Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #1 - ???? 2022
Newsletter #2 - 23 February 2024
Show you care for others in your words and actions
Bushfire Plan
As Bushfire season approaches in the Summer months, a copy of our Bushfire Plan can be found here on our website -
Please check the PCPS community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated
Dear Parents
Last Wednesday we gathered together to celebrate Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent.
Lent prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Taking place 40 days before Easter Sunday, Ash Wednesday is one of the most important holy days in the liturgical calendar and signals a season of prayer, reflection, penance and fasting.
Coming from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting, Ash Wednesday involves applying ashes, made from blessed palm branches from the previous year's Palm Sunday Mass, to a person’s forehead. The ashes applied to the forehead symbolise the dust from which God made us with the words "Repent and believe in the Gospel" and for the children ”Follow Jesus”.
The Lenten season is a good opportunity for us all to spend time in prayer, to give to others in need and to ‘fast’ or ‘give up’ something as a commitment to becoming a better person.
Each of the classes will focus on Lent and we will encourage the children to do things for others and pray for them, especially those less fortunate.
Each PCPS family will be provided a Project Compassion box so that as a family, you may wish to give to others in need.
The Latin word sacramentum means ‘a sign of the sacred.’ Sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Catholics. They are special occasions for experiencing God's saving presence and are signs and instruments of God's grace. Celebrating sacraments is such an important part of our lives.
The Sacramental Programme at Our Lady of the Mission Parish has commenced with enrolment masses taking place last weekend. PCPS work very closely with the Parish Team to ensure that our children and families are fully prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation, First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. In our parish the sacramental programme is parent focused, parish based and school supported.
Please refer to the Religious Education section of the newsletter and PCPS community calendar for details and dates regarding parent information evenings.
Code of Conduct
Our PCPS Code of Conduct is mandated by the Government and Catholic Education Office of WA. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour decision-making to ensure the safety and well-being of students.
The code applies to staff, students, parents, volunteers and guardians. It promotes positive work practices and establishes expectations for personal and professional boundaries concerning appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in relation to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians. It provides guidance about behaviour, relationships, attitudes and responsibilities.
Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct on our school website by clicking on the heading below.
Protective Behaviours Programme
The Protective Behaviours Programme taught at Padbury CPS is the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC). It is a child safety program for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to:
· recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it
· understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
· understand ways of keeping themselves safe.
All children and young people have a right to:
· be treated with respect and to be protected from harm
· be asked for their opinions about things that affect their lives and to be listened to
· feel and be safe in their interactions with adults and other children and young people
· understand as early as possible what is meant by 'feeling and being safe'.
The curriculum follows 2 main themes:
· we all have the right to be safe
· we can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
The two themes are explored through 4 focus areas:
· the right to be safe
· relationships
· recognising and reporting abuse
· protective strategies.
The focus areas are targeted to the age of the learners. The KS:CPC has been taught in our school for the last few years, is mandated by the Government and is taught every year by the class teachers. The teachers will send home letters regarding when they are commencing their units this year and what will be taught.
Swimming Carnival
Our Yr 3-6 Swimming Carnival is coming up next week and the children are super excited to be in the pool having fun in their factions. Big thanks to Mr Hignett who has been putting many hours into planning for this day. It promises to be an enjoyable event for all.
P&F Welcome Event
Our P&F Welcome Event for the start of 2024 is coming up on 8 March with a Movie Night on the oval. Please come along and enjoy the evening, meet new families and relax watching Trolls. Huge thanks to Sara Da Rui and Brooke Walsh for all their prep and planning for what will be a fun night for PCPS families.
The P&F Ladies Club is holding a Stretch and Sip evening on 15 March. Many thanks to Simone Harding who is busy planning a lovely evening for all PCPS ladies. Please pop the date in your diary!
Advisory Council Members
Members of the Padbury Catholic Primary Advisory Council 2024
Gianni Da Rui - Chairperson
Casey Gallagher - Vice Chair
Haydn Hesford - Treasurer
Dan Sorgiovanni - Secretary
Father Cyprian - Parish Priest
Susan Kadak - P&F Ref
Severine Gibson/Liz de Haas - Parish Rep
Mac Callisto - Assistant Principal
Peter O'Mara - Assistant Principal
Members of the Padbury Catholic Primary P&F Executive 2024
Cathy Farrell - President
Megaan Hunt - Vice President
Sara Da Rui - Secretary
Severine Gibson - Treasurer
Pre Kindy (3-Year-Old)
Our Pre-Kindy (3-Year-Old) is going super strong once again this year with sessions running on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Please contact the office and speak with Mrs Ellen to enrol your little one into our exciting PK programme. Click on the following link for further information.
If you have friends or neighbours who have children who are 3 years old , please talk to them about our exciting Pre-Kindy programme and encourage them to enrol.
Pre Kindy 2025 and Kindergarten 2026
Enrolments and interviews are now taking place for Pre Kindy and Kindergarten 2025 and 2026.
Please note that Kindy 2025 is full!
Don’t forget to enrol siblings as some families have missed out.
Please take the time to read through our PCPS website as it offers a lot of information about our school including the history, traditions, routines and practices here at Padbury Catholic Primary School. By reading this information you will see that our wonderful school offers innovative programmes, provides a safe and secure environment for all and encourages parents to become partners in their child’s education.
Upon enrolment at Padbury Catholic Primary School all parents sign the enrolment form whereby it stipulates that parents will agree to abide by the polices and directives of the school and the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia.
The school website is a handy reference for the year ahead and any updated information will be provided via the newsletter or email informing you of any alterations to procedures and policies.
PCPS School Improvement Plan 2024
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Margaret Williamson
Pastoral Care
Please keep the Maassan family (Elijah Yr2) in your prayers for the sudden loss of their father/grandfather.
"May the warm memories you have soothe your soul".
Congratulations to the following families on the birth of their children:
- Peers family on the birth of Zuri a sister for Zander (PP) & Zadie (K)
- Agostinelli family on the birth of Romy, a sister for Sienna (PK)
- Dimov family on the birth of Sloan, a sister for Jagger (PP)
- Milani family on the birth of Leonardo, a brother for Diletta
"A little piece of heaven just came down to earth".
Religious Education
Social Justice
Project Compassion
Last week we commenced Lent with our celebration of Ash Wednesday. All children will have brought home their Project Compassion Boxes.
The theme of Project Compassion this year is For All Future Generations, with Caritas Australia highlighting the inspiring journeys of three resilient women.
Discover three powerful stories of hope and resilience from people who are living in vulnerable communities around the world. Follow the link below:
Each dollar raised will help change the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. We can work together for justice and dignity to build a better future for all and to make a difference.
Sacramental Dates
Ms Mac Callisto & Mr Peter O'Mara
Assistant Principals
What an exciting week for our two National Finalists at Padbury Catholic Primary School. It was a great honour to watch Lachlan Cornwall and Aaron Espiritu present at the National Finals for the YOUNG ICT EXPLORERS. The boys have made us very proud with their solution to assisting us with recognising online scams. With the creation of an online game, web page and quiz presented to three judges. The talent and hard work exhibited are a credit to the boys and they are to be commended on their efforts. Well done boys. We could not be prouder of what you have brought to us all.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all our Young ICT Explorers! Your curiosity, creativity, and commitment to innovation make us exceptionally PROUD.
Mrs Rosalba Bottega
P & F
Thank You
Parent Teacher Interviews
You will receive email communication regarding Parent / Teacher interviews on the 1st of March with instructions for logging into the booking system. Parents will be able to book interviews with teachers on the 4th of March using the online booking system from 9:00am.
PP – Year Six interviews take place from the 11th of March to the 22nd of March
Four Year Old Kindy interviews take place from the 11th of March to the 28th of March
Canteen - Extra Days
The canteen is now available for ordering on a Monday as well as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you would like to order and do not have a Flexischools account, follow the link below.
We rise by lifting others
For your children and for yourselves, 2024 will be a year of change, challenge and triumph. This is the perfect opportunity to create a sentiment of resilience, encouragement and hope within your family. It is also the perfect opportunity to focus on the positive difference we can make – We rise by lifting others. Imagine a community where we lifted others instead of putting them down.
Imagine how much easier change and challenge would be if everyone was lifting us up.
Mrs Ali Fisher
Social Worker
At the end of last year, the Uniform Committee looked at a change in the fabric of the skorts making them cooler. This change included adding piping around the skirt part of the skort and adding the school logo. The new style skorts, are currently in production due to a delay in fabric and should be available by the end of March at the latest.
Mrs Jenny Franklin
JFE Enterprises
Youth Group
Mass Times
All Masses are held in the Church
Saturday - 8:30am; 6:30pm
Sunday - 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:00am; 5:45pm
Monday to Friday - 7:00am; 9:00am
24:7 Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st and 3rd Friday @ Parish Hall, 7pm
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Parish Website :
OSHClub News
Padbury Catholic is a double-stream Primary School in Padbury Western Australia.