Spartan Weekly
News from Glen Crest Middle School: September 1st, 2024
From the principal
Thank you to all of our parents and guardians who were able to make it out to our Curriculum Night this week. It was great to see everyone! If you were unable to attend, you can view the slide deck from my presentation here. If you are a parent or a guardian of an 8th grade student, you can view the presentation from Glenbard South High School here. Lastly, please consider providing us feedback on our Curriculum Night by taking this brief survey. We appreciate the feedback!
Just a reminder, there is no school tomorrow (Monday, September 2). We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Go Spartans!
Brett McPherson
Glen Crest Principal
Safety drills on September 5
On September 5, Glen Crest students will be participating in the regular lockdown drill with the Glen Ellyn Police Department. This drill is similar to the drills that students participate in each year. It involves teachers locking their classroom doors, turning off lights, and students practicing strategies to stay safe. There are no loud noises or alarms.
During the drill, a police officer will walk through the building with the principal, ensuring that each door is secured. The drill should take less than 10 minutes.
These drills are an important part of keeping our school safe. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Sixth-grade health forms information
As a reminder, all 6th graders are required to turn in an updated physical form by October 15. This physical needs to be completed on the State of Illinois Child Examination form and must list their up-to-date immunizations. At the age of 11, the State of Illinois requires children to receive Tdap and meningococcal. These should also be listed on their immunization form.
The physical could have taken place any time after August 23, 2023, and will cover the student for sports. A sports physical does not cover for the 6th grade requirement.
Questions? Look on the District’s website under Department-> Health Services-> Sixth Grade regulations or email
Chorus information
Does your student love to sing, meet new people, and go on trips? Then they should join chorus at Glen Crest! Chorus meets twice a week from 7:10 to 7:42 a.m. throughout the year.
6th grade chorus rehearses Tuesday/Fridays and will begin meeting on Tuesday, September 3, in the music room (210)
7th/8th grade chorus rehearses Monday/Wednesdays and will begin meeting on Wednesday, September 4 in the music room (210)
Returning students or new students who are ready to register for chorus can fill out the chorus registration form HERE and join our Google Classroom (Class Code: dgclmfr)
Any questions? Feel free to email Mr. Koppitz at for more information.
Picture retakes and club/fall sport picture day
Picture retake day will be Monday, Oct. 7.
Club and fall sports picture day will be Tuesday, Oct. 8.
Club Information
Student Leadership Coalition
Student Leadership Coalition is starting up! Thursday, September 5, will be our first meeting in room 304 (Mrs. Cunningham’s room). If you want to have a say in what happens here at Glen Crest, come see what it’s all about. Our first mission will be to design a plan for this year’s spirit days! Come share your voice!
PTC Back to School BBQ: 6-7:30 p.m. September 16
Save the date for the annual Back to School BBQ! We hope to see you Monday, September 16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Sign up for your meals through MySchoolBucks. Bring your cash for Kona Ice and the ice cream trucks!
2024-25 yearbooks will be ordered online from Lifetouch
We are going to do our yearbook orders a little bit differently this year. Orders will be placed online directly with Lifetouch, which is the company we work with to develop the yearbook. We hope to have this information available for parents on supply pick up days. See the flyer for details.
2024-25 school calendar
The 2024-25 school calendar was approved by the Board of Education. Below are some important dates for 2024-25:
September 16: PTC Back to School BBQ
October 10: Parent-teacher conferences - evening
October 11: Parent-teacher conferences - day
December 21-January 3, 2025: Winter break
February 27, 2025: Parent-teacher conferences - evening
March 31 to April 4 , 2025: Spring break
May 30, 2025: Last day of school (half day), if no emergency days are used
June 2-June 6, 2025: Emergency days
Deadline to confirm/register child for SunBucks meals is Saturday
The final opportunity for families to receive funds from the SUN Bucks summer nutrition program is Saturday, August 31. SUN Bucks will provide $120 annually on an electronic benefit transfer card. Families are eligible if they are identified as direct certified due to participation in SNAP, TANF, income-eligible Medicaid, or is identified as foster, homeless, or migrant. Learn more: Apply at:
Parents needed to review district’s pre-approved food list
The district is looking for at least one family member from each CCSD 89 school to review the district’s pre-approved food list. This is a list of safe classroom foods that is used anytime snacks are handed out in school. Anyone interested in reviewing this list should contact CCSD 89 district nurse Araceli Orozco at or (630) 545-3260.
Parent Series: Becoming the parent you want to be (September 4)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4, clinical psychologist Becky Kennedy, author of “Good Inside”, will discuss perspective-shifting principles and troubleshooting tips to produce real-world results and increase your confidence as a parent. Preview Kennedy’s presentation. This is a free GPS Parent Series presentation. More info:
Please turn in a handbook acknowledgement form for each child
The CCSD 89 Student-Parent Handbook is available online at
All families must return the handbook acknowledgement form, indicating you have reviewed the handbook. If you need a form, you can print one here: If you have more than one student in the district, you must return a form for each student.
The technology acceptable use form was signed during registration. View student presentations here:
Families can call school’s main number to report an absence
Parents who need to report their student’s absence can call the school’s general number, then press 1. To reach the nurse, press 2. The main office can be reached by pressing 3.
Reminder: Phones, smartwatches should be off and out of sight at school
Students have been receiving and sending messages from family and friends during the school day. These messages disrupt the learning environment for your child, their classmates, and the teacher. If you need to reach your child during the day, please contact the main office.
Cell phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices must be kept out of sight in a backpack, purse, or locker during the school day. If a student violates these rules, the device will be confiscated and there may be disciplinary action.
Please have a conversation at home about the appropriate use of technology at school and why it is important that students can focus on their learning.
More information is available on page 42 of the Student/Parent Handbook, CCSD 89 Board of Education Policy 7:192 – Student Use of Mobile Telecommunication Devices, and Board Regulation 7:192-R.
Students must have doctor’s note for cough drops, antacids
Any over-the-counter medication including cough drops, antacids, and ointments, will not be administered by building nurses without doctor’s orders on file. A parent or guardian must bring the over-the-counter medication to the main office in the original container with the doctor’s note.
Families can link MySchoolBucks, PowerSchool accounts
Families can now link their MySchoolBucks account to their PowerSchool account. MySchoolBucks is used to pay for various school items, including lunch and fees. Families that used MySchoolBucks last year may have already linked their accounts. While you can log in to MySchoolBucks separately, linking the accounts provides a single sign-on many users find convenient. Learn more:
District is hiring substitute nurses
CCSD 89 is looking to expand our pool of substitute nurses. With help from the district nurse and school principal, a substitute nurse ensures services are provided to maximize health in the school. Current Illinois RN license and certification in CPR/AED required. To find out more or apply, go to:
Need tech support for your student’s school computer?
Families that need support for iPad or Chromebook issues should use the district’s online help system. Enter your contact information and some details about the problem at:
September 2: No school (Labor Day)
September 4: Parent Series: Becoming the parent you want to be, noon and 7 p.m.
September 11: Parent Series: Stress reduction for teens, adults, noon and 7 p.m.
September 13: Preschool developmental screenings
September 17: Parent Series: Own your future, 6 p.m.
September 18: Parent Series: Community read – ‘Crying in H Mart’, 7 p.m.
September 19: Parent Series: Prevention starts with all, 7 p.m.
September 23: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
September 24: Parent Series: The many ways of conditional love, noon and 7 p.m.
September 30: Parent Series: A new term for ADHD, noon and 7 p.m.
CCSD 89 online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at
Free groceries through Northern Illinois Food Bank
Safe Kids Class (September, October)
Butterfield Park District Doggie Dip (September 5)
At-Home Safety Class (September 9)
Car Safety Class (September 11)
Fall Craft Fair (September 14)
Glen Ellyn Raiders basketball tryouts (September)
CCSD 89 preschool developmental screenings 2024-25
DuPage Health Coalition: help paying insurance premiums
DuPage Health Coalition: medical debt care
Glen Crest Middle School
Location: Glen Crest Middle School, Sheehan Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 469-5220
X: @GlenCrestMS