Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know For the Coming Week
January 12, 2025
A Note From Principal Hauser
I hope everyone had a good weekend and was able to stay safe and warm.
Transportation Update
This is the last week of the rotational bus schedule.
For our school, families whose students ride these buses will be responsible for transporting your children to and from school on the indicated days:
Bus 30 - will not run on THURSDAYS
Bus 201 - will not run on FRIDAYS
Bus 626 - will not run TUESDAYS
Bus 635 - will not run on TUESDAYS
Bus 193 - is an EC bus and will run daily
Bus 1919 - is an EC bus and will run daily
Family Culture Night
We hope you can join us for our Easley Family Culture Night on Thursday, January 30th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Come out and enjoy all the diverse cultures our Easley families have to share.
If you are interested in sharing your family's culture and would be willing to set up a display, please fill out the form that was sent home before break (another form was send home last week). Return the form to your child's teacher by January 15th. We only have a couple of families signed up so far and would love to have as many as possible!
Specials Schedule
In an effort for students to receive more guidance and media lessons, we switched to a six day specials rotation. We will utilize colors for each day: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. Early Release Days and other off days will be “grey” days. The days will be posted in classroom newsletters and in the Weekly Update. Please take note of what color day your child has PE as it will no longer be on a particular day of the week.
Positivity Project
This week's character trait is Optimism, which means you think the future
is bright and work to achieve it. Optimistic people are hopeful, make plans, and keep going
even when things are hard. They’re fun to be around and always try their best.
SIT Meeting
Our next SIT meeting is tomorrow, Monday, January 13 at 5:30 p.m. in the art room.
Yearbooks for Sale!
The 2024-2025 Yearbook is for sale for $20 on Easley's OSP until 4/18. After 4/18 we will sell any extra yearbooks for $25 until they run out. Reserve your copy today!
A Message From Your PTA
Next meeting: Monday 1/13
Our next PTA meeting is Monday at 6:30 pm in Easley Media Center or via Google Meets. You can join at this link: meet.google.com/sof-cyts-wdj We will be talking about plans for upcoming events to support our teachers and staff, among other items.
PTA Meeting Dates - 6:30 pm in the media center
January 13, 2025
February 10, 2025March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
PTA Community Events
Spring Fling: April 25, 2025
This Week's Special Schedule
Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Purple
Wednesday - Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Breakfast and Lunch Menus