Wolf Call Newsletter
February 22
The mission of West Hills High School is to develop and graduate analytical thinkers
and problem solvers who contribute positively to society as productive,
responsible members of the community.
Safety Tip: Anonymous social media posts
It’s important to understand that when posts are made anonymously, our school does not have the tools to track the posts to their source (we also do not have the ability to take any social media posts down). In these situations, we encourage families to report the post to school administration for our awareness, share the post directly with the platform on which it was posted (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and request that the platform have the post removed. Any information gathered about the source of the post from the platform during the process of reporting it could be shared with school administration as well for our investigative purposes. Again, if the post contains a threat of any kind, please submit a tip through P3 Tips (Link bookmarked on all student Chromebooks as well).
Also, we encourage students not to comment or respond to anonymous posts/texts for their safety.
Important Dates (Next week!)
February 28 - Minimum Day, (WASC Accreditation meeting)
March 1 - Minimum Day (PACK Day / Parent Shadow Day)
Please see future dates and our school Bell Schedule HERE.
PACK Day (Parent Shadow Day)
Hey Pack Families!
Every year we host a PACK Day (Parents At Class w/Kids) where parents can shadow their student on a minimum day schedule. We invite you to come experience a day in the life of your student. What to expect:
- Parking Map (click here) - Come early to find parking. In addition to our designated handicap parking, we will have handicap parking reserved in the flag circle.
- HOC parking at Rumson gate - Lower lot only (not in staff or visitor spots)
- Remember you are a guest observer (conference time should be scheduled)
- Minimum day ends at 1:10
Friday, Mar 1, 2024, 08:30 AM
West Hills High School, Mast Boulevard, Santee, CA, USA
ONLINE Tutoring & School offered Tutorial
Tutor Me is now Pear Deck Tutor which is a district provided service for 24/7 tutoring! 😃 Students access through the Schoology (TutorMe) menu on their Chromebooks.
Our Semester 2 Tutorial Schedule can be found HERE. We encourage parents to "assign" their student a tutorial until grades are satisfactory. Our tutorial teachers are here and available to help and can just show up! Come for 20 min or the whole hour! Students can email you and the tutorial teacher as a log of attendance.
Free Heart Screening for Youth (Feb 25)
Eric Paredes Save a Life Foundation offers free heart screening (an echocardiogram, EKG/ECG) to youth ages 12-25. This screening is not part of a regular pre-participation exam or physical and can detect heart conditions that go unrecognized in physicals. Eric Paredes' Save a Life Foundation's screenings could be potentially life saving, as sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death in sport.
The next screening is this Sunday, February 25 at Steele Canyon High School from 9:30-2:30pm. If you are interested in a free screening please use the "Screen Your Teen" link above to register.
Sunday, Feb 25, 2024, 09:30 AM
Steele Canyon High School, Campo Road, Spring Valley, CA, USA
INKWELL - WHHS annually published literary-art magazine
Any WHHS student is invited to submit original artwork and/or writing for inclusion in Inkwell, the school's annually published literary-art magazine.
Submit work using the form: bit.ly/submitinkwell2024 - the deadline is not until March 15th, but you can submit now!
For inspiration, see a digital copy of last year's Inkwell at bit.ly/inkwell2023 - or get more info from Ms. Sannwald in the library.
Cal Poly Humboldt
Interested in learning more about Cal Poly Humboldt? An admissions representative will be on campus to meet with students on Thursday, March 21st during lunch time in the College and Career Center L-1. Come learn all about admissions and campus life. Sign up in the Counseling office today!
University of Arizona (lunchtime on March 22)
Interested in learning more about the University of Arizona? An admissions representative will be on campus to meet with students on Friday, March 22nd during lunch time in the College and Career Center L-1. Come learn all about admissions and campus life. Sign up in the Counseling office today!
Participate in March "Mathness" All Month Long!
Throughout the month of March, participate in March Mathness. Each school day, there will be a different puzzle from the March Mathness calendar. Let's see you put your problem-solving skills to work! Even if you can't find a solution, though, you can still turn in your evidence of effort daily in the library. View the calendar and zoomed in puzzles at bit.ly/marchmathness2024
Current info from our last newsletter
SDSU Field Trip
The Counseling Department is hosting a field trip to San Diego State University on March 20th. Students will receive a tour of the campus and learn more about the University. Sign up in the Counseling office ASAP if you are interested in attending!
Weekly Club Meetings
>>> Explore our campus clubs! <<<
Loss of Privilege Policy
Loss of Privilege (LOP) List: We want students to put “Academics First” by prioritizing attendance and following school rules. Students may earn their way off of the LOP list through attendance at detention, tutorial and / or Saturday school after talking with their Assistant Principal.
See our Loss of Privilege Policy HERE.
Suds N Pups Dog Grooming and Wash - THANK YOU!
West Hills Boys Soccer would like to thank Suds N Pups Dog Grooming and Wash for their second generous donation that will go to another great cause!
Connect with WHHS
West Hills Social Media and links
Main: @whhswolfpack
Juniors: @wolfpackclass2025
Sophomores: @whhsclass2026
Freshman: @whhsclass2027
ASB: @whhsasb
Guidance/Counseling: @whhs.counseling
Athletics: @westhillsathletics
Library: @westhillslib
Yearbook: @wolfpackyearbook
AVID: @whhsavid
Marching Band: @blue_and_black_brigade