Gator Bites
October 24, 2024
Principal's Corner
Welcome back to our second quarter Gators! We are starting out with our Trunk or Treat on Friday the 25th (tomorrow). Please remember that we do not allow students to wear costumes on Halloween and we are not doing Halloween parties in the classroom. I know we have a lot of great learning ahead of us in the coming days and we also have some fun sprinkled into our second quarter along the way.
I want to thank Ms. Krier for the great “Homework Tips and Tricks” meeting last night. She will be sharing her notes with us from that meeting and as usual, Ms. Krier’s thoughtful interactions taught us so much. I came away invigorated and supported of our Founding Principle regarding “frequent and substantive” homework. We really help our students learn so many things with this simple practice. They not only review content but they learn time management, organization, and perseverance. Homework helps students learn about how they think.
Our Governing Board passed an update to the school policy manual this week. Updating this important document was a real “labor of love” and it hadn’t been updated for 15 years. I appreciate the extra work this requires from our parent-led Governing Board members. Our LASA Board is also made up of diligent parents who give WAY more than their 20 hours a year to serve our school. The fun events surrounding our Fun Run and our amazing community events all come due to the efforts of these parents. These diligent parents give so much of their time for us and often serve without any notice. Be sure to give a BIG thank you to our governing parent volunteers!
For parents with students in grade 3-6 you have an amazing opportunity to see the opera “The Magic Flute” with Ms. Anderson and myself in December. The opportunity to see these live performances at a nearby movie theater comes to us because Ms. Anderson has worked to become a teacher liaison with the NY Metropolitan Opera. See her sign up which is first come first serve!!
Stuco Leadership Announcement:
Hey Littleton Academy there will be an upcoming Election Day on November 5th. Our Gator Nation will be voting that day on what will happen to the gaga ball pit, possible schedule changes, and adding Dress of Choice on the 3rd Monday of every month for Middle school. The vote will be based on things students asked from Mrs McEntire on her student survey. Polling booths will be open in the gym on that day during lunch. Students who vote will get an “I voted sticker”. Your vote counts!
Upcoming Events
Kindergarten Letter Parade!
Click Here To watch our Kindergarteners celebrate learning their alphabet!
Sibling Spots for Kindergarten 2025-2026
The following families are on our priority list for entering Kindergarten fall 2025:
Baker, Bantolo, Beck, Blanken, Burke, Davidson, Elwell, Fletcher, Gillmar, Gwinn, Henkes, Hessman, Johann, Johnston, Jordan, Klassen, Liu, Parker, Powell, Sabey, Saggau, Thompson, Vairavan, Williams
If you are a current family and have an upcoming Kindergarten sibling and are not on the list, please let Mrs. Childers know in the office by phone or email at kchilders@lps.k12.co.us
Dear LASA,
Thank you so much for purchasing a new set of buzzers for elementary students. My 4th grade ELA class tried them out for the first time before fall break and they worked marvelously for our student created Robin Hood Quiz Show. We will enjoy using them to enhance learning in class, in addition to using them to practice for competitions. Our LA students say, "Thank you LASA!"
Dear LASA and Mrs. McEntire,
It will be difficult to share my gratitude and experience in one paragraph, but I’ll do my best! Thank you so very much for granting funding towards my expenses at The Metropolitan Opera National Educators Conference. I spent three nights and four days learning alongside educators and administrators from all fifty states, experiencing workshops with composers, conductors, actors and some of The Met’s most influential staff members, including the composer of Grounded, Jeanine Tesori, John Sellers, the Assistant General Manager of Production, and Michael Heaston, the Met’s Deputy General Manager. All of our sessions were hosted by actress and writer, Susan Blackwell, who acted as a moderator throughout, and taught Social Emotional Learning techniques to use with our students as we guide them through the artistic process. The Met’s education staff spent ample time sharing strategies for the following:
starting, building, and expanding the partnership
curriculum integration
processes for Live in HD ticket purchases and post-it screening surveys
scheduling in-school screenings from Met Opera on Demand
My summary would not be complete without sharing one beautiful thing that happened during my time at The Met. During the third day, we were led on an extensive backstage tour. At one point, our guide mentioned that we could silently peek in on a rehearsal of La Trovatore. There were four people in the room, two directors and two principal actors. One of the directors was a former student of mine, Melanie Bacaling. I was able to watch someone I directed in plays and musicals work as a director at The Met! Later, Melanie and I were able to spend an hour together, during which she expressed her gratitude to me for, in her words, “helping to create this monster.” It was a moment of serendipity that inspired me as an educator to keep bringing the magic of music and theatre to students. (Photo shared below.)
As a new partner, I am excited and overwhelmed by the resources granted to us. I have been asked by The Met to submit (FREE) ticket requests by November 1 for the next few shows coming up: Tosca, The Magic Flute and Aida. That being said, I’ll be in touch with Mrs. McEntire this week! Thank you, once again, to all of you for your support. Please reach out with any questions you might have, and I am open to attending a LASA meeting if you would like to learn more about this wonderful partnership we have with The Met: HD Live in Schools.
Ms. Melissa Anderson - Music Teacher
Pre-Order the Fall Concert Video!
Scan the QR or click here to pre-order the professionally produced K-3 Fall Concert Video!
Educational Outfitters is Moving
The new location will open November 2nd. They will continue to operate at their old location until then.