastic day of fun, fitness, and fundraising. Let's keep the momentum going and make the Healthy Kids Fun Run a resounding success!
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our school community. As always, I’ll look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
In Christ,
Len Urso, Principal
Coming up and what's new!
Friday & Saturday Events:
Friday, May 3 - Field Day! NOON Dismissal!
- Please send students with a towel and water bottle, and don’t forget to apply plenty of sunscreen at home. The Kona Ice truck will be here during field day festivities as a special treat donated by Eagle Flight Support (NO NEED TO SEND $). Wear color assigned.
- Saturday, May 4 - Shine Bright Do Good - Kendra Scott SEAS Fundraiser - See Flyer Below
- Saturday, May 4 - May the 4th be with you! SEAS Night at the Aviator's Game - See Flyer Below
Week of May 6 - May 10
-Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!-
*See flyer below for themed dress days*
Monday, May 6 - Student Council Interest Form and Parent Approval Form Due
- Students who will be in grades 6-8 for the 2024-25 school year that are interested in running for Student Council may go to their Tech, Social Studies or Science Google Classroom for details.
Friday, May 10 - Healthy Kids Fun Run!
New! Monthly calendar available below...A few dates have been updated on the calendar below. Please be sure to review it carefully each week and plan ahead! 🧐
SEAS May 2024 Calendar of Events and Announcements:
Saturday, May 4th, 7:05PM
Come join us for a special St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Night at the Ballpark! We have a group of tickets reserved for the school, and we would love to have students, teachers, friends and family all in attendance for a great night of fellowship. Tickets are $31 and $26 with a portion of the ticket sales going back to our school. Wear your SEAS Spirit Gear if you have any!
We cannot wait to see you at the game!
Follow this LINK to purchase tickets today.
Saturday, May 4th - Kendra Scott Gives Back to SEAS
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week starts Monday!
The Healthy Kids Fundraiser is underway! Thank you for your pledges so far!!
Field Trip to the Courthouse
8th graders took a field trip to the Henderson court house to meet with Judge Schifalacqua and had the opportunity to sit in a courtroom. It was a great educational experience that aligns with what they are learning in Social Studies this year.
SEAS 2023-2024 NJHS Members
SEAS National Junior Honors Society (NJHS) members were inducted into the chapter during a ceremony on Thursday, May 2.
Congratulations to all members, and especially to the 8th grade officers:
Sophie G. - President
Kaden T. - Vice President
Olivia O. - Secretary
Isabelle F. - Treasurer
SEAS is proud of these members who excel both academically, and as student leaders!
Principal for the Day! Miss Olivia!
Miss Olivia's family bid on the Principal for the Day at SEAS the Night and won!
She sure enjoyed all the fun of being Principal for the day today - and she did a great job!
Based on the smile on her face she must be on the phone with Fr. Jim! 😊
SEAS the Night was a success!
We look forward to providing a final recap in the coming weeks.
Once again thank you to our generous donors for their instrumental role in bringing SEAS the Night back to this community.
Bishop Gorman High School
The Vicuna Family
American Eagle Ready Mix
Bentley Las Vegas
Meadows Bank
The Keeler Family
De Castroverde Law Group
LOGIC Commercial Real Estate
For those who were not in attendance take a moment to view the program which includes church and school updates, descriptions of the art projects that were auctioned, and much more:
Scholarship Opportunities
We've received word that Silver State Scholarships (Nevada's educational choice, income-based opportunity scholarships) will be opening applications for NEW families for the 2024-2025 school year, from May 15 to May 17, 2024. Scholarship applications for RETURNING families will open on May 1 and close on May 14, 2024. For more information and/or to download an application, visit the Silver State Scholarship website by CLICKING HERE.
SEAS Sports News
Tryouts & Teams...
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Seas Flag Football Team
- Ashtyn L.
- Adrian H.
- Nainoa P.
- Owen M.
- Kaden T.
- Connor J.
- Jessalie T.
- Olivia O.
- McKenna N.
- Emma N.
- Gianna G.
- Noah B.
- Noah R.
- Kingston D.
- Nathan E.
- Nathan P.
- Adler V.
- Carter C.
- Gabrie N.
*Practice begins on Monday, 4/29, 3:15-5pm and will be on Monday's & Wednesdays.
Game are scheduled for 5/13, 5/14 and 5/20 at St. Francis de Sales Catholic School.
Go Eagles!
*Game dates for sports will be on the monthly calendar at the top of the newsletter.
Updated volleyball schedule...
Check out the exciting topics SEAS students are learning in Art, PE, Music, Technology, Spanish and CGS classes.
School Links & Resources
Youth Ministry Happenings
All SEAS Students in Grades 6-8 are invited to get involved!
Questions about Youth Ministry? Reach out to:
Mallory Suzanne McAvoy-Daniels
Assistant for Youth, Young Adults and Family Life
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church
1811 Pueblo Vista Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89128
3rd Annual SEAS Golf Invitational
Help Support SEAS Youth Ministry Program!
The golf tourney is on Saturday, May 18 at Palm Valley in Sun City. Tee time is 7:30am; individual golfers as well as teams welcome! The cost is $125pp and includes golf, the golf cart, a bucket of practice balls and lunch. Can't make it out to golf? Feel free to simply sponsor!
This is a Youth Ministry fundraiser with the funds helping to assist with scholarships for VBS and our Journey (Confirmation) program, all of our retreats and anything extra that we do to support the Youth, Young Adults and Families in our parish/school.
How to register: Email the Registration/Sponsor Form (attached below) to Maureen at msisto@seaslv.org or deliver to the Sursum Corda Gift Shop. Submit payment online at www.seaslv.org or in the Sursum Corda Gift Shop. Checks should be made payable to: SEAS. All participants are required to complete a liability waiver.
SEAS Parish Announcements
Don't forget to visit the Religious Store in the Church!
The Religious Gift Shop at St. Elizabeth welcome you to Stop by and shop for Mother’s Day and other gifts for your upcoming Baptism’s, Wedding ,First Holy Communion, Confirmation and other religious items.
Do not forget to pick up your monthly subscription of MAGNIFICAT /Give Us This Day.
Again, thank you for your patronage.
About us
Email: seasschool@seaslv.org
Website: www.seascatholicschool.org
Location: 1807 Pueblo Vista Drive, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Phone: 702-804-8328
Facebook: www.facebook.com/seascslv
Twitter: @seascslv