McDonald Updates
Thursday, January 2, 2025
January 2025
Happy New Year! Dear McDonald Families, Happy New Year and welcome back to school! We hope you and your family enjoyed a restful and joyous holiday season. As we step into 2025, we look forward to an exciting and productive second half of the school year. There’s much to look forward to, and we want to take a moment to remind you of a few important things as we get back into the swing of things. 1. Cell Phones and Smart Watches Reminder: 2. Device Readiness for Testing: 3. Flexible Instructional Days (FID): We thank you for your continued partnership and support in making McDonald School a positive and productive place for our students. We look forward to a great start to the new year! Wishing you all a wonderful January,
As we continue to prioritize a focused and productive learning environment for all students, please remember that cell phones and smart watches are not permitted in classrooms. These devices must be turned off and kept securely in students' backpacks during the school day. This includes all personal technology, which should remain out of sight and in backpacks until students leave for the day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a distraction-free environment for everyone.
January is a crucial month for student assessments, and we want to ensure every student is well-prepared. As part of this, it is important that each student brings their charged device to school every day. Please make sure devices are fully charged and packed in your child’s backpack so they are ready for testing. With the winter weather upon us, we understand that things may get a little more hectic, but we appreciate your support in ensuring students bring their devices to school and back home safely.
In case of inclement weather or other circumstances requiring a shift in learning, please be aware of the Flexible Instructional Day (FID) procedures. More information can be found here. This ensures that learning continues smoothly from home on days we can't be in the classroom. Please review the FID guidelines so your child is prepared in the event of a virtual learning day.
The McDonald School Team
Outreach Service Day Project Planning
Dear McDonald Families,
For the month of January, our school will be conducting a very special service project. We will be creating Get Well Bags for patients who are diagnosed with cancer. Throughout the months of December and January we will be collecting items to put into these goody bags. Each grade has been assigned an item which can be found below. For ease and convenience, there is also an Amazon Wishlist with the requested items. Items can be ordered directly from the link below or can be purchased when you are out and about shopping. We ask that all items be brought into school by Monday, January 13th. All bags will be assembled and delivered during our Week of Service, January 20th-24th.
Thank you for all of your help and support with this service project as it is a great way
for students to learn about service, and represent our wonderful school!
Best Regards,
The McDonald Elementary School Outreach Project Team
___________________________________________________________________ Item Collection
Kindergarten: Chapstick/Hard Candy
First Grade: Body Lotion (no bigger than 8oz)/Hand Sanitizer (travel size) Second Grade: Puzzle Books (no bigger than 7x9)
Third Grade: Blankets (no bigger than 40in x 50in)
Fourth Grade: Snacks/Granola Bars
Fifth Grade: Gatorade Bottles (12oz bottles)
January 10- Grade 1 Donuts with Grown-Ups, Student Awards Assembly & Girls Night Out
January 15- HSA meeting 7:00 pm
January 20- No School
January Calendar
Start Your Career at Centennial!
Please spread the word that Centennial School District is hiring:
If you know anyone who would be interested in these positions, please have them apply. We offer competitive rates, excellent perks, and benefits, including a pension. For questions, please call 215-441-6000, Ext. 11034.
Please check out our employment website for a complete list of vacancies.
Open Opportunities:
Bus Drivers
- Bus Mechanic
- Paraeducators (Instructional Assistants/ Personal Care Assistants)
- Cafeteria/ Recess Monitors
- Athletic Coaches
- Long Term Subs
- Special Education Teachers
Looking for help with your application? Want to talk to someone in HR about open positions? Join us for our next Walk-In Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 8am-12pm.
McDonald Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Diana Garaitonandia, x16001 -
Assistant Principal: Mr. VanBuren, x16002 -
Location: 666 Reeves Lane, Warminster, PA, USA
Phone: 215-441-6157