January 31, 2025
Hello EXE families,
Woot. Woot! We have arrived at the final day of January! We had an amazing month and look forward to all the things that February will bring....the groundhog seeing (or hopefully, not seeing) his shadow, our 100th day of teaching and learning and of course, a possible Super Bowl win for our namesake, the Philadelphia Eagles😉
Speaking of the Eagles, we have a full Spirit Week ahead planned by our 5th grade Student Council members. Check out the fun below. We'll have a Pep Rally on Friday before leaving for the weekend to cheer our home team on! Thanks to our PTO for spending in a special treat for our students on Friday!
Fifth grade parents---just a reminder that your students will be need to make their 6th grade Music course selections in the month ahead. On January 23, Dr. Missett emailed families of 5th grade students with the pertinent information and timeline. Mr. Klingler is a great resource here at EXE, if you have any questions.
Lastly, I wanted to share a new title with you all-- Dr. B, but don't worry, I won't be handing out prescriptions, just SOAR awards and more here at Exton! Thank you to everyone who cheered me on along the way!
As always, thank you for sharing your children with us. We look forward to seeing them back on Monday. Go Birds!
With EXE pride,
Dr. B
A Note from our Health and PE Teacher, Mrs. Keown
Hello Parents/Guardians!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday break. Once again, this year Exton Elementary is participating in the American Heart Association Kid’s Heart Challenge! This is for a wonderful cause helping those with special hearts and we learn a lot about heart health along the way!
Attached is important information on what the Kids Heart Challenge is, who our Heart Heroes are and how to donate. Please scan the code below for our school page. Registration is online and highly recommended online donations, cash is taken if need be.
We will have our KHC event during PE class time, the week of January 27th. Deadline for donations is February 7th.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Keown
HPE Teacher
From our PTO....
Click the link to access the EXE PTO's spirit wear
Attendance Information
WCASD Updates to Attendance
We have some important WCASD updates to share regarding attendance and communication:
New Note Submission Options: Caregivers can now submit parent notes for absences through Pickup Patrol and Talking Points messages. We will continue to accept emails and handwritten notes. We hope this makes it easier for you to keep us informed!
Automated Phone Calls:Automated phone calls will be sent to caregivers of students with unexcused (LAW) absences at 10:10 AM each morning. This will help keep you updated on your child's attendance. If this automated call ever feels inaccurate, please contact our main office.
New Email for Parent Notes: We have established a new email address for submitting parent notes: EXEattendance@wcasd.k12.pa.us. Our school secretaries will receive emails to this address which will ensure a smooth communication process.
Doctor’s Note Requirement: Please note that the previous 60-minute early dismissal window during which a doctor’s note was not required has been removed. Moving forward, a doctor’s note will be required for early dismissals to avoid an unexcused absence.
Nurse Exclusion Policy: We’ve added a new policy for nurse exclusions (NN). If the school nurse advises a student to stay home the following day, this will now be considered an excused absence.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes to enhance our attendance processes.
PickUp Patrol
Parents/guardians must enter their child's plan to participate in an after-school event using PickUp Patrol. This is required because your child's dismissal plan is different from their normal plan and ensures that all EXE staff members know your child's plan at the end of the school day. If the club meets on a weekly basis, logging your child's plan is necessary each day that he or she will be participating in the after-school event. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kirsten Yantis, EXE's Attendance Secretary, at kyantis@wcasd.net
From the Nurse
Hello from the health room. As a reminder concerning items for the health room.
If your student will require medication to be kept in the health room, we will need to have a new signed medical order from your student’s provider for the current school year, the medication in the box with the pharmacy label on it and written permission from their parent/guardian to give the medication. A link to district forms is at the bottom of the page. Orders from previous school years cannot be accepted for the current school year.
Jackie Ruppert, RN, MSN
Certified School Nurse
Exton Elementary
For District forms, click here
You can now follow us on Instagram! We'll be sure to highlight EXE and share out reminders of upcoming events. You'll find us on Instagram under EXEeagles.
Upcoming Events
On Fridays, we wear red and our EXE gear! We love to see the EXE school spirit!
2/3 - Building Bridges Event for Multilingual Families (at EXE, 4-5 PM)
2/7 - PTO-sponsored Someone Special Dance 6-8 PM
2/14 - Early dismissal for Teacher Inservice Day
2/17 - Presidents' Day - No School
District Calendar is linked here for your convenience.
Exton Elementary
Principal: Kristin Bulgarelli
Email: KBulgarelli@wcasd.net
Location: 301 Hendricks Avenue
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 484-266-1400