Hawk's Tale Newsletter
August 29th, 2024
First Day of School - Tuesday, September 3rd
- Drop off begins at 8:10 AM
- Quick goodbyes leave dry eyes! All goodbyes are said outside
- School begins at 8:27 AM
- No visitors for lunch today
- School day ends at 3:20 PM
Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
8:10 AM - Outdoor supervision begins *children may not be dropped off before this time unless enrolled in YMCA before school program*
8:15 AM - Building doors open for students *parents cannot enter the building with students*
8:27 AM - School day begins *if your student arrives after this time, please bring your child to the front doors*
3:20 PM - Final dismissal bell
Please reference the map below regarding the drop off and pick up locations for each grade level. Grades 3-5 enter and exit through Door H. Grades K-2 enter and exit through Door C.
*Please note the correction above - 8:15 AM building doors open for students. Time listed on previous newsletter is incorrect*
Outdoor Reminders from Mr. Shep
To ensure the safety of all students, please see the reminders below
- The playground is closed before school. Students should go right to their entrance doors.
- The playground is closed after school until 3:30 so we can ensure all students are where they are supposed to be. Families may come back to use the playground after 3:30.
- No dogs on school property.
New This Year! 🌟
News From Our PTO
Lunch Supervisors Needed!
We are looking for help from 11:40am-1:00pm supervising students in the lunch room and out on the playground. Paid and volunteer positions are available. Commit to one day or up to five days. Grandparents, friends, relatives, all are welcome! Call our office (920) 852-5490 for more information!
Breakfast Menu - September
Lunch Menu - September
Looking to Donate?
Houdini is in need of donations of Lysol/Clorox/Disinfecting wipes. Please bring any donations directly to the office or health room. We appreciate your support in keeping our learning spaces clean!
September - Dates to Remember
9/2 - Labor Day - No School
9/3 - First Day of School
9/12 - PTO Meeting 6:00 PM (LMC)
9/13 - 3rd Annual 5K Run & Walk at Kaleidoscope Academy
9/24 - Picture Day
9/30 - No Classes - Staff Professional Development