MHS/WES Newsletter
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Start with Hello Week 2022
All throughout this week, MHS/WES students have participated in the national program, "Start with Hello."
Start with Hello week was developed by Sandy Hook Promise, a non-profit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were lost during the mass shooting at Sandy Hook School. The organization is focused on preventing violence BEFORE it happens by educating and mobilizing parents, schools and communities on mental health and wellness programs.
Start with hello week aims to reduce social isolation and bullying while promoting social inclusion, connectedness, and a culture of caring. It does this by teaching students the skills they need to identify social isolation at school or in the community and how to intervene in order to ensure everyone feels connected and included.
Start with Hello week will kick off our commitment to increasing school connectedness and further developing our culture of caring and kindness at Meetinghouse School and Westminster Elementary School. In addition to the activities listed below, students, staff and families are encouraged to build a culture of caring in school, our community and at home by welcoming discussions, icebreakers and activities that promote social inclusion and connectedness.
Each morning our 5th Grade Kindness Representatives have lead the school in our Kindness Pledge and announce the activities of the day.
Kindness Pledge:
I Pledge to be: Kind! Inclusive! Stand up for those who need my Help! And to Make a Difference whenever I can, wherever I can, Because I Can!
Monday 9/19 - Promise to Start with Hello
Activity: Hello Gram - Students and staff are encouraged to complete a Hello Gram for someone at school.
Tuesday 9/20 - Promise to be Kind
Activity: Kindness Scavenger Hunt - Each student is encouraged to complete the Kindness scavenger hunt throughout the week.
Bonus Activity: Color our School Kind! - Sidewalk chalk will be provided at recess for students and staff to color our school with kind words and pictures.
Wednesday 9/21 - Promise to Reach out and Help
Activity: Helping Hands - Students and staff are encouraged to reach out and help at least 2 people throughout the day.
Bonus Activity: Share how you helped someone else with your classroom and family.
Thursday 9/22 - Promise to Embrace Diversity
Diversity Read Along: Listen to a special read along exploring cultural differences that can also be the similarities.
Activity: Diversity Wheels - Students and staff are encouraged to learn about the different cultures within their classroom then design pinwheels to represent what you have discovered (colors, pictures, words etc.).
Bonus Activity: Share with others what they have learned about diversity.
Friday 9/23 - Promise to Connect
Wear Green Day: (Sandy Hook Promise’s color) to further promote awareness and call attention to Start with Hello week and its dedication to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness.
Mix it up Lunch: Students and staff are encouraged to sit with someone new at lunch
Activity: Kindness Coins - Students and staff are encouraged to connect to those in our community this weekend with Kindness Coins. Kindness coins can be given to your neighbor, shopkeeper, post office worker, policeman, firefighter, librarian, grandparents. Students and staff are encouraged to share who they gave their kindness coin to and why, with their class.
A special thank you goes out to our School Adjustment Counselors, Jennifer Samuels and Lindsay Milne, for organizing this amazing week for our children.
MHS - Same and Different
MHS/WES Chalk Art
Diversity Pinwheels
Important Dates
September 28: Noon Dismissal, Professional Development
September 29: MHS Open House 6:00-7:00 PM
October 10: No School, Columbus Day
October 12: MHS/WES Walk to School Day
November 8: No School, Parent Teacher Conferences
MHS Open House - September 29th
Thursday, September 29th
CKLA, Wit and Wisdom Curriculum Information Session
5:30 PM - MHS Cafeteria
English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum Information Session with the district’s new Literacy Coach and Coordinator of Elementary Curriculum, Robin Pratt.
6:00-7:00 PM
The whole family is invited to visit Meetinghouse School. Tour the school, visit your child’s classroom and connect with your child’s teachers. Come anytime between 6:00-7:00 p.m.
News from Preschool
News From Preschool
The children have had a wonderful start to the school year and are learning the classroom
routines. We have been focusing on following routines, listening during group
learning times, and how to be a good friend. They have also been working on
their self-help skills at snack time. It’s amazing to see their excitement when they can
open their own packages and don’t have to wait for help.
Our theme is All About Me. We are learning about how we are alike and different. Everyone loves their birthday so our dramatic play center is Birthday Party. We are
learning how to give presents to others and not get upset if it isn’t our turn for a birthday
Present. So much fun!
4th Grade News
We are so happy to welcome students back, and we hope that it was a wonderful and relaxing summer! It has been a successful start to the year, especially now that life is seemingly “back to normal”. We have been spending some extra time setting up classroom expectations and creating a classroom community.
This week, we are participating in various activities based on “Start with Hello”, which is a mission to reach out and show kindness to others. You will see a yellow paper come home that encourages students to show kindness at home and in the community.
Academically, we are beginning our BRIDGES math unit focusing on multiplication strategies, factors and multiples. It is so important for students to memorize their fast facts. Please work with them at home to practice skip-counting multiples, and memorizing fast facts. In ELA, we are practicing our reading comprehension strategies and writing a concrete paragraph with specific details. In science, we have started a plant and animal structures unit. Students have visited the newly created science garden, chosen their plants, and started collecting data.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches - MHS/WES Student Hanbook
Cell Phones/Smart Watches - Student Handbook
We recognize that parents provide their children with cell phones and smart watches for safety reasons. Therefore, we understand that students may occasionally bring these devices to school.
Cell phones must remain turned off and stowed away in your child’s bag during the school day, this includes the bus.
Smart watches must have text and call settings turned off during school hours.
Students are not to call, text, or message their family members or peers during the school day. If students need to reach a family member, they can use one of the phones in the main office. Students may also not photograph or take videos of any staff members or other students in and outside of the building or on the bus. You can help us enforce this policy by not texting your children and calling/answering their calls during the school day.
If a student should bring any electronic device, cell phone, or multi-media device etc. to school, MHS/WES is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Cell phones and smartwatches that are being used to make calls, text (family or peers) or play games during the day will be confiscated. Parents will be asked to pick up the device from school.
Please reach out to administration if you have any questions.
Music News - September 2022 - Mr. Lucander
Welcome back everyone, I hope your school year is starting off great! This is my 29th year of teaching, and I love teaching your children! Here is my news for each grade level general music class, as well as the Bands, and the Chorus!
Grade K+1 -Our Meetinghouse kids are getting used to singing some fun songs and doing hand motions while they have fun doing the ABC’s, Twinkle Twinkle, various versions of Happy Birthday, and the Animal Fair. They also have learned how to echo rhythms by drumming.
Grade 2+3 -They have been working at learning rhythms by rote and by reading quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
Grade 4+5 -They have been reviewing their level 1 keyboard notes in class, but will be starting a big unit on rhythm.
BAND!!! -Our Beginning Band (B Band) has been starting to form and we have another big crop of beginners ever at WES, with OVER 50 NEW students and it keeps growing every day! It is not too late to sign up, email me at the school, I can have my assistant Director help you get squared away. Come join our band, and do a highly educational/worthwhile activity that is both challenging and fun! Lessons will begin next week after school and the B Band rehearsals will start on 10/14 from 3-4pm. For additional questions, please contact my assistant director, Mrs. Jean Popik at for more details.
-Our Advanced Band (A Band) has been practicing already and will be performing at the Westminster Cracker Festival on 10/15 from 10-11am. By the way, Mr. Lucander will also be performing with his classic rock band Mr. Strickland sometime in the afternoon! The A Band will perform at the town Veterans Program at 11am on November 11. The Holiday Concerts are scheduled for Thursday, December 15 (9am at WES for students for students and staff, and 6:30pm at Oakmont for parents/public).
-Last year’s Jazz Band will reform soon to practice for the Westminster Cracker Festival. Then we’ll take a break, and start a brand new season in January. An announcement on specific rehearsals will be coming soon.
Chorus!!! -Sign ups for Chorus have been passed out. Please return your slip ASAP. Rehearsals will be each Wednesday from 3-4:15pm, starting October 5. The Chorus will perform at the Town Tree Lighting on Sunday December 4, at 5:30pm. The Holiday Concerts are scheduled for Thursday, December 15 (9am at WES for students and staff and 6:30pm at Oakmont for parents/public).
NOTE: Complete Schedules for each group from the A Band, B Band, and Chorus will be given out soon and will include rehearsal dates/times and performance dates.
That’s all for now, I’m looking forward to a great year of music at MHS/WES!
Mr. Lucander
Lunch Accounts - What's Free, what's Not
Full lunch = Free
Just Milk = .50 cents
Free Lunches:
According to government regulations, free lunches must include:
3 out of 5 items at breakfast 1 has to be a fruit or a vegetable (lunch components meat/meat alternate, grain, vegetable, fruit, milk)
3 out of 4 items at breakfast 1 has to be a fruit or juice (muffins and breakfast sandwiches count as two items)
Just Milk:
If your child is just buying milk and nothing else, the cost is .50 cents.