Health & Skill Related
Qualities that are needed to maintain and promote a Healthy Body!
The five health related fitness components: flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, and body composition.
The six skill related components of fitness: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.
Understanding the fitness components on a deeper level
Click through this Slide Share Presentation a presentation for a better understanding of the health and skill related fitness components. There are 11 total: 5 are considered health-related fitness components and 6 skill related fitness components.
Needed to Promote and Maintain
What does it mean to be physically "fit?" Physical fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity" (USDHHS, 1996). In other words, it is more than being able to run a long distance or lift a lot of weight at the gym. Being fit is not defined only by what kind of activity you do, how long you do it, or at what level of intensity. While these are important measures of fitness, they only address single areas. Overall fitness is made up of five main components:
Definition: The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion. Frequency - 3-5 days a week, Intensity - 15-30 seconds, Time Stretch for 15-30 Seconds, Type - Warm-up or cool down, & dynamic or static stretches can be done. Stretching should feel warm and fuzzy, and never cause one pain. Never bounce when stretching, and stretch longer or more often to improve. Good flexibility in the joints can prevent injuries through all stages of life.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Definition: The ability of your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of your body's cells while you are being physically active. Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type depend on the goals of the individual. Link to FITT for Cardiorespiratory is coming soon! To improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, try activities that keep your heart rate elevated at a safe level for a sustained length of time such as walking, swimming, or bicycling.
Muscular Strength
Definition: is the amount of force that a muscle can apply in a given contraction. The key to making your muscles stronger is working them against resistance, whether that be from weights or gravity. If you want to gain muscle strength, try exercises such as lifting weights or resistance exercises. More weight with less reps will promote muscular strength. Ask a professional for help before beginning a strength training program. Safety first! See this website as a guide for different strategies. Frequency: 2-3 times a week Intensity: For general strengthening, choose a weight you can lift safely 8-12 times. Reps and sets should be determined based on your goals. Time: 30-60 minutes & make sure to give the muscle worked at least a 24-48 hour rest period. Type: Anaerobic activities such as weight lifting are good to develop muscular strength and endurance. More weight less reps to develop strength. Less weight and more reps to develop endurance.
Muscular Endurance
Definition: is the ability of the muscles to keep working (contract) over a period of time. When most people think of muscular endurance they think of things like running and cycling. The fact is, muscular endurance is important to almost any activity that requires any use of physical strength and is one of the more important aspects of physical fitness and performance. Frequency: 2-3 times a week Intensity: For general strengthening, choose a weight you can lift safely 8-12 times. Reps and sets should be determined based on your goals. Time: 30-60 minutes & make sure to give the muscle worked at least a 24-48 hour rest period. Type: Anaerobic activities such as weight lifting are good to develop muscular strength and endurance. More weight less reps to develop strength. Less weight and more reps to develop endurance. Type: Anaerobic activities such as weight lifting are good to develop muscular strength and endurance. More weight less reps to develop strength. Less weight and more reps to develop endurance.
Body Composition
Definition: refers to the ration of lean body tissue (muscle & bone) to body-fat tissue. A person's total body weight (what you see on a scale) may not change over time. But the bathroom scale does not assess how much is lean mass (muscle, bone, tendons, and ligaments). Body composition is important to consider for health and managing your weight. To improve your body composition all the health-related components of fitness and good nutrition are critical. Keep in mind that nutrition impacts exercise, and exercise impacts nutritional needs. Learn how to eat healthier without eliminating all the important food groups, instead learn to pick all natural and nutrient-dense foods. The right energy will help your body with maintenance functions, improve your physical work, and help your body rebuild and repair after a strenuous workout. YMCA strategies to improve Body Composition
Skill Related Components of Fitness
Is the ability to change the position of your body and to control the movement of your whole body. Agility is an important quality in many sports, because you must change direction rapidly and always have your body under control.
Is the ability to keep an upright posture while either standing still or moving. Good balance in essential in many activities like skating, surfing, skiing, and gymnastics.
Is the ability to perform with strength at a rapid pace. Strength and speed are both involved in power. Football players, swimmers, shot-putters, discus throwers, and high jumpers are examples of athletes who typically have a high degree of power.
Reaction Time
Is the amount of time it takes to start a movement once your senses signal the need to move. People with good reaction time can usually start quickly in track and swimming or react quickly in ping pong or karate.
Is the integration of eye, hand, and foot movements. This component is necessary for success in such sports as baseball, softball, tennis, golf, and basketball.
Is the ability to cover a distance in a short amount of time. Speed is a very important factor in many sports and activities. Short runs are used to evaluate speed.