Jaguar Tales
March 7, 2025
Hello, Jaguar Family!
We hope you will join us tomorrow for NJHS's Walk for Wishes Carnival. Each year our NJHS sets out to make a wish come true for a critically ill child through the Make a Wish Foundation. We hope you will support their efforts by participating in the carnival tomorrow. More info. can be found below.
Please take note of important course verification information for next school year included below.
Have a great weekend! Go Jags!
Larissa Ortiz
Cedar Valley Middle School Principal
Helpful Tip: Some editions of Jaguar Tales are longer than others. If you are viewing the newsletter in your email and it seems to randomly cut off, please click on the title of the newsletter (Jaguar Tales) in your email. Doing this will link you to the full newsletter on the Smore site. You can also click on "View entire message" at the bottom of the email. 🙂
Course Verification for Next Year - March 10-28
Rising 6th, 7th and 8th should check Home Access Center (HAC) between 3/10-3/28 to verify their courses for the next school year. Students who need to request a change to their course verification must do so by 3/28/2024, and they must use THIS FORM.
This form is for students who have a scheduling error or who have changed their minds about courses they indicated on their Choice Sheet. The requests will be processed in the order they are received. This is the LAST opportunity to make a change before your schedule is set for the upcoming school year. Student choices are the foundation for the master schedule, teaching assignments, and staffing. Thus, it is important that all student course change requests are entered into our master schedule correctly on THIS FORM.
For a description of classes, please consult the RRISD Course Catalog.
The deadline to make request changes is 3/28. NO change requests will be accepted after the verification window closes!
Cedar Valley Counseling Team:
Liz Guidry, 6th Grade,
Gabby Kerr, 7th Grade,
Heather Mills, 8th Grade,
Track Updates
Congrats on a great track meet this week at Cedar Ridge HS!
Boys Track Meet Results vs Ridgeview, Deerpark, and Grisham
7th grade Boys finished in 1st place with 200 team points.
8th grade Boys finished in 2nd place with 158 team points.
Cedar Valley in all 4 divisions combined were the overall school champions with a total of 862 total points. The closest 2nd place team (Ridgeview) had 744 total points. Job well done Cedar Valley Track Athletes for winning 1st place by almost 120 points!
7th grade High Point Scorers who all finished in the top 10 in individual points scored: B. Nicholson with 26 points L. Nicholson with 23 points N. Flores with 23 points J. Eguia with 21 points A. Palacios with 20 points D. McBeath with 17 points 8th grade
High Point Scorers who all finished in the top 10 in individual points scored:
I. Ore with 50 points (Total maximum points for 2nd week in a row) L. Parker with 18 points T. Olson with 17 points
Lady Jags Track Meet Results vs Ridgeview, Deerpark, and Grisham
Great job to the Lady Jags at the track meet on Thursday night. Both 7th and 8th grade girls placed 1st! 7th grade girls scored a total of 283 points, and 8th grade girls scored a total of 221 points.
Three of our Lady Jags placed in the Top 10 Overall Athletes (all boys' and girls' division combined):
Samantha G. placed 2nd with 33 points.
Danielle K. placed 5th with 30 points.
Haven M. placed 7th with 29 points.
Eight of our Lady Jags placed in the Top 10 Athletes for the 7th Grade Girls Division:
Samantha G. placed 1st with 33 points.
Danielle K. placed 2nd with 30 points.
Brynn D. placed 3rd with 23 points.
Valkyrie H. placed 4th with 22 points.
Daphne V. placed 5th with 21 points.
Liz B.placed 6th with 20 points.
Sophie G. and Riley R. tied for 9th with 18 points.
Five of our Lady Jags placed in the Top 10 Athletes for the 8th Grade Girls Division:
Haven M. placed 2nd with 29 points.
Jaishree L. placed 5th with 23.5 points.
Ally H. placed 6th with 23 points.
Olive T. placed 7th with 22 points.
Emery H. placed 8th with 20 points.
Congrats to all our Lady Jaguar Track Athletes on a job well done!
NJHS Walk for Wishes Carnival - March 8
Cedar Valley Book Fair is Coming - Mar. 10-14
The Cedar Valley Librarian needs your help selling books. No prior experience is necessary.
Please sign up to Volunteer Here! It's a fundraiser for the library.
Set up your Book Fair eWallet now so your students can get all the books before Spring Break!
Click here for eWallet activation.
Plastic Bag Recycling Challenge
March 3 - April 4
Cedar Valley Middle School will be participating in the 17th Annual HEB School Plastic Bag Recycling Challenge between March 3rd and April 4th. Please bring all plastic bags to the JAG lobby.
Brushy Creek Elementary School and Great Oaks Elementary School will also be participating in the 2025 HEB School Plastic Bag Recycling Challenge - we want to win. Go JAGS!
Together we can have an impact and protect our treasured Texas land, water, and air for future generations!
🏆 Current Standings:
Brushy Creek 2,308
Cedar Valley 779
Great Oaks 586
Spring Break - Mar. 17 - 21 - No School
Chloe's Pet Corral - Animal Shelter Drive
Mar. 26 - Apr. 4
STAAR Test Dates - Spring 2025
Our students will be taking the state-mandated STAAR tests this Spring. We kindly ask that our families avoid scheduling appointments on the days when their students are testing. Also please note, campus visitors will be limited on these days.
April 10 - ELA STAAR - Grades 6, 7, and 8
April 15 - Science STAAR - Grade 8 only
April 17 - Social Studies STAAR -Grade 8 only
April 22 - Math STAAR - Grades 6, 7, and 8 (includes Algebra 1 EOC)
More information about the STAAR tests can be found here.
If you have campus-specific questions about the STAAR test, please contact the campus testing coordinator,
RRISD Hackathon - Registration Opened Feb. 26
RRISD Hackathon
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 8am - 5pm
Walsh Middle School
Register here starting February 26. Space is limited.
RRISD Diving Practice
RRISD Diving Clinic Information
Summer Camp Info. - Apply by Mar. 31
Camp Build will be held in Austin June 2-6. Students have hands-on projects such as creating lamps, stepping stones, and doghouses to be donated to the local community. They also learn about the Construction career field. DETAILS
8th Grade Student Transition/Registration Dates
March 10 - 14 - MHS Course Verification (HAC) / Course Change Deadline - March 14
March 24 - 28 - RRHS Course Verification (HAC) / Course Change Deadline - March 28
8th Grade Transition Resources
As high school information is shared from the high schools it will be included here (ex: presentations). If you have specific questions about any of the programs or information shared, please reach out to the high school directly.
Save the Date - 8th Grade Formal Dance - May 3, 2025
Save the Date for the 8th Grade End-of-Year Celebration!!
This year's formal dance will take place on Saturday, May 3rd, from 7-10 PM at Cedar Valley MS!
Admission is FREE, along with snacks, great music, and much more!
This is a PTA and 8th grade parent sponsored event, exclusive for 8th grade Cedar Valley MS students only. No outside guests or students from other grades will be allowed to attend. Parents can attend as volunteers only. Look for additional information on volunteering, donating, and reserving {free} tickets coming out soon.
Spirit Wear is Available!
Spiritwear is now available to purchase through our online store! You can place an order anytime and it will be delivered to your child's advisory class within a few days!
Check out our new shirt design for the 2023/2024 school year! The shirt was designed by an eighth grade art student at Cedar Valley! Help support our school and teachers by purchasing a shirt today!!!
Volunteers Needed!
One of the best ways to show your student that education is important to you, is by volunteering at their school. There are lots of different ways to contribute your time, support and resources.
Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form below to help us match your interests with the school's needs (such as Staff Appreciation, Concessions, Fundraising or School Dances).
This does NOT commit you to anything other than possibly receiving emails when we need help in your areas of interest.
Beginning the 2024-25 school year, PTA Memberships will be completed and paid directly from the Texas PTA site.
For further Information, please visit Memberships.
Upcoming Events
All events at Cedar Valley can be found on the Cedar Valley Master Calendar.
Did you know that you can add the Cedar Valley Master Calendar to your calendar? Simply click on this link to access it and add it to your calendar!
Join PTA Today!
Visit our Cedar Valley PTA Online Store to make donations and purchase your Cedar Valley merchandise at our one stop shop! Merchandise will be back online shortly.
To join PTA, click here. We're happy to have you on board!
Cedar Valley Middle School
Vision: Fostering an inclusive community of lifelong learners
Location: 8139 Racine Trail, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2300
Twitter: @cevmsjags
Front Office Staff
Administrative Associate - Principal's Office: Ms. Cristol Alvarez, 512-428-2316
Administrative Assistant - Counseling Office: Ms. Marilyn Beal, 512-428-2348
Attendance: Ms. Dana Harrison, 512-428-2305
Receptionist: Mrs. Ashley Richardson, 512-428-2301
Registrar: Ms. Vicky Escruceria, 512-428-2315
6th Grade Counselor: Ms. Gabrielle Kerr
7th Grade Counselor: Ms. Heather Mills
8th Grade Counselor: Ms. Elizabeth Guidry
Principal: Ms. Larissa Ortiz
6th Grade Assistant Principal: Ms. Jennifer Bingham
7th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Marc Scott
8th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Andrew Carroll
Nurse Clinic
Campus Nurse: Nurse Mina Shimomura
Records Specialist: Ms. Kristie_Rocheleau