Clay Academy Bulldog Bulletin
Spring 2023: January, February, and March
Mrs. Mason’s classes have been learning about Ernest Shackleton’s voyage and exploration of Antarctica and Penguins.
Clay's elementary students have been focusing on kindness and friendship. We have been answering questions such as, what does being a good friend look like? How do friends treat each other? How can I be a good friend?
Clay's annual talent show, science fair and art show was a huge success! Thank you to all who were able to attend and watch all of the terrific talent that is housed in these hallowed walls! Check out the highlight video on Clay Academy's Facebook Page!
We are looking forward to making leprechaun traps and hunting for those little green guys. Hopefully one of the students will catch a leprechaun and share the gold with their favorite teacher!!!!
Mrs. Lyons, Physical Education Teacher
The elementary school students are busy working together in a variety of team sports and activities designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage teamwork. With the occasional nice day, Mrs. Lyons is leading students outside of the gym for some outdoor education and fresh air!
Middle school students have been extremely busy since returning from winter break! All of the students have been working hard the past few months to finalize their science fair projects and practicing presenting to an audience.
All middle school students have started a new reading program, Read180. So far it's been a great new learning experience for students and teachers alike! We are very excited about the skills the students will learn from this! READ 180 is a research-based reading program providing digital and traditional instruction, formative assessments, and teacher training. READ 180 is designed to be delivered over the course of one to two class period sessions and incorporates large and small group work, individual student work, and whole group calumniating activities. Student will experience independent reading time, small group staff-led instruction, and individual student learning opportunities using Read 180’s computer program (U.S. Department of Education, 2016).
Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse. (2016, November). Adolescent Literacy intervention report: READ 180. Retrieved from
Middle school student recently celebrated their D.A.R.E. program graduation with Woodstock Police Department's D.A.R.E. Officer Lintner. Officer Lintner worked with Clay middle school students each week building relationships, sharing stories, and providing lessons on how to live a healthy, safe, and drug-free life.
Mrs. Lyons and Mr. Mickey, Physical Education Teachers
The middle school students are busy working together in a variety of team sports and activities designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage teamwork. With the occasional nice day, Mrs. Lyons and Mr. Mickey are leading students outside of the gym for some outdoor education and fresh air! Our fitness days will typically be Tuesdays and Thursdays either in the gym or outside (weather permitting), so please dress your student appropriately as the seasons change.
World History: The students are continuing their exploration into the early stages of World War I. We are really ‘getting in the trenches’ on various stages of warfare including the use of tanks and airplanes.
Consumer Education: We just finished a unit discussing the different types of economies around the world. We are now starting to dig into the US economy and how a personal standard of living affects all of an individual's consumer choices.
Health: Students are working on consumer health, particularly being a good consumer and making healthy choices.
Life Skills: The students are finishing up a project in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, showing their understanding through survival during a zombie apocalypse.
English: The students continue to work on the novels The Call of the Wild and Monster. In addition to reading, students are formulating opinions and referencing them to the various texts we read.
Algebra / Geometry: The students continue moving the letter in a math problem over to the same side in order to find the answer only containing numbers. The students are translating but not into foreign languages! Ask your child if they can find corresponding angles from acute triangles!
Geoscience: We continue to put our head in the clouds and discover all the atmosphere has to offer. Clouds come in various shapes, sizes and colors just like the people around us.
Mr. Tschappat, Physical Education and Health Teacher
With the current rage of pickleball, the high school physical education class will learn the basic skills and strategies for a foundation of lifetime enjoyment of the sports world’s newest craze.MIND AND WHOLE BODY WELLNESS
School Counselor and Social Worker Update
The State of Illinois has passed a law called, "Erin's Law" mandating all public schools educate children about sexual abuse prevention through age appropriate curriculum including role plays, discussions, activities, and books. The purpose of these activities is to give children the tools needed to speak up and tell an adult if anyone has ever touched them inappropriately.
The School Social Worker and School Counselors will be discussing Personal Body Safety during the week of March 20-24, 2023.
This presentation will include:
- Safe touch, unsafe touch, mixed-up touch
- The Boundary Zone (areas of private parts)
- The Safety Rule (No one should touch your private parts, except to keep you clean and healthy.)
- Secrets - Good vs. Bad
- Saying "No" and "Run Away"
- Identifying and learning to tell safe and trusted adults
- When someone breaks the safety rule, it is not the child's fault
Nationwide, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of some type of sexual abuse by the time they reach age 18. Through this program aimed at educating and empowering students, we want to provide your child with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual violence.
District 200 believes that all our students will benefit from participating in this program. However, you may exclude your child by e-mailing an exclusion request to Dr. Palombit, Principal, at
If you have any questions about the content of the program, please feel free to contact one of the Social Worker/School Counselors.
We are so excited to announce Clay has a therapy dog! Audi is a 6 year old standard poodle. He belongs to Mrs. Hagen, one of our middle school teachers, and will be here every Friday!
All students will have the opportunity to meet with Audi throughout the day. He is an absolute sweetheart and loves all the attention from the kids!
Nurse's Notes: Health and Wellness Information
As the seasons and weather change, Nurse Sankey wants to provide these 23 ideas for staying healthy and preventing the spread of germs:
- Exercise for at least 60 minutes each day
- Get the appropriate amount of sleep each night
- Wash your hands often to avoid spreading germs
- Take a timeout when you need one
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat breakfast
- Always wear your seatbelt
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Brush your teeth twice a day
- Use sunscreen, even in the winter
- Address your stress
- Shower/bathe everyday
- Wear clean clothes and socks
- Avoid sugary drinks and snacks
- Floss your teeth
- Avoid contact with others who are feeling ill
- Be active
- Limit screen time
- Wash and comb your hair
- Wear a helmet when riding your bicycle or skating
- Practice mindfulness
- Dress appropriately for the weather
- Schedule your annual physical
Upcoming Important Dates
- March 3, 2023: Elementary School Report Cards Published
- March 9, 2023: Early Release @ 12:00pm
- March 10, 2023: End of Third Quarter for Middle School
- March 17, 2023: Middle School Report Cards Published
- March 27-31, 2023: Spring Break; NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE
Clay Academy's Mission Statement and Core Foundations
To provide a learning environment which fosters individual growth, lifelong learning and social accountability to meet future responsibilities and challenges of adulthood.
Core Foundations
Character Building
Social Skills Development
Living Skills Development
Coping Skills Development
Academic and Vocational Training
Recreational and Activity Skill Development
About Clay Academy
Location: 112 Grove Street, Woodstock, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 337-2529