Naumann Insider
January 24th
Calendar Items
February 1st: Yearbook Candid Photo Deadline
February 7th: Schlitterbahn Reading Logs Due
February 16th: PTA Spirit Skate
News from Mrs. K
Dear Naumann families,
I hope this message finds you well! We are excited to celebrate the 100th day of school next week! This milestone is an opportunity for our students to reflect on their learning journey and have some fun with special activities.
In the fall semester, we had about 20 people attend one or more of our parent engagement meetings held from September to December. Through the use of continuous improvement tools, the groups used data to find areas of strength and areas of improvement for Naumann. I want to assure you that safety, security, and student learning are always priorities, and at the same time we value parent feedback. The groups eventually identified two priority areas to consider for improvement for this school year. Those areas are:
Opportunities to be involved or volunteer in classes, and
Increased communication about students from teachers
Following the third meeting, we engaged our campus Site-Based Planning Committee to identify specific actions to address these two areas. From here, we will work as a staff to identify the actions we can put in place this semester. Our goal is to receive feedback that reflects success with improvement in these areas. I want to express my sincere appreciation for everyone who gave their time and participated throughout this process.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Shanita Kozlowski
Lost & Found
If your student has lost any belongings, they might be in our Lost & Found!
Our Lost & Found is located in the cafeteria. Students are able to check this area during the school day.
If you would like to check the Lost & Found please stop by between 7:10-3:10.
Lunch Monitor Volunteers Needed
We are currently looking for volunteers to help monitor students during lunch from 10:40-1:20. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our students and support our staff. Please note that all volunteers must be approved and will work alongside our dedicated lunch monitor.
If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up. Your involvement makes a significant difference!
CPHS Soccer Elementary School Night
CPHS Girls Soccer team will host their elementary school night on Friday, January 24th.
JV Game @5:30
Varsity Game @7:15
All elementary students Kinder-5th grades are invited on the field at half-times of both games to play with the team. They will be honored and walk out with the varsity team.
Earn a Ticket to Schlitterbahn
In November, reading logs and information for the Schlitterbahn Waves of Pages reading program went home in your child's Wednesday Folder. If your child fills out the reading log, they will earn a free ticket to Schlitterbahn! All of the details are on the linked reading log. If you need an additional reading log, please print out the linked copy and help your child fill it in.
Reading logs are due no later than February 7, 2025.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email our Librarian, Karen Jordan: karen.jordan@leanderisd.org
CPHS Broadcast Kids Camp
Cedar Park High School's award-winning broadcast program is hosting an elementary broadcast camp on Monday, Feb. 17 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Broadcast students will lead and help the kids make a newscast by the end of the day!
- Monday, Feb. 17 (Staff PD Day) 8 to 11:30 a.m.
- 3rd-5th graders
- Snacks Included
- Cost is $50
PTA News
Mark Your Calendars: Next General PTA Meeting
Wednesday, February 12th at 6pm
It's going to be an important one!
It's not too late to Join Naumann PTA for the 24/25 School Year!
Dues are $9 | Join Today
Take a look at what PTA worked on in 2023-24!
Restock the Teachers Lounge
New Year, New Treats! Please help us stock the teacher's lounge with coffee, drinks, snacks, and treats! We want to make the teachers feel loved and supported for all they do for our kiddos. Sign up here
Save the Date for 'Spirit Skate'
Sunday, February 16th - 1pm to 3pm
Show your support for Naumann Elem. PTA. Visit Ice & Field at the Crossover in Cedar Park.
$5 from every regular admission made during that public session will go to the PTA.
Spread the Love: Sock and Underwear Drive
Coming February 10th through 21st, we will collecting new packets of socks and underwear of all sizes for the LISD Clothes Closet
Pictures for the Yearbook
Sharing photos for the yearbook has never been easier!
Visit https://photos.jostens.com/36h2f9
You can also access it by going to photos.jostens.com and searching for your school.
Deadline for photos to be added to the yearbook is February 1st, 2025.
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
It's time to order your yearbook!
Be an early bird and order your 2024-25 yearbook NOW! Special price of $19 ends 1/31/2025!
We will only sell yearbooks online this year so get your copy before they are gone!
Naumann Elementary
Email: naumann@leanderisd.org
Website: naumann.leanderisd.org
Location: 1201 Brighton Bend Lane, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-5800