Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 10 - January 2025
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Important Information
Outdoor Recess During Winter Season - Reminders and FYIs
When possible, Butler does anticipate holding recess outdoors. Health and wellness are important to the whole child and children benefit from fresh air and exercise. During the winter months, we manage our decision on whether there is precipitation and if the air temperature is at a safe level - following defined procedures provided to us by our CBSD health department. We encourage parents to have their children prepared for outdoor recess even if we need to decide to remain inside from day to day. While recess is a half-hour of time, we want to be sure students are safely prepared and dressed appropriately.
Also, if missing winter items like coats, sweatshirts, hats, and gloves - we have a collection of clothes ready to be reclaimed! Parents, please visit the front office for help and/or encourage your students to visit our lost and found located by our gymnasium.
2025 PSSA Schedule - Grades 3-6
This year's PSSA Calendar has been set and Butler wanted to share our scheduling plans. Please review if your child is in Grades 3-6.
Please note, Science PSSA will be completed in the 5th Grade ONLY at Butler - a CBSD email was shared outlining the State's planning earlier this year.
NAESP - Report to Parents: 10 Kid-Friendly Volunteer Ideas for Families
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a federal holiday providing Americans with the opportunity to recognize his accomplishments in our country's history. This day (January 20, 2025) has been designated as a National Day of Service encouraging children and adults, alike, to volunteer to improve something in our community - be it at a shelter, food kitchen, or around your local schools. In this week's National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) - Report to Parents, a 1-page article shares 10 Kid-Friendly Volunteer Ideas for Families to consider in support of MLK, Jr. Day!
"Volunteering teaches kids the importance of giving back to their communities. It also appreciation. Families can use these kid-friendly volunteer ideas to encourage their children to make a difference in their community and help them cultivate compassion, empathy, and a passion for helping others."
To read the article, please click here.
Butler Cell Phone/SMART Watch/Personal Device Policy
At Butler, the use of student cell phone/SMART Watch/personal device usage in school is prohibited. As a reminder, these devices are to be silenced and remain in backpacks during the school day. Should there be a need for communication, that would take place with the support of the school office during the school day. Please be sure to share these expectations with your child as this policy will be enforced by teachers/staff in coordination with District policy.
CB and Butler Handbooks
Additionally, Butler has a Parent/Student Handbook that applies these district policies specific to our school.
Please familiarize to both important documents as we continue throughout the school year.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
District Messages & Announcements
New District Resources on "Making Practices Public" Webpage
A comprehensive directory of local supports for families; a guide for special education services in the district; and information about Title IX are three of several new resources that have been recently added to the district's "Making Practices Public" webpage. We invite families and community members to visit the page often for regularly added resources in our efforts to keep everyone informed!
Check Balances - Please Remember to Pay lunch Money Deficits
Many students across the district currently have negative balances in their lunch accounts. We ask all parents and guardians to please check their MySchoolBucks account to view their balance and, if negative, to please make a payment. Even if you pack a lunch for your child(ren), they still may be purchasing cafeteria items.
To make a payment: Log in to MySchoolBucks and click MAKE A PAYMENT. Click CAFETERIA MEAL PAYMENT. Select or enter a payment amount. Click ADD TO BASKET. Click CHECK OUT NOW to complete the payment process.
For complete instructions on how to use your MySchoolBucks account, go to http://learnmyschoolbucks.com/Parent. You can also use MSB to monitor what your student is purchasing for breakfast and lunch and check your child(ren)'s account balance(s). If you have questions or concerns related to your child(ren)’s account(s), please call the Aramark Food Services office at 267-893-5758.
Round Up at GIANT to Support Barclay Farmers Market
From January 1 through March 31, the GIANT Company invites customers to join in supporting its "Feeding School Kids" initiative by rounding up at the register. The GIANT Company will directly support customers’ generosity by matching all donations up to $100,000. The Barclay Elementary School Farmers Market is the beneficiary of the funds, which help to support families across CBSD's 23 schools.
Congrats to January Lock Screen Winner, Next Round of Submissions Due 1/20
Congrats to Holicong 8th grader Sulan Shi for winning the January round of CBSD's lock screen contest! Her original artwork inspired by the "Critical Thinkers" attribute of CBSD's Portrait of a Graduate will be featured on district devices throughout January. Students can now try their hand in the next round of the contest, the "Balanced Individuals" attribute. Submissions are due Jan. 20. View more details and a video highlighting the Balanced Individuals attribute.
Community Town Halls on Futures of Doyle, Kutz and Linden Elementary Schools
All CBSD community members are invited to town hall meetings where members of district administration will share information and gather feedback regarding the future of Doyle, Kutz and Linden Elementary schools, with the goal of the School Board deciding on a plan to address the capital needs at these schools in May 2025. The town halls will take place on Jan. 30 at CB West; Feb. 27 at CB East; and March 27 at CB South, all beginning at 7 p.m. Learn more and submit comments or questions.
Winter Is Coming: A Reminder About Procedures in Case of School Schedule Change
With the official first day of winter on Dec. 21, CBSD families are reminded of district procedures should winter weather impact the school day schedule. You can find all related information on this webpage. If school buildings need to close or operate on a modified schedule due to present or pending weather conditions or any other emergency, the district will endeavor to communicate the schedule change to families as soon as possible. Please note that this year, CBSD will be utilizing Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) should school need to close after the first use of a traditional snow day. You can learn more about the procedures for FIDs here.
Central Bucks 2025-2026 District Calendar
The CBSD instructional calendar for the 2025-26 school year was approved by the Board at its monthly meeting on Dec. 2. View the calendar
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year!
CB Education Foundation Accepting Applications for Scholarship Up to $50,000/Year
The Central Bucks Education Foundation is proud to offer a needs-based "Holicong Road Scholarship" of up to $50,000 annually to a current senior at CB South, CB East, or CB West who is graduating in June 2025 and plans to attend a 4-year college or university in summer or fall 2025. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student with demonstrated financial need who has a strong academic history and is actively involved in school activities or within the community. Applications are being accepted now through Jan. 15, 2025. Learn more and apply.
Join the CBSD Team: Bus Aides and Other Fulfilling Positions Available
School Calendar & Updates
School Calendar
January Continued:
Jan. 20 - School Holiday - MLK, Jr. Day (Schools Closed)
Jan. 21 - School Assembly (Brain Challenge)
Jan. 27 - General PTO Meeting (ZOOM)
Jan. 28 - Half-Day - Dismissal Begins at 12:25 PM (Staff Development)
Jan. 28 - PTO Jump Night (Gr. 3-6 ONLY) - 5:30-7:30 PM
Feb 2 - Groundhog's Day (Sunday)
Feb. 7 - PTO Butler Ball (Gymnasium) (Snow Date: Feb. 13)
Feb. 13 - Spirit Day - Valentine's Celebration!
Feb. 13 - School Board Meeting - 7:30 PM - ESC, 16 Weldon Dr.
Feb. 14 - No School - Professional Development Day (Office Open)
Feb. 17 - No School - President's Day (Office Closed)
Feb. 21 - Family Fun & Fitness Night - 6:30 PM (Non Drop-off Event)
Feb. 25 - *UPDATE* 6th Grade Parent Middle School Orientation - 7:00 PM (Unami)
CB South Hockey - 1/17/25
Congratulations to Luca S. (Gr. 6) for scoring in his middle school game this past Sunday. CB South B-Team is currently in 2nd place in their division! To see any upcoming games and to root on CB South's Middle School Teams (and current Butler Bears: Luca, Eamon, Penny, Liam, and Lucas M. (Gr. 6)), see the schedule below!
Kick Off the New Year with NEW Clubs at the Fab Lab!
Please see details below on STEM Clubs with the Fab Lab!
For the details on all upcoming events, go to our website: www.BucksIU.org/FabLab/Events
To register for any of the below clubs, click here!
Young Rembrandts - Winter Session
Find the QR Code for details about the next session - which begins on February 4th. Young Rembrandt Drawing classes provide students with a unique experience in design, composition, and illustration following a step-by-step drawing process. Classes begin February 4th for the next session.
CB Community School: Chess Wizards Club
Beginning February 3, Chess Wizards offers challenging chess lessons, fun group activities, exciting tournaments, and more! If your child is new to chess, we will teach them the basics and get them playing right away! If they're a seasoned checkmate artist, they'll learn new ways to show their creativity on the chess board. Please see below for more information!
CB East Patriot Players - Children's Theater Camp -
Please see details below about the CB East Children's theater Workshop:
Calling all elementary school students! Do you love to sing and dance? You are invited to be a "Junior Patriot Player" for the day!
February 22, 2025 - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM; CB East Auditorium (Front Entrance). Proceeds benefit the Make a Wish Foundation.
The Butler Ball - 2/7/2025 - Save the Date
Session 1: 6:00 PM -7:30 PM
Session 2: 8:00 PM -9:30 PM
This is not a drop-off event!
Register now on My Payments Plus for the Butler Ball. This event is designed to be a special night experience for your Butler Student and their VIP Adult Guest. There will be a DJ and professional photographer to take photos. Admission is $8 per student and includes one special VIP adult guest. Select which session you'd like to attend before registration closes on February 5th at 12:00 AM. Refreshments and snacks will be served. (Snow Date 2/13)
DATE CHANGE/UPDATE - 6th Grade Middle School Orientation - Save the Date - 2/25/2025
Dear 6th Grade Parents - Please join the Middle School Staff at Unami -NOW- on Tuesday, Feb 25th from 7-9 pm. More details will be shared after the New Year in anticipation of the date. Unami Middle School is excited to host the parents of future 7th graders!
Music Performances (Spring) - Save the Dates
Communication and planning support family-efforts on important school events. See below!
School Happenings
Art Goes to School - 1/13-1/17
Art plays an important role in developing a child’s imagination. That is why we are always excited to host the Art Goes to School Program - which arrived at Butler this week! Art volunteers spoke to the students through an instructive presentation while encouraging the children to “look, listen, and feel” art. Admiring art allows others to explore a wide cross-section of people and cultures, places and things. The art leads incorporated art history, techniques, and backgrounds on the artists and their inspirations. Thank you to the Art Goes to School Program!
All-School Bingo Celebration - 1/10
Butler Bears are proud of our school in so many ways - including always doing our best to demonstrate our collective Pledge to being Respectful, Responsible, and Kind! During the shortened months of November and December, students were "caught" demonstrating one or more of our 3-pledges during school! Each classroom tallied their accomplishments and once each room reached 100 paw prints before the end of the window, we celebrated a special school-wide Bingo inclusing prizes and excitement! This was held on Friday, January 10th!
6th Grade Bridge Concert - Unami
The Butler 6th Grade was able to travel to Unami on Thursday, January 16th to get a music preview for what is offered in Middle School. Our "Soon to be Middle Schoolers" saw students (formerly of Butler and Mill Creek) perform on the stage. It showcased so much musical talent and built upon the excitement of Middle School!
Butler Spirit Day - Dress in Neon Colors! 1/9
Butler Bears are the brightest! Especially when it was NEON Spirit Day on Thursday, January 9th. Students and staff had a lot of fun wearing crazy bright colors celebrating January!
E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES! - Eagles Spirit Days - 1/10 & 1/17
Butler Elementary celebrated the upcoming playoffs and successful season for our Philadelphia Eagles! Even if Mr. Funseth was wearing Buffalo Bills gear, we all decided to celebrate in style!
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 1/10 & 1/17
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
1/10 Winners: Evan M. (Kdg.), Zoie L-N (Gr.1), Alex R. (Gr.2), Brooklyn T. & Brooklyn P. (Gr.3), Kate B. (Gr.4), Jack A. (Gr.5), Liam V-M (Gr.6), Staff Winner - Mrs. Misciagna (Support Staff)
1/17 Winners: Charlie C. (Kdg.), Leah M. (Gr.1), Olivia K. (Gr.2), Amelia M. (Gr.3), Kailah P. (Gr.4), Kira G. (Gr.5), Eamon R. (Gr.6), Staff Winner - Mrs. Fullerton (Support Staff)
Individual student winners choose a special activity from the "Choice Board" - where they identify a special event in which they will participate.
Morning Announcements
Morning Announcements
Game with Staff
Game with Staff
Positive Phone Call
Positive Phone Call
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
Butler Bear Clubs Update - Cancelled for 2025
The PTO, in consultation with Butler administration, has made the difficult decision to not run Butler Bear Clubs this year. This decision was made based on a few factors, the most significant being difficulty securing enough volunteer support to successfully run the clubs. We understand that this may be disappointing news for many. We are open to continuing the clubs in the future if we have the necessary volunteer help. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, please reach out to ButlerESPTO@gmail.com. Thank you.
District Details
Central Bucks School District
Superintendent: Steven Yanni, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Principal's Secretary: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-894-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem