Dolphin Weekly Waves

Week of May 13-17, 2024
From the Principal
We will continue testing this week. Please note that 5th Graders will take SCReady Reading Monday, 5/13. Thank you for your help with morning routines and your encouragement of your children! Keep it up!
Kona Ice is coming this Friday! Students in grades K-4 have the opportunity to purchase a Kona Ice during their recess. There are 3 sizes: Kiddie - $2; Klassic - $4; and Color Changing - $5. Information came home last week. Please let us know if you have questions!
(5th grade students will receive a Kona Ice as part of their 5th grade celebration day.)
We are excited to welcome our West End Easley High School 2024 Graduates for a final walk through of West End - this Friday, May 17, at 1:45!
Calendar Items:
- Awards Days information can be found below.
- 5th Grade Parents - Please mark your calendars for the 5th Grade Clap-Out to be held Friday, May 24, at 10:45.
This newsletter is full of information! Please let us know if you have any questions!
Have a wonderful week!
Angie Garrison, Ed.D.
Upcoming State Testing Dates
Don't forget to come out Monday night!
2024 West End Awards Days
K4-2nd Grade Awards Day Times
3rd-5th Grade Awards Day Times
Parents, our teachers in grades 3rd and 4th will be sending out invitations for those students receiving an award. 5th grade parents are all invited. Please let us know if you have any questions about this!
Let's keep the learning going over the summer! Sign your child up by May 24!
Order Your Yearbook Today!
We only have only 13 yearbooks left for purchase! These will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Get your order in quickly, because once these books are sold, we will not be ordering more! If you have questions about yearbook orders, please contact Ms. Day at ashbieday@pickens.k12.sc.us.
Upcoming Family Engagement Events
Be sure to add these dates and times to your calendar:
Monday, May 13- Spring Title 1 Planning Team Meeting 4:00pm
Monday, May 13- Spring Musical (Grades K-2nd) at Easley High School 6:00pm
Thursday, May 16- Rising K5 Night 5:00pm
Community Opportunities!
K3, K4, and K5 Information for 2024-25
January 11 - The process for applying for K3 and K4 preschool and registering new K5 students (new to SDPC) opens Thursday, January 11.
A few notes:
- Students currently enrolled in an SDPC K3 or K4 program do not need to apply for K4 or K5 - you will automatically roll up in our system. See letters to current K3/K4 parents below.
- Please see the attachments below for program information and new application process (new students) for K3 and K4 programs.
- Application information for K3 and K4 is also available at this link.
- Kindergarten (K5) students who will be new to SDPC/West End for the 2024-25 school year (have not attended a district K4 program) should visit this link for K5 registration information.
This is a lot of information! We are available to answer any questions. Please be sure to contact us at 864-397-2500 for assistance.
Abundabox - Check Out this No Cost Opportunitiy!
Please send in those doctor's notes!
If your child is absent, please remember to send in parent notes, doctor/dentist notes, etc. so that attendance can be coded correctly in PowerSchool. You can also complete the Google form at the link below with details for the absence. A message is sent to our Data Entry Clerk via email including that information as a note for the absence(s).
Nominate a West End Teacher for "Teacher of the Month" Honors
Each month, you have the opportunity to honor a teacher of your choosing as the "West End Teacher of the Month!" Simply complete this form telling us why the teacher you chose is deserving. You may nominate as many times as you wish. Thank you for supporting our teachers and recognizing the hard work they put in to teaching your child each day. 😍
"Your Opinion Matters!"
West End families, we value your opinion on school related matters! Please use the Google form below to give us input, feedback, new ideas, or ask a question! We appreciate your time and how you make West End better! This form will be opened all school year long!
Tech Fees are due!
Information, Reminders, Links
- MySchoolBucks - Sign up for a MySchoolBucks account for online payments for tech fees, field trip fees, t-shirt sales, etc.
- All students K5-5 will be assigned a device for classroom and home use. Before sending the device home, a $25 Tech it Home user fee to cover accidental damage to the device, charging device, and carrying case should be paid. More information about the Tech It Home Fee.
- Schoology is a learning platform that allows parents to communicate with teachers, stay on top of student assignments, and monitor student progress (grades 3-5). Access Codes will come home soon. Please let us know if you need help getting connected.
- Securly is a powerful tool designed to help parents monitor and set limits on their child's school-issued device. Please let us know if we can help with the program.
SDPC Adult Learning Center
Did you know that:
- Pickens County has a highly successful adult education program which year after year is among the state’s most effective programs in a number of categories,
- The Learning Center served over 500 residents of Pickens County during the last school year by offering GED preparation, high school diploma completion, workplace literacy, ESL and civics instruction, parenting classes, career preparation, and assessments for SC Works,
- The Learning Center had 78 graduates last school year and a combined 339 graduates in the last four school years which includes the “Covid years,” and
- The Learning Center partners with Tri County Tech to offer the IBEST program in healthcare, manufacturing, and College 101. Students can be concurrently enrolled seeking to complete a GED or high school diploma while earning college credit and workplace-recognized credentials – all at no cost to the student?
Connect with our West End Family!
Be sure to follow West End on Facebook!
Twitter- @westendelem
Instagram- @westendelem
Phone (864)397-2500
Dr. Angie Garrison, Principal Email: angiegarrison@pickens.k12.sc.us