CBE News - Progress Reports
Semester 1 Progress Reports - January 23rd, 2025
Great Relationships Produce Great Students
Semester 1 Progress Reports are Available to View
Please see the information below regarding your child's progress reports (formerly called report cards). We received notification from the district that progress reports are ready to be viewed by families.
Student Progress Reports
Here is the link on how to access your student's progress report.
If you have any questions about your child's scores on their progress report, please visit with your child and the classroom teacher for clarification.
Sample Progress Report
Your child's progress report for semester 1 is stored under 6-12 Report Cards in the Docs section of PowerSchool.
You will see listed attendance, scores on guidelines for success, and scores for specific skills in each course and content area.
Please note that the scores of 1-4 will show for the individual skills assessed in each course. Unless the course is one in which a student receives credit for, such as the Geometry course below, the course progress box will be blank. If the course is a high school credit course, it will show a letter grade.
If you have any questions about your child's progress report, please visit with your child and contact the teacher of the course. Thank you!
What Does All This Mean?
Please check your child's progress on PowerSchool regularly:
If you have not recently checked your student’s progress in their classes on your computer, please do so. Use these instructions for finding their grades online (you must use an internet browser on a computer or phone; the power school app on your phone does not show detailed grades).
What Do These Numbers and Letters Mean?
When you look at their grades, a “3” or higher means they are making expected progress in their learning. A “2” means they are working towards making progress in their learning. A “1” means they are struggling significantly. A score of “N” means “no evidence” - this usually means that an assessment was turned in with no answers on it.
What are the Guidelines for Success and How Are They Scored?
Students also get grades on the guidelines for success (be respectful, be responsible, be safe, and have a growth mindset). Those scores are marked with a C (consistently), I (inconsistently), or R (rarely). This is the district grading rubric for the guidelines for success.
What about EBR and Eligibility?
If you see S/U grades in PowerSchool, those are solely used for eligibility purposes for athletics and activities - you should not use those to determine whether or not your student is doing well in class. Any student with a projected grade of “F” for a course may be ineligible for participation in school sports and activities.
Does Your Child Receive Special Education Services?
Please Read Regarding Special Education Semester 1 Progress Reports
Students who receive services through Special Education also receive a progress report that detail their progress toward their IEP goals. These progress reports have been uploaded into Power School-Documents-Special Education. If you have any questions, please contact your child's SPED case-manager
Suggestions for Students to Assist Them With Their Learning for Semester 2
Student progress is only improved by learning the content in the class. Here are some suggestions that your student can utilize which may help them with their learning:
- Students can meet with any teacher during advisory (period 4 for 7th/8th grade and period 5 for 6th grade) any day to get help, ask questions, or make up work.
- Students can email a teacher if they have questions or need to find a time to meet with them for help.
- Students can monitor their grades on PowerSchool to see if they are missing any work or tests.
- Students can retake a test if they do not get a good score on it (there are requirements and deadlines for this - check Canvas for details).
- Students can use the calendar on the Canvas home page of each class to see what is scheduled for the week - this will help to know when assessments are planned so they can study.
- Students can use the resources on Canvas for their learning (for example: math has videos of every lesson that could be watched or re-watched; there is daily information and notes for Science; check the modules for assignments in all classes).
- Students can make an appointment with their counselor to talk if they are having areas of struggle in their life or in school.
- Students can use the work time provided during class to get help, ask questions, or complete assignments.
Mr. Brad Franklin
Grade 6Mr. Brian Marcus
Assistant Principal
Grade 7Mrs. Mariah McKenney
Assistant Principal
Grade 8
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/cbe
Location: 1601 13th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-1700
Twitter: @FPSCarlBen
The Fargo Public School District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free from discrimination and harassment in all employment and educational programs, activities, and facilities. The District prohibits discrimination and harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, or other status protected by law.