Principal's Corner
November 22nd, 2024
Bartley Families,
I hope that all of you have a relaxing and uplifting Thanksgiving Break!!!
We will be back in session on Monday, December 2nd.
What's in this Newsletter:
- Winter Weather
- iReady Diagnostic Testing
- Attendance
- Holiday Spirit Week
- Lunch Menu
- Bartley Staff Shout Out
- Important Dates
Winter Weather
Just a reminder that the weather is starting to get colder. Please make sure that you send your student with a jacket or a coat each day as the weather changes so quickly. Please make sure that you are writing your student's name in their coat or jacket so we can make sure to locate the item. We have lots of coats and jackets in the lost and found. If you would like to come and take a look at the lost and found please stop by.
iReady Diagnostic Testing
We will start our testing when we get back from Thanksgiving Break. Please make sure that on the Sunday before we come back to school that your student in getting to bed early and ready for the week. I know this can be hard after having so much time off, but it is going to be important that we come back from break and get right back on track!
Just a reminder of our Building Goals this year!!! This is where we want to be as a building at the end of the year.
We are improving a little by little!! Please make sure that you are turning in your doctor's excuse if you student is absent. If your student is close to 90%, be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Eads or Mrs. Quick. They will communicate with you how many days in a row your student needs to be at school to achieve 90% attendance!!1
Glow Party
I know that we lost the attendance challenge with McIntire Elementary School, but our students were able to turn over all the letters with 95% attendance. We were able to celebrate with a Glow Lunch this week!!!
Our next goal we are working to is a popcorn celebration!! We only have 3 more letters for that celebration as well!!
90% Attendance Celebration
We will be celebrating all of our students who have 90% attendance. This will take place in December. We put a lot of focus helping students get to 90% and celebrating them, but we also want to celebrate the students who are at 90% attendance!! So we will be celebrating them on December 19th
Holiday Spirit Week
Lunch Menu
The vegetarian menu is not an option that we have at Bartley at this time. The first choice on the menu is our hot lunch option for the day. Our lunch choices are still hot lunch, deli, and peanut butter and jelly.
Bartley Staff Shout Out
If you know of a Bartley Staff member that you would like to recognize please fill out one of these forms so we can give that staff member a shout out in our building!!!
Important Dates
Dec. 2nd - iReady Diagnostic Motivation
Dec. 3rd - Dec. 13th - iReady Diagnostic Testing
Dec. 6th - Mid Quarter Reports Go Home
Dec. 6th - FHS/FMS Choir come to visit Bartley
Dec. 16th - Dec. 20th - Holiday Spirit Week
Dec. 17th - Honor Choir Field Trip
Dec. 18th - 5th Grade Music Program 2:30pm
Dec. 20th - Winter Parties 2:30pm