Principal's Update
June 7, 2024
Happy Friday Wolves!
This will be my last Principal's Update of the school year! A quick reminder that our last day of school will be Wednesday, June 12th and it will be a half day for students. PreK students will be released at their normal time, and all other students will be released at 11:00 am that day.
Be sure to check our updates below for back to school dates to note and supply kit ordering information.
A HUGE thank you to our amazing volunteers for all they do for our school. We have had fun celebrating you this week and we hope you know how much we appreciate you!
I am also grateful for each of our Ridges families, and I appreciate you sharing your children with us each day. Watching them learn, grow, and love school always makes my days brighter, and I am thankful for the partnership we have. I hope your summer is full of rest, fun, and a some reading too! We will be excited to see everyone back on August 27th (kindergarten) and August 28th (Grades 1-5)!
Have an amazing summer,
August Save the Dates
In August I will be sending a welcome back newsletter to all families with more detailed information about fall events, but in the meantime I would like to share some August dates you might want to calendar now...
Teachers will be emailing class placement information to families on the afternoon of Friday, August 23rd between 3:00-3:30 pm, so please be watching for an email from your child's new teacher on that date!
On Tuesday, August 27th from 4-6 pm, we will be hosting a Meet and Greet open house event for all families. This will be a chance for all families to visit the school, meet their teachers, and drop off supplies prior to the first day of school.
Additionally, for those families with incoming kindergarten students, information about our new kindergarten orientation day, and ramp up week, can be found linked here.
Yearbook Orders Close on June 14th
We are excited to offer a 2023-2024 yearbook with the help of a parent volunteer and TreeRing! All yearbook orders are due by the end of the day on June 14th. You can download the TreeRing app to your phone or create an account using the school’s passcode. Directions to create an account, and to make your free custom pages, are shared below.
Kona Ice
Kona Ice will be at Ridges on Friday, June 7th from 2:15-4:30 pm. If you need an end of week treat, be sure to stop by and pick one up!
Dessert Fundraiser
Our PAC is still collecting funds to provide Hungry Hero treats for the staff luncheon on June 12th. If you are interested in donating toward this cause, please use the Venmo QR code below.
Fun Run Sponsors
We are looking for business sponsors for our fall Fun Run! If you are interested in supporting our school in this way, please check out the information below, or follow the link to download/print a copy of our flyer.
All funds raised through our Fun Run directly impact our school! Over the last month, our Fun Run dollars have paid for field trips to the zoo, OMSI, the Oregon Gardens, Aurora Colony, and more. These funds also paid for new recess equipment, our fifth grade promotion party at Langers, and workroom supplies for our teachers. We would not be the amazing school we are without the support of our PAC and our community doners, and we hope you know how much we appreciate your support!
June PAC Newsletter
Linked here is our last PAC Newsletter of the year! Please be sure to check it out for final updates of the school year!
Pre-K Registration Information
Our inclusive Pre-Kindergarten programs have the goal of offering high-quality early learning education that promotes social-emotional learning and academic skills students need to be successful in school and beyond.
For more information or to get an application Contact
Amy Gillett - Early Learning and Family Resource coordinator for see the flyer linked below.
School Supply Kits
Great News, it's time to order your school supply kits! We will be once again offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program, which offers custom school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your child’s teacher.
Skip the lines this summer. Order your supplies with SchoolKidz! Click Here to order. Use Account Number 22627. This ordering site will be available for families to order their grade level school supply kits until June 21st.
All supply kits will be delivered to the school and will be placed on student desks for our Meet and Greet Night in August. Parents are also welcome to purchase their students' supplies on their own if they prefer. Supply lists for all grades are linked here, and will be posted on our school website soon. If there are any families that need financial assistance purchasing school supplies, please reach out to Miranda Johnson, our Principal at mmjohnson@sherwood.k12.or.us.
Upcoming Dates
June 7th | Kona Ice at Ridges from 2:15-4:30 pm
June 12th | Fifth Grade Promotion 9:30-10:45 am (see emails from 5th grade teachers for more info)
June 12th | Last Day of School- students dismissed at 11 am
August 23rd | Class lists for the 24-25 school year will be emailed home between 3:00-3:30 pm
August 27th | First day of school for Kindergarten students
August 27th | Meet and Greet Night from 4-6 pm
August 28th | First day of school for all students grades 1st-5th
Helpful Information
Helpful Links for Ridges Families
Miranda M. Johnson
Email: mmjohnson@sherwood.k12.or.us
Website: https://re.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 21472 Southwest Copper Terrace, Sherwood, OR, USA
Phone: 503-825-5700