Roman News
Rome City Elementary School September 2023
From the Principal's Desk...
We have started the school year off with a great start! We are lucky to have several new staff on our team and are excited to see so many new little faces as well! We hope the year continues to go smoothly. We have several events happening this next month. We hope to see as many families as possible!
Parents often ask us what they can do at home to help their child grow! We encourage you to have your child do their iReady reading and math lessons that are in their iReady account. The lessons that are assigned to your child help your child grow at his or her level! Students in the building this year are trying to earn a trophy if they are one of the ones who pass the most lessons. We will be talking more about ways you can help your child at home at our Title I Family night. We hope you can join us! We have a fun night planned.
This year I have a senior at home. I feel as if I just sent him to kindergarten! Time truly is a thief and when you blink, your child will be older than you think. As we move into September and October, take time outside with your kiddos. Enjoy the brisk fall air, smell of leaves falling and pumpkin spiced goodies! These are times to build those memories. Give your child or children time without you being on social media. From one parent to another....... the time goes by so quickly!!
Let's have a great school year!
Safety Issue!
Parents - we are having an issue with cars not stopping at the stop sign where children are crossing. Our SRO will be doing more patrols and issuing warnings/tickets as needed. Please help us keep our kids safe!
Attention Breakfast Eaters!
Breakfast is open on Mondays at 8:15 and the other days at 7:30. If your child is a car rider and is eating breakfast, please try to get them here in time to eat breakfast so they are not late to class!
Grandparent's Day, Friday, September 8th K-2nd 9-11am and 3-5th 12:30-2:30PM
Labor Day - No School
Monday, September 4th
Third Grade Swim
Tuesday - Friday, September 5-8th. Bring your suits and towels!
1st PAC Meeting!
Thursday, September 7th at 8:30AM
Come and help us plan fun things for our students!
Book Fair is coming September 5th - 11th!
CAMP READ-A-LOT Family Night is Wednesday, September 13th from 5:30-7:00PM!
Bring your family out for lots of fun with reading! Read in a tent, enjoy a s'more, make a craft and more!
Honor Society Induction
Wednesday, September 20th at 5:30PM
Camp Potawotami for 5th Grade
Thursday and Friday, September 21st and 22nd
Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, September 27th from 3:00-7:30PM
Spirit Week! September 25th-28th
Rome City School - Show your spirit!!
MONDAY – College Gear – Wear your favorite college gear!
TUESDAY – Career Day – Dress like the career you want to have!
WEDNESDAY – Our future is bright! Wear your hat and sunglasses for the day!
THURSDAY –Wear your “flannel for our future” to the Fall Festival!
Annual Fall Pumpkin Festival
Thursday, September 28th - Wear your flannels and mud boots! Dress for the weather - it's going to be a great day!
PD Day - No School
Friday, September 29th
October 2nd - 6th
Return Monday, October 9th
Fund Raiser Delivery is October 9th! 3:00-5:00PM
Contact the Principal at
Rome City School
400 Jefferson St
Rome City, IN 46784