March 7, 2025
Note from: Mr. Cook
I need your help with a parking issue. It was brought to my attention by Fire Chief Lubitz that we have some people parking in the fire lanes by the front doors after school hours. If you are going to get out of your car to pick up your child or come into the building, please park in the lot. I realize it is difficult to see the faded paint on the curbs. We will be repainting the curbs in the Spring. If you have any questions, please reach out to me or Chief Lubitz.
Woodview Dates to Remember:
March 10 No school
April 4-11 No School Spring Break
May 15 BHS Graduation
May 23 Last Day of School 1/2 Day 11:30 a.m. Release
May 26 Memorial Day
May 27-28 Possible Snow Day Make-up
March Reading Month Activities
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Citizenship
Throughout the month, Woodview will focus on Citizenship. Students will work on demonstrating honestly, courage, kindness, and respect. We will work on ways to show this at school, at home, and in our community.
What's For Lunch
Check out our breakfast and lunch menus
If you have any questions related to food service, please contact
our Food Service Director, Austin Goff at goffa@bas-k12.org.
Attendance Line
24 hour attendance line 616-794-4748.
Please leave the following information:
- Students Name
- Reason for the absent
- Teachers Name
Woodview Elementary
1/2 day hours 11:30 a.m.
Attendance line 616-794-4748
Transportation wv-trans@bas-k12.org
Transportation Changes 616-794-4750 call before 2:00 p.m.
Email: cookb@bas-k12.org
Website: http://bas-k12.org/woodview-elementary
Location: 450 Orchard Street, Belding, MI 48809, USA
Phone: 616-794-4700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BASWoodview/