Lester Park School Newsletter - #24
January 30, 2025
Upcoming Dates:
Next week...Parent/Teacher conferences & Book Fair
Feb 7...Wear RED for American Heart Month
Feb 13...Wear a shirt with words on it - February is "I Love to Read" month
Feb 17-21...NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)
Feb 24...NO SCHOOL (District Professional Development Day)
Mar 6...Lester Park Science Night (6pm-7:30pm)
Mar 13...Go Green Day
Mar 19-21...5th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip
Mar 27...2025-26 Kindergarten Meet & Greet
Mar 28...Next PAW Award Assembly
Mar 31-Apr 4...NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)
Lester Park Calendar can be found HERE
2024-25 District Calendar with 4 day rotation can be found HERE
(PD=professional development/NO SCHOOL for students)
Other Helpful Links:
Lost & Found - IMPORTANT
Our Lost & Found is getting full! We have some volunteers that will be organizing it for parent/teacher conferences. Whatever isn't gone by Winter Break will be donated. This is so we will have room for the remainder of the school year.
When you come for conferences next week or the week after, please check to see if you recognize anything on the tables and in the cabinets.
You may also come anytime during or after school to check the Lost & Found. Our exterior front doors are unlocked until 6pm (7pm on conference nights).
Snow Club - Session 2
Dear Lester Park Families,
2025 Snow Club is a program offered by Spirit Mountain as a way for kids in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades to get on the slopes and do some skiing or snowboarding. The Second Session of Snow Club is coming up: February 13th, February 27th, and March 6th.
The club offers two* ways to participate:
- The first is to participate in lessons within an ability-appropriate group with a qualified Spirit Mountain instructor. This option is best for beginners or kids who don’t have a lot of or any experience on the slopes.
- The second way to participate is to ‘Free Ski’ (or Snowboard). This is for participants who are pretty capable on the slopes and will not have lessons. Typically, these kids don’t have a season pass or their own equipment.
- It is possible that we open up Snow Club to kids who have their own equipment and have a season pass. These kids are known as Snow Club Cadets and help with younger kiddos but then can ski and board on their own. They only pay a fee to help cover bus costs.
** Rental equipment, including helmet, will be provided by
Spirit Mt. for all Snow Club participants **
Snow Club participants will ride a bus to Spirit Mountain immediately after school, spend three hours skiing/boarding and then return to Lester Park School at approximately 6:55pm; although this time may change slightly.
The Lester Park Snow Club will be limited to 40 participants to keep things manageable.
The cost of Snow Club will be $100 if a participant will be receiving lessons OR enrolled in the Free Ski. This will cover the Spirit Mt. Snow Club fee ($68) and the cost of the bussing. If there is room on the bus, kids with their own equipment and season pass can come along as cadets. This means that they will bring their own gear and pass and get to enjoy the slopes with friends. They will adhere to my strict respect and responsibility guidelines and they will help get the less experienced participants ready with equipment, then they can hit the slopes. The cost for Cadets is $25 which directly goes to paying for the bussing.
This is a first come first served program so please fill out the form and money right away. The form is time stamped so I will contact you if you make the first 40 spots. Please don’t send in money until you hear confirmation from me. ***Note: only session one is open right now.
Please reach out with questions: paul.davis@isd709.org
2025 Lester Park Snow Club Sign Up
Thanks for your interest in Lester Park Snow Club,
Mr. Paul Davis
Lester Park Snow Club Advisor
(5th Grade Teacher, Lester Park Elementary)
Attendance Letters - 1st Round will be Mailed Next Week
The first round of attendance letters will go out next week.
We love it when our Labs are in school! Here is an infographic explaining our attendance policies. Remember, we have a great team here to help if you are looking for support with attendance!
CSS/ISD 709 Tutor Program
Dear ISD 709 families,
Free online tutoring for K-12 students is available through the CSS/ISD 709 Tutor Program. We have tutors in most grade levels and subjects. They have completed training and are ready to work with Duluth students!
Go to this web address: https://css709tutor.setmore.com/ to book tutoring appointments. Once there you will be able to choose the grade level needed, the content, the tutor and the time they are available. After you book a tutoring session you will receive an email with a Google Meets (video-conference) link from your tutor. Use that link at the time of your appointment.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Beth LaVigne blavigne@css.edu
Summer K.E.Y Zone and YMCA Day Camp information
Summer K.E.Y. Zone Details:
- Registration Opens: Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6:00 a.m.
Program Dates: Monday, June 16 – Tuesday, August 19, 2025
(No program June 19 & July 4)- Locations: Laura MacArthur, Homecroft, Lester Park
- More information HERE
YMCA Day Camp Details: Day Camp is structured similarly to K.E.Y. Zone but youth spend most of their time outdoors. Please view flyer for more information.
- Registration Opens: Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at midnight
- Program Dates: Monday, June 16 – Friday, August 22, 2025
(No program July 4) - Locations: Northstar Academy & YMCA at Essentia Wellness Center
- More information HERE
The Book Fair is Next Week!
The Book Fair will be held February 3-6 in the Library/Media Center!
Similar to fall, students will shop the book fair during their media time. The Book Fair will be open in the evenings of the 4th and 6th ONLY if we have volunteers to run it.
To find out what time your child's classroom will shop the book fair, or to volunteer, please click this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DADAF29AAF9C52-54566321-book
Volunteers are needed! Most shifts will consist of running registers and assisting students with purchasing (helping add tax, etc).
Set up an eWallet for your student now! (optional)
Special thanks to the PTA for orgainzing this event every year!
Food for Teacher Conferences
Winter Conferences are right around the corner- Check out the sign up genius to help with Teacher meals on their very long days!
Short on time, no problem! You can donate any amount to help contribute to buying sandwiches for the teachers:
Reminder to Provide Symptoms
If you call you child in sick, or email the lesterattendance@isd709.org, please be sure to provide the symptems as well. This includes if they have a fever and what temperature, vomitting, cough, sore throat, etc. Thank you!
Lester SPIRIT WEAR store is still OPEN!
Link to Current/Past Newsletters & their Table of Contents
We are trying something new. We have lots of information in our school newsletters and provide past links, but sometimes it can be hard to remember which newsletter a topic was discussed. We now have this: Current/Past Newsletters & their Table of Contents
We will keep a link of this on our website and in each school newsletter.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?
Email lesterattendance@isd709.org (the office & nurse will both see these emails)
or call attendance line 336-8875 then “3” to leave a recorded message
Please list any specific symptoms.
Teachers may have a preferred way for you to report an absence to them.
If the office does not know why a student is absent, an automated phone call and an email message will be sent out at sometime between 8:30-9:00. This is for safety reasons.
If you have health questions, you can call our school health office at 336-8875 x2654
Community Flyers & Registrations
Email: lesterpark@isd709.org
Website: https://lesterpark.isd709.org
Location: 5300 Glenwood Street, Duluth, MN 55804
Phone: (218) 336-8875
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lester-Park-Elementary-1900216436910729