Art Newsletter
Updates from Lowell Artists & Ms. Chroneos
May 2024
May Learning Goals
Kindergarten: Texture Prints
I can create texture prints.
I can use printing to create a cityscape.
I can add color to my cityscape with proper painting procedures.
First Grade: Pinch Pot Monsters
I can create a pinch pot monster.
I can slip and score to attach pieces of clay together.
I can glaze my pinch pot monster.
I can review the stages of pottery - wet, bisque, and glazed.
Second & Third Grade: Pinch Pot Pets
I can glaze my pinch pot pet.
I can review the stages of clay - wet, bisque, and glazed.
I can learn about an artist, Isamu Noguchi, and create an imaginative
playground design inspired by his work.
Fourth Grade: Creative Clay Mugs
I can glaze my creative coil pot bowl or mug.
I can review the stages of clay.
I can learn embroidery techniques.
Fifth Grade: Value Studies and Personal Object Drawings
I can create a value scale in both color and greyscale.
I can draw an object from observation.
More Pinch Pot Pets!
Second & Third Graders had so many amazing ideas!
More Fourth & Fifth Grade Creative Mugs
So many amazing creations!
May Artist of the Month: Liu Kuo-Song
Contact Information
Meet Ms. Chroneos
My name is Sofija Chroneos and I am the art teacher at Lowell School. A little about me, I have been teaching art for two and a half years. Outside of teaching, I work on ceramics, jewelry-making, and gardening projects. I come from a proud Greek-Croatian first generation immigrant family. If you ever have any questions about art classes or just want to say hello, please never hesitate to reach out.
Contact Information
Email: sofija.chroneos@watertown.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ms.chroneos_artclass/