Independence High School
Principal's Update
SIXER community,
Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone was able to take some downtime and is returning refreshed as we end the fifth marking period and move into the final stretch of the school year. As we look at the end of the marking period, remember to communicate early with your teachers about any missed or late work you may need to turn in still. The Spartan East Side Promise is available for all Independence students who meet the minimum requirements.
Congratulations to our IHS Winter Guard! This past Saturday, the Winter Guard competed in the California Color Guard Circuit Championships. The Guard was crowned Champions of the Scholastic Regional AA class. Congratulations to all Winter Guard Members!
This week we are on a special testing schedule as our Juniors take the CAASPP (California Assessments of Student Performance and Progress) testing Tuesday through Thursday. At the same time our Seniors will be completing the Sex Ed modules.
The Spring Panorama survey is now collecting responses. All students will be receiving this survey through their English classes. Students will go to https://surveys.panoramaed.com/eastsideunion/ to fill out the surveys. Your access code is your student ID. For families, the link is surveys.panoramaed.com/eastsideunion/family, and you can choose Independence and your preferred language.
What's Happening This Week
Our SIXER Values in Action
On Thursday, March 28, our community partner 10,000 Degrees hosted Money Matters: Budgeting for College Workshop. This interactive financial aid literacy curriculum was designed by 10,000 Degrees for high school students. Participating students juggle set budgets and flexible pricing for college-related expenses, including books, transportation, electronics, and housing.
“Students rotate between 9 stations—staffed by volunteers and our 10,000 Degrees teams—and are challenged to make difficult budgeting decisions, including being encouraged to spend more than they should on products and services they more than likely will not need! Students leave with a new appreciation for the many challenges of making ends meet while also realizing college is affordable.” ~Mr. Anthony Garcia, 10,000 Degrees Fellow
Miss this awesome opportunity?
Don’t worry! Check out this summer event:
The 10,000 Degrees College Opportunities Summit is a summer college success program that focuses on supporting rising High School seniors in San Francisco and San Jose prepare for their senior year and post-secondary education through a FREE one-day in-person event filled with engaging workshops and fun activities led by recent college graduates.
This program is designed for first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students who will be rising high school seniors this summer 2024. Interested students can apply at:
Sixer Shoutouts
“Sophia Tran has promoted mental health within our Sixer Community through awareness, student surveys, and workshop ideas. Thank you, Sophia for being consistently ENGAGED and bringing new opportunities for us to learn and be more aware of our mental health.” ~Dr. LaMontagne, MTSS Implementation
“Ms. Diana Castillo is simply amazing. She is warm and welcoming and often one of the first people you will see as you step into our new student union. She takes care of all of our attendance needs and directs people to the right place with a smile. She has gone above and beyond as a Sixer. Thank you, Ms. Castillo for all that you do for our Sixer Community!” ~ Dr. LaMontagne, MTSS Implementation
IHS Counseling Corner
Financial Aid Deadline Extended:
California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) has announced that the Cal Grant deadline has been extended to May 2, 2024. Governor Newson signed Assembly Bill 1887 as a measure to assist families who are experiencing issues with the financial aid application. The new deadline extends the eligibility for Cal Grants and Middle Class Scholarships. Note: there shouldn’t be any impact on federal awarded Pell Grant eligibility as students submit their FAFSA by June 30, 2024.Upcoming Dates:
- April 10: Evergreen Valley College Orientation
April 11: De Anza College Application Workshop
April 16: Mission College Workshop: Application, Orientation & Course Registration
April 24: De Anza College Orientation Workshop
Counselor Caseload:
Ms. Pham: Last Names A-Cd | 408.928.9680 | phamm@esuhsd.org
Mr. Ly: Last Names Ce-Gak | 408.928.9547 | lyt@esuhsd.org
Mr. Hennessey: Last Names Gal-Ld | 408.928.9563 | hennesseym@esuhsd.org
Ms. Fernandez: Last Names Le-M | 408.928.9574 | fernandezf@esuhsd.org
Ms. Huynh: Last Names N-Pha | 408.928.9567 | huynhtt@esuhsd.org
Ms. Marquez: Last Names Phb-Tal | 408.928.9568 | marquezl@esuhsd.org
Ms. Liang: Last Names Tam-Z | 408.928.9546 | liangb@esuhsd.org
Ms. Dela Cruz: Counselor in Training | 8:15am-2:30pm | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday | dealcruzcharissamae@esuhsd.org
Mr. Garcia: 10,000 Degrees Fellow | 9am-4pm | Tuesday-Thursday | 415.578.4380 | anthony.garcia@10000degrees.org
Athletics Updates
“Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.” ~Kobe Bryant
Week of 4/8/24
Sixer Badminton: Coach Allen Trinh (atrinh1219@gmail.com)
4/19 - @ Archbishop Mitty @ 6pm
4/12 - vs Andrew Hill @ 6pm
Sixer Baseball: Coach Fernandes (fernandesp@esuhsd.org)
4/10 @ Mt. Pleasant @ 4pm
4/12 vs Mt. Pleasant
Sixer Golf: Coach Bartholomew (bartholomewr@esuhsd.org)
4/9 vs Silver Creek @ San Jose Muni GC 4pm
4/10 vs Silver Creek @ Santa Teresa GC @ 4pm
Sixer Softball: Coach Yenchik (yenchiks@esuhsd.org)
4/10 @ San Jose 4pm
4/12 vs James Lick 4pm
Sixer Swim: Coach Martinez (martinezad@esuhsd.org)
4/12 @ Piedmont Hills 3:30pm
Sixer Tennis: Coach James (jesse316james@yahoo.com)
4/9 @ Pioneer @ 4pm
4/11 vs Westmont @ 4pm
Sixer Track and Field:
4/11 vs Piedmont and Evergreen l 4pm
Sixer Volleyball: Coach Nguyen (ng.kenneth02@gmail.com)
4/11 vs Piedmont Hills 5:30 | 7pm
Sixer Basketball (b): Coach Yenchik
Sixer Basketball (g): Coach Singh (singh@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Soccer (b): Coach Mendez (fmendez888@gmail.com)
Sixer Soccer (g): Coach Kimball (mskimball1997@gmail.com)
Sixer Wrestling: Coach Thompson (njakeg1209@yahoo.com)
Sixer Football: Coach Braun (braunj@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Golf (girls): Coach Carson (carsona@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Volleyball (girls): Coach Kenny (ng.kenneth02@gmail.com)
Sixer Cross Country (boys & girls): Coach Kevin (ckwang91@gmail.com)
Sixer Tennis (girls): Coach Scott (rl20ii@yahoo.com)
Sixer Water Polo (boys & girls): Coach Martinez (rodriguez.adrian1821@gmail.com)
Sixer Girls’ Flag Football: Coach Baker (bakerl@esuhsd.org)Visit Sixer Athletics for up to date information about athletics! Follow us on Instagram: @indyathletics
Visit GoFan.co to purchase tickets
Activities Updates
Caps and Gowns
Seniors still wishing to purchase Caps and Gowns can visit http://HJGradstore.com. or contact our Rep. Mike Rabago. Office number 925-736-0679
2023-2024 Yearbook Promo!
Right now, yearbook reservations/orders are $70. Students and parents/ guardians can order a yearbook at the school bank (A-06), or visit www.yearbookordercenter.com (enter code 6072) to purchase online (there is a $4.99 processing fee for online purchasing). For further information, please review the Yearbook Frequently Asked Questions document.
Seniors! Check out the special Senior Button in this Newsletter for all things relevant to you and graduation!
Follow us on Instagram:
Stay up to date on all student activities and events at IHS - be sure to follow your ASB accounts:
And, your class account for important information specific to your grade level:
Safety & Attendance
We are a CLOSED Campus!
This is a friendly reminder to students and parents that we are a closed campus. Students should not be leaving the school grounds during school hours, particularly during break and lunch for safety reasons. The Public Library and Overfelt Gardens are off limits.
Students should not be hanging out in the parking lots during passing periods, break and or lunch. Staff members will ask the students to go back to the main campus.
Doordash is not allowed. We are a closed campus and we do not want strangers driving onto our campus and delivering food to minors. Students may not walk off campus to get a delivery either. This is a safety issue!
Parents, please do not send food deliveries to your student. ALL students may eat for free at break and lunch.
Dress and Attire
The expectations for clothing are clean, covered, and appropriate. This means no clothing that displays explicit or derogatory language, no drug or alcohol references, no sexually explicit images or nudity, and no gang references or symbols.
Any clothing or accessory item that the Administration deems a safety issue will be addressed with the student, and we will work with them to find a solution.
Attendance Matters!
The C-05 office will continue to focus on attendance as we continue to strive towards our mission: Students Engaged in the Classroom. We would like to continue to remind SIXERs the importance of being on time, all day, every day, and that there is a correlation between attendance, grades, and graduation. Avoid the truancy process!
Students who are consistently tardy or absent will meet with Ms. Goltzer and/or one of our Parent Community Involvement Specialists or a Student Advisor. We may request a parent meeting as well.
Parents, if you need to report a student’s tardiness or absence, please do so as soon as possible. The Attendance Office is in the N1 building. If you would like to phone instead, use the following phone numbers based on your student’s last name:
Attendance Staff
Short Term Independent Studies
Naicila Vidal - 408.928.9521
Student last names A - L
Diana Castillo - 408.928.9552
Student last names M-Z
Thao Pham - 408.928.9542
Reporting Line - SaySomething
Students and Parents,
Our highest priority is safety. If you witness or experience something that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or that could potentially become a safety issue, please report it. You can do so anonymously. We have a link to the SAY SOMETHING app on our Independence website. Please give the Administration as much information as possible so that we may investigate the issue. You do not have to use your name. I am providing the link here as well. Let’s work together to keep our campus and community safe!
Saturday School
We will continue our Saturday School series this year. It is a great way to make up an absence and clear it from your record, and avoid truancy! Saturday School will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 pm. It is an opportunity to work on homework, makeup work or just work ahead! A teacher will be there to help you with your work. We will also have food available.
Bring your Chromebook, as there will be a limited amount for use.
Our next date is 4/20! See you there.
Use the following link to sign up!
Parking Permits
Students who park on campus must have a parking permit. Please register your vehicle in C-05 and get your permit. Please display it in your vehicle when you park on campus. We ask that students park in the N1 parking lot (the large parking lot in front of the N1 Administration building).
Please drive safely in our parking lots. They are regularly monitored and any unsafe driving or driving at high speeds will not be tolerated. You may be cited and asked to park on the street in the future if you participate in these behaviors. We are a busy campus and you do not want to cause an accident or injure pedestrians.
You are not permitted to “hang out” in your vehicle during the school day.
Use the following link to register your vehicle. Pick up your permit in C-05.
Parent and Community Specialist Corner
For any questions or concerns please contact your Parent & Community Involvement Specialists (PCIS) Ms. Ha phamha@esuhsd.org 408.928.9598 or Ms. Maggie rodriguezm@esuhsd.org 408.928.9541. We are located in what we are calling the "Sixer Community Center" located in A202. Please call us for an appointment or feel free to stop by and visit us.
Although all students receive free brunch & lunch, we are asking for your support in completing the “alternate Income form.” Please use this link to apply online.
For confirmation of Free & Reduced please contact Child Nutrition Services at cns@esuhsd.org
Please ensure we have your email so you are able to receive Parent Meetings and school updates. We offer a variety of support services for our school community. Please complete the Parent Survey by using this link https://forms.gle/mY7aQo6c37KW5S64A to get your feedback regarding Parent Workshops.
As a reminder please refer to the academic calendar 2023-2024 to support you in the planning of any holiday vacations. As a reminder, vacations are not excuse absences in session days.
Sacred Heart Community Service
Second Harvest Food Bank nearest Food pickup
● 988 Crisis and Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Get Help - Behavioral Health Services - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org); informational flyer for mental health teams (attached)
● Black Youth & Suicide: A guide on suicide risk and mental health support for Black youth in Santa Clara County
● LGBTQ Youth Space (ages 13-25): https://youthspace.org/
● allcove: https://allcove.org/centers/palo-alto/
● Downtown Youth Wellness Center (ages 12-25) – flyer attached; Programs – Alum Rock Counseling Center (alumrockcc.org)
● Santa Clara County Office of Education - Department of Youth Health & Wellness
● Headspace for Teens: https://www.headspace.com/teens
● Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org
For any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Ms. Ha phamha@esuhsd.org 408.928.9598 or Ms. Maggie rodriguezm@esuhsd.org 408.928.9541.
Mental Health & Wellness Corner
Services offered in D-05
The Mental Health and Wellness team includes social workers, interns, and community based organizations (CBO’s) that work together to provide mental health support to IHS students. The Wellness Center team offers referrals to community resources, group counseling, short term individual counseling, crisis intervention and education about mental health and wellness.
How do I submit a referral?
Students, parents, teachers, and community members may submit a referral for any student at Independence by visiting the link below and filling out a Care Team referral form. A social worker, intern or other school staff member will follow up with the student.
Care Team Referral form: https://forms.doc-tracking.com/48252/48252/2416
Calming Space: The Calming Space is designed to be a place for students who are experiencing stress in class and need a short break to self-regulate. Before students visit the Calming Space, we ask that they check in with their teacher and request a pass. Students may spend 15 minutes in the Calming Space; if they need more time, a wellness center staff member will check in to discuss additional resources and support. We ask that students always check in with an adult when they arrive and before they leave the Calming Space, keep their phones away, and that they try at least one station in the space. Stop by to take a look!
Wellness Center Hours:
Monday: 8:30-1:53, 2:55-3:45 (closed 6th period for weekly Care Team Meetings)
Tuesday: 8:30 - 3:45
Wednesday: 8:30 - 3:45
Thursday: 9:30 -3:15 (Closed during weekly staff collaboration)
Friday: 8:30-3:45
Santa Clara County Youth Mental Health Input Survey
The To Be Honest Youth Advisory Board is a program of Momentum for Health that aims to reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health among youth, young adults and families in Santa Clara County. Please share your input on the following questions. We value your input in coordination of our efforts to enhance student wellness policy and services in the educational environment.
Access the Survey here: Santa Clara Youth Mental Health Survey
Downtown Youth Wellness Center
Address: 725 East Santa Clara Street, Suite 105, San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-961-4645
Email: dywc@hhs.sccgov.org
The Downtown Youth Wellness Center is a Behavioral Health program dedicated to promoting a safe, supportive, and youth-focused environment that provides short term Behavioral Health services, focused on prevention and early intervention for youth ages 12-25. Services include same day access to brief behavioral health support, peer support, workshops, well-being groups, social and educational activities, linkage to services/case management (including medical and longer-term behavioral health services), life skills development, education and career planning, independent living skills, and other related care. The DYWC is a partnership between the Behavioral Health Services Department and Alum Rock Counseling Center.
The DYWC is excited to continue to be part of the community that serves the youth in our community. In an ongoing effort to meet the needs of the youth, the DYWC has shifted the hours of operation to Monday through Friday from 10am-7pm. We are grateful this month for the love and support our partners have shown to the DYWC! Don’t miss our new program offerings this month including:
Where students find their Passion, Purpose, and Path.
School Vision
Contact us
Email: bergbj@esuhsd.org
Website: https://independence.esuhsd.org/index.html
Location: 617 North Jackson Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: 4089289500
Twitter: @IndependenceHS