Milton News Bulletin
News Bulletin Summer Week 3
Dear Year 11,
Your journey at Milton School is about to end and you are moving onto the next stage of your learning 'your preparation for adult life'.
Our lives have been turned upside down by the Corona Virus and this has not stopped you learning and being the best you can be. We are very proud of you and your achievements.
As you move into your next phase of life, you will take with you good memories of Milton School. Most importantly you will have grown your resilience to be happy and successful.
Well done to you all for your strength and determination during this pandemic.
Best wishes
Mrs Costello
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Building Works
Here are your weekly updates from the building of the two new classrooms! The workmen have been busy ensuring the school site is safe for all pupils, staff & visitors. We will be keeping you updated with regular pictures and videos from the progress of the buildings. Remember to follow the new procedures for dropping off and picking up pupils, as we have no access through the car park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU2GBR6o1Qg . If you need any help or assistance please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of staff on site .
keep an eye out for Art Challenges from your house leaders on twitter and Epraise
Cook - 17,979
Drake - 17,035
Kingsley - 19,153
Well done.
We are giving out APP Acolades to pupils who's parents have downloaded the app which are also worth 10 house points.
keep your eyes peeled for exciting things coming in the epraise shop
House Teams
Hello Team Cook,
We hope you've all had an amazing week in the sunshine. It's been a great week for outside learning. Send us a photo in to us of what you've been up to this week. There's house points for every photo or video you send in. @TeamCookMS
This week some of our Team Cook superstars reached some amazing milestones on epraise. CC in Y11 and JTM in Y5 reached their Silver Award for achieving 500 house points. JM in Y10 has been awarded his Gold Award for surpassing 600 house points. Keep going everyone. You're all doing so well and are so close to getting your next award.
This week we say goodbye to our fantastic Team Cook members in Y11 and those from Team Kingsley and Team Drake. We would like to wish them all the best for the future.
This week's challenge is can you make a beach scene? You can either draw it, use crafts on paper or if you have any play sand you could even make your own with toys. We want you to include five things. The sea, sand, sun, bucket with a spade and a beach towel. We will give five points for every picture you send in. If you can think of any extra items you would find at a beach we will add a point for each one.
Keep safe, keep smiling and keep being AWESOME!!
We miss you all,
Miss Hale, Mr Brown and Mr Tomlinson
Hello Team Drake! We hope that you’ve been enjoying the sunshine this week.
As some of you will know it has been our Year 11’s final week at Milton. We are always sad to see our pupils leave us when it comes to this time of year, we watch you grow and mature in to wonderful young adults and it makes us immensely proud to see you spread your wings and go on to your next adventures. So with heavy hearts and overwhelming pride we say goodbye to Alex, Kyle, Liam and all the rest of the Y11 class. We wish you all the very best of luck in your futures and we want to thank you for being utterly amazing.
Our Drake Captain of the Week is Zac in Year 10 who has been sending in some fantastic photos of his hard work at home and he has also been working hard in school. Well done Zac!
Take Care, Love Mr Carr & Mrs Roberts x
Hi there Kingsley Crusaders,
What a fantastic week it as been. You have all worked so hard, and we are so very proud of you all. This week two students from year 11 and year 8 got their platinum awards! Which is absolutely amazing a fantastic achievement.
We have had some fantastic tweets of amazing work. Including, baking, maths and life’s skills. Please keep tweeting we love seeing them and love rewarding you with house points.
This weeks challenge. We are going to focus on life skills. Try helping out more at home, Do the dishes, Water the garden, Make a sandwich, There are lots of things you could do to help.
Tweet in pictures for extra house points. Myself and Mr Earl love rewarding you all.
It’s time to say goodbye to our wonderful year 11’s. We wish you good luck for the future. It’s been a pleasure working with you all. Your next adventures awaits. We will miss you all.
Mrs Storey & Mr Earl xxx
Look what #TeamMilton have been up to
Don't forget to share all your great home activities with us on twitter so we can get you in the bulletin! @school_milton
Year 3
If you want to take on the challenge, the pdf is just below.
Eco School
DIY Hanging Planter
This week were going to look at how to make a Hanging Planter from an old drink bottle
You will need:
• Old drink bottle
• A ball of string
• Paint
• A sharp knife
• Rip off the outside plastic and cut the bottle on a diagonal with a sharp knife (You will need a parent to help with this part)
• Clean up any edges and then paint. You will probably need 2-3 coats to get good coverage.
• When the paint is dry and you are ready to plant, start by poking a hole in the bottom of the container for drainage. Fill halfway with dirt and add your plant. Then poke two holes on each side of the container. You want the holes to follow the line of the bottle (so one is higher than the other) rather than putting them side by side.
• Now feed string through the holes at the top of the bottle and find a tree branch to hang them from and finally don’t forget to water them
For all the latest news on our Eco School campaign please visit our new Eco Schools Twitter page: @EcoschoolM https://twitter.com/EcoschoolM
Wellbeing Tip
With the beautiful weather we have been having this week, many of us have been sat outside in our gardens, but did you know that being in nature can benefit our mental and physical health? Being in the fresh air, gardening, being around animals and even exercising outdoors can be a mood booster and help us feel more relaxed. The following link from Mind provides information and tips on how to enjoy nature whilst improving your mental health. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/nature-and-mental-health/how-nature-benefits-mental-health/
Hello everyone,
We hope you're all well and you've been having a fantastic time in the glorious weather this week.
Following on from the last bulletin we have another helpful tip to try with positive behaviour reinforcement.
A positive reassurance forchildren can be proximity. Having someone be close to them whilst their working can be an encouraging feeling. It can either be just by being present in a room to a caring physical interaction such as a hug when they've really tried hard.
Many pupils who have sensory differences. This can be not liking to be touched or having their personal space invaded. To those who happily accept physical interaction. Some children may like a hand massage or maybe even as a reward for hard work. Fill a box or tub with water or objects with different textures. This can be used when they've really given lots of effort. Also use this as an incentive before work starts. Say once you've tried your best you can have the water tub or material box.
A simple pat on the can mean the world to some people.
We hope you all keep safe and doing the best you can in this difficult time.
The BIGS team.
IT Tips and Hints
Mr Earl's IT tips and hints
Locking your computer quickly
Someone at the door, phone ringing etc, don't want someone else to get on your computer/laptop whilst you nip away but don't have time to lock your computer. There's a quick and easy way to lock your computer, simply press and hold the windows key whilst you press L
Did you try it, sorry if you had to type your password back in.
Food For Life
What's in this season?
The blackberry is an edible fruit produced by many species in the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family.
There are around 375 species of blackberry, which are found in almost all parts of the world.
Blackberries were perceived by the ancient cultures as being a wild plant, and historical accounts for a backyard culture of blackberry bushes are few.
The Greeks used the blackberry as a remedy for Gout, and the Romans made a tea from the leaves of the blackberry plant to treat various illnesses. Blackberries are perennial plants which typically bear biennial stems from the perennial root system.
In its first year, a new stem grows vigorously to its full length of 3-6 meters (10-20 feet), arching or trailing along the ground and bearing large palmately compound leaves with five or seven leaflets; it does not produce any flowers.
In its second year, the stem does not grow longer, but the flower buds break to produce flowering laterals, which bear smaller leaves with three or five leaflets. First and second year shoots are usually spiny, usually with numerous short curved very sharp spines.
The usually black fruit is not a berry in the botanical sense of the word. Botanically it is termed an aggregate fruit, composed of small drupelets.
There are 43 calories in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of blackberry.
Hailed as a “superfood,” blackberries are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The mineral wealth of blackberries includes calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. They are also a good source of amino acids and essential dietary fiber, and they do not contain any harmful cholesterol.
Recipe of the week!
Useful Resources
Ways of communicating with school
We have our Epraise system already setup and you should be getting homework and tasks to do through this. If you require any help in logging in to Epraise please email epraise@miltonschool.org.uk
We now have class email accounts that go straight to your teacher, this can be used to email questions or photos of work that you have been doing at home. We would love to see what you have been up to too.
The emails for each class are as follows;
Don't forget we have our school twitter account http://www.twitter.com/school_milton feel free to share any work you have been doing for everyone to see.
If you do have any safeguarding concerns please email safeguarding@miltonschool.org.uk