The Prowler
Week of October 17, 2022
From Mr. Moreno's Desk:
Teachers, Staff, Parents, and Students,
This week will mark the third week of the second six weeks of school. As such, RHMS teachers will administer CFA #2 throughout the week for all core areas. Parents and staff may refer to the CFA schedule as delineated in the Events Calendar below. Next Monday, October 17, 2022 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Rio Hondo Middle School will host a Red Ribbon Fundraiser at Peter Piper Pizza at 306 N. 77 Sunshine Strip in Harlingen, Texas. Students are encouraged to go by and sign the banner and pledge to be drug free. Parents must mention the RHMS Red Ribbon Fundraiser at the register. RHMS will receive 15% of the total sales that evening. The first 50 guests will be entitled to free ice cream. Please come out and support our school. In observation of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, RHMS teachers, students, and staff are encouraged to wear pink attire every Wednesday during the month of October. On Tuesday, October 18th we will host our third Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program session at 2:00 in the RHMS Library. Hope to see you here!
Monday, October 17, 2022
- CFA #2 5th-8th Grade Mathematics
- 8th RHMS Volleyball vs St. Joe 5:30 pm (Home)-Cavazos
- 7th RHMS Volleyball vs St. Joe 5:30 pm (Away)
- RHISD Principal's Meeting 9:00 a.m. (RHISD Board Room)
- RHISD Regular Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
- Peter Piper Pizza Fundraiser 5:00-9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
- CFA #2 5th-8th Grade Reading Language Arts
- RHMS FB vs St. Joe (Home) Parents Night-Moreno
- ARD Meeting (R. Moreno)
- RHMS Pep Rally 3:15 p.m.
- Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program for Parents 2:00 p.m. (Library)-Week 3
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
- CFA #2 5th & 8th Grade Science
- Breast Cancer Awareness (Wear Pink)
Thursday, October 20, 2022
- CFA #2 8th Grade Social Studies
- Region One Accountability Academy Day 2 (R. Moreno)
- Life Skills Field Trip
- College/University Day or Bobcat Spirit Day
- RHHS vs Falfurrias (Away)
Friday, October 21, 2022
- Teacher Inservice-No School for Students
- APEX Professional Development for All Teachers (PM)
- SPED Training: Standards-Based IEP Process-L. Laster
RHMS Bobcats vs Hidalgo Pirates
7th Grade Players of the Week
#91 Ayden Morales-7th Grade Defensive Player of the Week
RHMS Cross Country--La Feria District Meet
The Rio Hondo Middle School Cross-Country Coaches would like to thank all the runners who participated in the 32-4A Cross-Country District Meet on Saturday, October 8, 2022. Top performers as well as all finishers with places were as follows:
7th Grade Girls
Evan Ayala - 1st Place District Champion
Emma Garza - 20th Place
Carlie Rodriguez - 25th Place
Emmah Ortega - 26th Place
Ariel Nunez - 35th Place
Aglae Salas - 36th Place
8th Grade Girls
Alexis Villarreal - 3rd Place
Zaelyn Guillen - 28th Place
Izabella Zuniga - 32nd Place
7th Grade Boys
Emilio Hernandez - 12th Place
Michael Lopez - 16th Place
Oscar Gracia - 21st Place
Jerry Cavazos - 23rd Place
Brian Rayner - 24th Place
Jayden Zuniga - 32nd Place
Joaquin Limon - 33rd Place
Jaime Carlos - 34th Place
Mark Gutierrez - 35th Place
8th Grade Boys
Mario Lopez - 2nd Place
Justin Cortez - 5th Place
Diego Diaz - 7th Place
Zayel Martinez - 31st Place
Thank you to all the runners for their hard work and dedication to RHMS Cross-Country. A huge shout out to our RHMS Cross Country coaches: Tuffy Calderon & Ester Vasquez
Bus Evacuation Training for RHMS Students
Scholastic Fall Book Fair 2022
Remind App
A friendly reminder to all our RHMS parents...If you have not yet done so, Mr. Moreno highly encourages all parents to join the Remind App. Information regarding upcoming activities/events, The Prowler newsletter, and other important campus information is shared weekly via Remind. Here are the codes you need by grade level:
5th Grade: Text: @gk3dd3 To: 81010
6th Grade: Text: @mrmorenorh To: 81010
7th Grade: Text: @hkbb6dh To: 81010
8th Grade: Text: @6hh9kef To: 81010
BIM Advisory Period--Mrs. M. Garcia
"We all get report cards in many different ways, but the real excitement of what you're doing is in the doing of it. It's not what you're gonna get in the end--it's not the final curtain--it's really in the doing it, and loving what you're doing." @RalphLauren
#ThoughtForTheDay...Kind thoughts are nice. Kind words are even better. But kind acts? They are the BEST!" @casas_jimmy
Rio Hondo Middle School
Vision: Academic Excellence and Success
Mission: The Mission of the Rio Hondo Independent School District is to educate every student by creating an environment of high expectations, innovation, and strong partnerships.Email:
Location: 23001 State Highway 345
Phone: 956-748-1150
Twitter: @rhms_bobcats