The Riverview Reader
Updates For The Week of January 27
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A Message To Families From Mr. Peck
Riverview Families,
While this Monday is a day off for students, our teachers will be hard at work continuing their own personal learning around reading development and instruction. This school year over 60 hours of professional learning will be dedicated to this very important topic. So far our teachers have spent ample time learning about:
- How the brains of children work when they learn to read.
- How regular assessments, checks for understanding, data analysis, and having multiple tiers of support are essential for planning effective instruction and generating consistently positive outcomes.
- How oral language, phonological awareness, and phonemic awareness are important factors in reading develop and how to develop these skills in all of our learners.
- How our students best learn to "decode" by understanding phonics and the relationship between written letters and the sounds they produce to create words.
- How best to teach our students the 44 phonemes (sounds that make up words) in the English language and the roughly 250 graphemes (letter arrangements) that are used to create each of those phonemes (ex. f, ff, and ph are all graphemes that produce the same phoneme).
- How to help our learners read fluently, with a quick pace, maximum accuracy, and with good expression.
- How to help our students understand morphological concepts (base words, prefixes, suffixes, Anglo-Saxon roots, Greek roots, Latin roots, etc.) that better prepare them to make meaning from the words they encounter from text.
- How to help our students build their vocabularies so that when they effectively decode a given word, they can attach meaning to it and better understand what the author is trying to communicate.
- How to help our students better comprehend what they are reading through skillfully teaching them how to identify main ideas and elements of a story (plot, character, setting, conflict, theme, etc.), author's purpose, inferencing, summarizing, questioning, and predicting.
- How to build our students' writing skills so they can better communicate their amazing ideas on paper and digitally.
- And so much more!
The learning journey we have been on this school year has been challenging, enlightening, uplifting, and mostly reaffirming. Our teachers have worked tirelessly and collaboratively to apply these best practices into daily lessons and routines so that our students can get the very best possible instruction possible. I have tremendous love, respect, and admiration for our teachers because being an expert at all the things listed above is only one part of the multitude of things we expect our teachers to be great at! And they do it all every day with positivity, enthusiasm, poise, professionalism, and with the best interests of their learners always on their minds. I am extremely proud of the work we are doing at Riverview and across our district. We deeply appreciate the time we have been given to grow our own professional skills so that we can have an even greater impact on our students.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Best wishes for a great week!
Shawn Peck
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday, January 27 - NO SCHOOL; Professional Development Day for Teachers
- Thursday, January 30 - FHS New Dimensions Choir Performs for 5th Graders at RVES
- Friday, January 31 - 5th Grade Career Fair at FES
- Friday, January 31 - Multiage Biome Project Open House 1:00-1:45
- Wednesday, February 5 - Farmington Community Education’s Early Childhood Screening Event (see below for details)
- Wednesday, February 5 - Budget Community Session; 6:00 at Farmington Public Library
- Tuesday, February 11 - PTP Meeting 5:30
- Friday, February 14 - NO SCHOOL; Professional Development Day for Teachers
Riverview Honors Our Wonderful Paraprofessional Team With Parade Around School
Three RVES Teachers Earn "Inclusive Educator" Awards For Their Efforts
RVES multiage teachers Tracy Hinz, Crystal Merchant, and Lori Lukasezck were recently honored with “Inclusive Educator” Awards from our partners at ISD 917. They were nominated by vision teacher, Sara Henry and are each extremely deserving of this recognition. They go above and beyond to create learning environments and experiences that are accessible and impactful for every learner, no matter their background, ability, or challenges they may face. They ensure their classrooms are welcoming spaces for everyone and that every learner sees their classmates as valuable members of our school community. We are grateful for all Tracy, Crystal, and Lori do for kids and proud of them for earning this recognition!
Family Movie Night Brings Our School Community Together For a Night of Fun!
No School on Monday, January 27 Due to a Professional Learning Day For Teachers
Families Are Invited To Multiage Showcase Of Learning About Biomes
Get Ready for CABARET 2025!
Each year the FHS Choir program produces a show called CABARET. It is a musical theater and jazz variety show featuring solos, groups, dancers, fabulous costumes, and a great band!
We are welcoming back our Children’s Chorus of current 4th-6th grade students from throughout Farmington Area Public Schools (including Riverview!) as well. It’s a fully staged musical revue for all ages to enjoy!
Show Dates & Times:
Friday, February 21 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm
Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 pm
Performances are at Boeckman Middle School Auditorium. Online reserved seating tickets are $5 for students and staff, $10 for adults (plus taxes & fees). Tickets at the door are $15. Online tickets go on sale Sunday, January 26. Purchase your tickets here: https://bit.ly/4hKtmOn.
Interested in Joining Our Multiage Program For 25-26? Fill Out The Form Below
If you are interested in having your child (or children) be a part of multiage next year, please let us know by filling out this short survey. Please keep in mind that our final decisions about student class placements and teacher assignments don't occur until the spring. If, at any point between now and then, you would like more information about multiage, you can reach out to principal, Shawn Peck at speck@farmington.k12.mn.us.
Latest Edition of the School Reporter Is Now Out; Click The Image To View Online
Farmington Student Experience Survey To Take Place in February
We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the students in our district. ISD 192 values input from our students as they are important partners as we work to improve our communication, academic programming and overall experience for everyone.
In order to learn more about student experiences at school, we will be asking for feedback from students in grades 3-12 via an online survey they will be completing at school during the window of February 3-14, 2025. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. The responses to these surveys will be completely confidential.
Your Privacy
All responses in the student survey will remain confidential to protect individual privacy. You may review a copy of the sample survey questions online by clicking on the link below:
If you do not wish for your child to participate in the Farmington Student Experience Survey being conducted, you may opt out by completing this "Decline Survey Participation” form and returning it to your child’s teacher or main office by January 31, 2025.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s building principal.
Early Childhood Screening Event Scheduled For Wednesday, February 5
Have a younger child at home who’s 3-5 years old? Farmington Community Education’s next Early Childhood Screening is Wednesday, February 5! This free screening provides a snapshot of your child’s growth, development, and learning. It’s required before entering Kindergarten in a public school and is recommended at age 3, but children can also be screened at ages 4 or 5. Interpreter services are available at no cost. For more information, visit bit.ly/FarmingtonECScreening.
Calling All Scientists! The Science Fair is Coming on Thursday, February 27th!
The RVE Science Fair is open to all students in 1st-5th Grades!
All interested students are encouraged to participate! Science fair projects at the 1st and 2nd grade levels consist of models, demonstrations, or collections. Projects for the 3rd - 5th grade levels consist of demonstrations or experiments utilizing the scientific method and follow certain guidelines.
Why should you participate in the Science Fair?
The science fair is a fun and creative process! You will learn about science in a way that is interesting to you. You can also showcase what you have learned to the Riverview community!
Important Dates:
Friday, January 31st: Registration forms are due
Tuesday, February 25th: Science Fair projects are due
Thursday, February 27th: RVE Science Fair (AM presentation to RVE, PM presentation to families.)
Saturday, April 26th: Regional Science and Engineering Fair (Mankato, optional and must qualify to attend)
Once registered, students will be enrolled in the RVE Science Fair class on Seesaw. There they will receive science fair updates, as well as fair and project guidelines from science fair coordinator, Mr. Clausen. He will be available for students to review the progress they are making with their projects and to answer any questions. If you have any questions please email him at bclausen@farmington.k12.mn.us.
Reminder: Order Your Child’s YEARBOOK Now! The Deadline To Order is March 14
The deadline is fast approaching! All order must be received by March 14. Follow these instructions to make sure you get your yearbook:
- Order online at www.schoolannual.com
- Click on Buy Student Yearbook
- Enter the school’s name (Riverview Elementary), city (Farmington), & state (Minnesota)
- Select your child's classroom Teacher/grade and place your order today!
- Price $16.00 +tax
- Order before 3/14/2025
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Is Now Open!
If your child - or a child you know - is ready to start kindergarten in fall 2025, now is the time to enroll! Enrolling now ensures you’re in the loop for all upcoming events and communications and it gives schools a chance to plan so they are fully prepared to give your child the best start possible. Enroll today at bit.ly/kindergarten-enrollment. We can’t wait to welcome our new learners this fall!
Visit the RVES Spirt Wear Store!
Visit the RVES Spirit Wear School Store for lots of ways to show your school spirit. You can order online and pick up at school. Everything is super easy and all profits from sales are used by the Riverview PTP to support students and staff. Thank you for your support!
Please email spiritwear@rvesptp.org if you have questions or to arrange a pick up time at the school store.
We Need Your Help! We Are In Need of More Paraprofessional Substitutes
Our paraprofessionals are a vital part of our team and they do so much every day for our students. Like everyone, they have to miss work from time to time due to illness, family matters, etc. When that happens, it leaves our learners with less support. And unfortunately, often times these absences go "unfilled" due to a shortage of capable and willing subs. That is why we are asking for people in our Riverview community to consider being a para sub. The pay is $15 per hour and you can work as much (or as little) as you want. Whether you sub one day or every day, each time you enter a classroom, you are responsible for the helping the most important resource we have in our school -- our children.
If you would like to sign up to sub as a teacher or paraprofessional for the Farmington Schools you will have to apply through Teachers on Call (TOC). Please email or call TOC directly at 1800-713-4439 or apply online at teachersoncall.com.
Keep On Reading Every Night at Home! It Makes a HUGE Difference!
Attendance Line Information
You can also click on this link to fill out online when your child will be gone.
Riverview Elementary School Hours
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Riverview CARES
- Cooperation
- Assertiveness
- Responsibility
- Empathy
- Self-Control
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office: 651-460-1600
Nurse: 651-460-1606
Social Worker - 651-460-1629
Food Service: 651-460-3820
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1610
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.
Read more about our Strategic Framework here.
Email: speck@farmington.k12.mn.us
Website: https://rves.farmington.k12.mn.us/
Location: 4100 208th Street West, Farmington, MN 55024, USA
Phone: 651-460-1600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rve192