Tiger Beat January 31st, 2025
Budget Committee Openings
Bandon School District announces openings on its Budget Committee, for a three year term expiring 6/30/2028.
The Budget Committee reviews the District’s budget and recommends needed changes. The Committee conducts business in evening public meetings held between April and June. The Budget Committee also approves the Budget Document and forwards it to the School Board for adoption by the end of June.
Interested people who are registered voters living within the district boundary should submit a letter of interest to the Bandon School District Office.
Please include the following in your letter:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone number
4. E-mail
5. Why you want to serve on the budget committee.
6: What skills and experience you have that would benefit the committee.
Please address the letter to Bandon School District, 455 9th Street SW, Bandon, OR 97411, or email letter to croberts@bandon.k12.or.us
If you wish to know more about the Bandon School District’s Budget Committee and its work, please call Business Manager, Amanda Steimonts, at 541-347-4411.
Do you know a current Bandon staff member who has made a difference in your life, the life of a child, or to the community? It can be any employee: a teacher, or an educational assistant, a bus driver or a secretary or a food service worker, an administrator or a custodian. Our district is filled with great staff!
Visit our website at www.bandon.k12.or.us and click on the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award Nomination Form link. Complete the fillable form, and add no more than one page to the form explaining why you believe this Bandon staff member deserves the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award. Be persuasive! Give it your all! Tell us as many details as you can about the staff member and what makes them deserving of this award.
Return completed form and one page essay to the following:
Joseph Bain
PO Box 659
Bandon, OR 97411
Hands-on learning took off today in our Mechanical Drafting class! Students designed and built their own rockets, then put their engineering skills to the test with live launches. This project brought STEAM to life combining science, technology, engineering, art, and math in an exciting, real-world challenge. Learning is always more powerful when students can design, build, and launch their ideas into action! #STEAM #HandsOnLearning #FutureEngineers
February 10th- 14th
Courtwarming Dress Up Days
Monday-Tacky Tourist
Tuesday-Twin day
Wednesday-Dress like Teacher-Teachers Dress like Students
Thursday-Anything but a backpack (parameters, no bigger than 2 feet around? No bigger than a laundry basket medium?)
Friday (half day)-Spirit day
Seniors Italian Dinner
The Class of 2025 will be hosting an Italian dinner in the cafeteria on February 7th from 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM. Pasta, bread, salad and drink will be included. Adults are $12, children are $6.
Senior Scholarship Opportunities
Posted in the Senior Google Classroom or ask Ms. Kalina for a paper copy.
Seniors the FAFSA is now open! Create and complete your FAFSA by visiting the following link, https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
The Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship is due February 3rd
The 2025-26 OSAC Scholarship Application opened November 1, 2024. Early-Bird deadline is February 18, 2025. Final deadline is March 3rd
COSA Scholarships, Due March 1st
The Ford scholarship is open. Due March 3rd
OASSA Scholarships, Due March 16th
2024 OFWC Fine Art Scholarships, Due March 26th
Oregon Scottish Rite Educational Scholarships, Due March 30th
Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau, Due April 1st
OSSA Scholarships, Due April 5th
The Bill Smith “Stories from the Wall” Scholarship - VFW, Due May 15th
Basketball Senior Night
Please join us as we celebrate our basketball seniors on Friday, February 14th.
Semester 1 Report Cards
Please log into your ParentVue to access your student(s) report card. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please call our office. (541) 347-4415.
Crush Grams
Our Leadership class is currently selling "Crush Grams" at the student store. The cost is 1 for $2 and 3 for $5. Grams can be bought for students at any BSD school, and will be sold through February 7th.
HLMS will be holding a STEM fair on April 25th for all students. It is an optional opportunity for 6th-8th graders. All 5th graders are participating. The top 3 projects in each grade level will qualify for the Regional STEM Fair held on May 9th at the Coos Curry Electric Coop in Port Orford. Please encourage interested students to chat with Mrs. Kraynik about ideas, materials, ect.
There is a permission slip needed to participate in the club. Please pick one up in the office if you are interested!
Please take the time to check your Parent Vue account on a regular bases. It is a great way to help your student(s) keep track of grades and assignments, as well as a convenient way to communicate with their teachers. You can access your account by clicking on the black bar above, or you can download the APP in your APP store so you can save your log in information and access your account quickly from your phone.
Student Handbook
Cell Phone Policy
Versión en español de nuestro boletín de febrero - Haga clic en la imagen para ampliarla.
1st Grade's artwork/writing project
2nd Grade's artwork/writing project
2nd Grade's artwork/writing
Ocean Crest's Annual American Heart Fundraiser
We are hoping to raise $4,500 to help support child with heart disease. If you are interested in participating, please go to http://www2.heart.org/goto/OceanCrest.
Box Tops Bonus Offer for Schools
Classroom Receipts Program
Just a friendly reminder.
Please take a moment to support Ocean Crest Elementary School and our students through this Rite Aid fundraiser.
Click on our school link. Please forward and share.
All Access Rewards from Ray's Food Place
C&K Market, Inc. is committed to helping our local communities grow and prosper. Now All Access Rewards is making contributing easier than ever! As an All Access Rewards member you can choose a local charity or non-profit organization to support and we will give 1% back of all your qualified purchases to that organization. By enriching local communities, everyone benefits, building a place that thrives, and a place that is being created because people care.
With account information in hand either call, email or visit your local store to connect your account with you favorite charity or non-profit organization.
Call: (541) 412-0005
E-MAIL: AllAccess@CKMarket.Com
Visit: Stop In Your Local Store And Visit The Customer Service Counter And Ask To Connect You with Ocean Crest Elementary School.
Start shopping and earning 1% for your organization! Your qualified purchases will automatically be tracked and reported for you when you use your All Access Rewards Card at any of our store locations. Connect your account Visit: Stop In Your Local Store And Visit The Customer Service Counter And Favorite Organization.
Start shopping and earning 1% for your organization! Your qualified purchases will automatically be tracked and reported for you when you use your All Access Rewards Card at any of our store locations.
Migrant Education Program
Youth under the age of 22 who have moved from their country, city, or state in the last three years to work in agriculture or fishing, and who have not yet graduated may qualify for this program and supports.
Migrant Education Program (Spanish)
Valley Flora wanted to alert you to a few new programs that we - and other NW farms - are spearheading in in order to make fresh, local produce more accessible to low income families in our community. We’re trying to get the word out as widely as possible. If you have a spot to hang a poster (attached below), or room for a mention in your next newsletter, that would be wonderful! We are happy to provide you with a color-printed poster, just let us know! Also, please feel free to forward this email to anyone in your networks who would benefit from knowing about these programs.
- Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB): a program that helps low-income Oregonians purchase more fruits and vegetables while supporting local, family farms. Folks with SNAP benefits can purchase one of our farm’s community supported agriculture (CSA) shares and DUFB will provide 1:1 matching funds (they pay half the cost of the CSA with SNAP and DUFB covers the other half). It's a win-win that strengthens our community by providing better access to fresh, healthy food while helping local farmers earn a living.
- CSA Sliding Scale: our farm is offering a voluntary sliding scale payment system in order to make our food more accessible to everyone in the community. It’s been a beautiful example of community - and humanity - at its best.
Valley Flora
PO Box 91
Langlois, OR 97450
541.348.2229 for Restaurant Orders
541.348.2180 for CSA Inquiries
Bandon School District
Website: www.bandon.k12.or.us
Location: 455 9th St SW, Bandon, OR, USA
Phone: 541-347-4411