ESD Superintendent Update
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Nov/Dec 2024
Hello Families,
This is a busy time of year for families and schools! As we move through the next few weeks, our students will be taking the mid-year i-Ready diagnostic assessment to measure their progress at the halfway point of the year. Six-week progress reports will be available during the first week of January, and the second half of the school year will officially start when we return from Winter Break on January 6.
During the holiday season, we want to share our appreciation for the partnership we form with families on behalf of our students. Our families are generous with their time and commitment to our schools and staff. We enjoy your participation in family nights, education events, and student performances. Thank you for helping make the Etiwanda School District a great place to educate children.
Please add the following upcoming districtwide events to your calendar:
November 25-29
Student Recess and Thanksgiving
December 20 - January 3
Winter Break
January 6
Students return to school after Winter Break (minimum day all sites)
January 8-9
LCAP Community Forums (more information below)
January 20
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
No matter what your holiday plans are, we wish you happiness, peace, and health. Best wishes from the staff at the Etiwanda School District.
Charlayne Sprague
2024 CAASPP Results Released
Recently, comprehensive results of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) were released on the performance of districts throughout the state. Based on the percentage of students scoring Standard Met or Standard Exceeded, Etiwanda student performance in the Etiwanda School District remains steady and has consistently ranked amongst the very top districts in the County and State.
In English Language Arts, approximately 68% of students scored Standard Met/Exceeded, a 1 percent increase from the prior year. In Mathematics, approximately 59% of students scored Standard Met/Exceeded, representing a 1 percent increase from the prior year.
More detailed data appears below and on the CAASPP results website.
Connecting the Dots: How i-Ready and End-of-Year State Testing Work Together
As the school year progresses, your child will participate in several assessments, including the i-Ready Diagnostic and the End-of-the-Year State Testing (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress or CAASPP). While these assessments serve different purposes, they are interconnected, providing important insights into your child’s academic development.
What does the i-Ready Diagnostic Measure?
The i-Ready Diagnostic is a district formative assessment administered three times a year to provide a detailed picture of a child’s current academic skills in reading and math. Multiple data points (grade-level placement and growth measures) are used to monitor student learning and provide feedback during the learning process. It is used by teachers throughout the year to identify areas of strength and need, where intervention may be needed, and what steps are needed to make progress.
What does State Testing Measure?
State Testing (also referred to as CAASPP) is a state summative assessment administered to provide information about student achievement of grade level standards in language arts and math following a full year of instruction. Unlike the i-Ready Diagnostic, State Testing/CAASPP provides a more general picture of a child's overall academic achievement and readiness for the next grade. State Testing/CAASPP also plays a role in measuring how well schools and districts are preparing students to meet grade level academic expectations.
How Are They Connected?
Although the i-Ready Diagnostic and State Testing/CAASPP serve different purposes, they complement one another in support of a child’s academic growth. The i-Ready Diagnostic offers timely, specific insights into a child’s strengths and challenges during learning. i-Ready assessment information guides classroom instruction, ensuring that students receive the support they need throughout the year.
By the time a child takes the State Test/CAASPP in the spring, they’ve had numerous opportunities to build on their skills. The standards-based State Test/CAASPP then measures how well they’ve achieved the expectations of the grade level. Together, these assessments help form a comprehensive picture of a child’s learning and progress.
If you have questions about either assessment or how the data is used, please contact your child’s teacher or principal. Your involvement in your child’s education is important, and we are grateful for your partnership.
LCAP Community Forums
Please join us for our annual LCAP Community Forums, scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2025, and Thursday, January 9, 2025. These forums are a great opportunity to engage with district leaders and share your thoughts as we work together to shape our future goals and programs. We look forward to seeing you there!
Celebrating the New Arts & Music Initiative in California Schools
California’s new arts and music initiative is bringing exciting opportunities to our students for the 2025-26 school year through the state’s new Proposition 28 Art and Music in Schools. With special funding, the Etiwanda School District is now able to hire full-time credentialed Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) teachers, providing every student with access to high-quality arts education.
Feedback on the family survey indicated that families were interested in seeing additional instruction in performing arts, media arts, and visual arts. At the intermediate level, this initiative will introduce an exploratory arts class at each grade, allowing students to experience a variety of creative disciplines. Elementary schools will benefit from arts instruction twice a month in visual arts, media arts, and performing arts, promoting creativity and self-expression in our youngest learners.
We’re excited to launch the visual and performing arts initiative next year, which will give students the chance to grow in new ways—whether it’s through their creativity, social interactions, or critical thinking. This program is designed to help them build valuable skills that will benefit them both now and in the future.
E3 Foundation Fun Run Winners
The E3 Foundation extends a heartfelt thank you to the families and employees who participated in the annual E3 Foundation 2K/5K Fun Run at Central Park in Rancho Cucamonga. The Fun Run was a phenomenal success, drawing in over 900 participants. This event is only possible because of the community support from our families, staff volunteers, student volunteers, and sponsors. Thank you. We are grateful for your commitment to making this yearly event memorable!
5K Top Female Winner is 8th grade student Sophia T. from Day Creek Intermediate with a time of 22:44 and a pace of 7:20/M.
Congratulations to our 5K Etiwanda School District Student Winners!
Female 9 and Under
- 1st Place Sienna R. – Caryn Elementary
- 2nd Place Larissa R. – C.P. Lightfoot Elementary
- 3rd Place Scarlett H. – Solorio Elementary
Male 9 and Under
- 1st Place Jackson H. – Etiwanda Colony Elementary
- 2nd Place Leonardo C. – Etiwanda Colony Elementary
- 3rd Place Maximus C. – Terra Vista Elementary
Female 10 to 14
- 1st Place Sophia T. – Day Creek Intermediate
- 2nd Place Ariella C. – Summit Intermediate
- 3rd Place Natalie T. – Day Creek Intermediate
Male 10 to 14
- 1st Place Ronnie T. - ESD Graduate
- 2nd Place Ethan A. – Etiwanda Intermediate
- 3rd Place Nathaniel C. - ESD Graduate
Congratulations to our 2K Etiwanda School District Student Winners!
Female 9 and Under
- 1st Place Natalie R. – Grapeland Elementary
- 2nd Place Zenash P. – Grapeland Elementary
- 3rd Place Camilla R. – Perdew Elementary
Male 9 and Under
- 1st Place Alexander G. – Terra Vista Elementary
- 2nd Place Everett C.
- 3rd Place Qiaodi Y. – Grapeland Elementary
Female 10 to 14
- 1st Place Alexandria G. – Etiwanda Intermediate (second year in a row)
- 2nd Place Adelaide A.
- 3rd Place Allison C. – D.W. Long Elementary
Male 10 to 14
- 1st Place Francisco L. – Etiwanda Intermediate
- 2nd Place Mo C. – Day Creek Intermediate
- 3rd Place Efrain L. – Etiwanda Intermediate
Important Traffic Alert for Families Using East Avenue and Banyan Avenue
Sewer Line Construction on East Avenue is Progressing North – Prepare for Delays
A major sewer line construction project, connected to the housing development at the north end of East Avenue, is now underway south of the 210 freeway. It is expected to reach Banyan Avenue in the next month to six weeks. This project is not related to the Etiwanda School District; however, it will significantly impact school traffic, drop-off, and pick-up routines along East Avenue and a portion of Banyan Avenue.
Key Impact on Schools and District Sites: Once construction begins north of Banyan Avenue, left turns into and out of the East Avenue entrances and exits for Summit Intermediate, Etiwanda Colony Elementary, the District Education Center, the Etiwanda Operations Center, and the Transportation Center will not be possible.
Please be aware that East Avenue traffic may be intermittently reduced to one lane during construction. Be prepared for detours and delays when construction work reaches the intersections of East Avenue and Banyan Avenue as well as East Avenue and Wilson Avenue. We encourage all families, staff, and visitors to plan extra time for travel to and from school during this time. We thank you for your patience as we navigate these changes along with our families.
National Native American Heritage Month
November is National Native American Heritage Month, a time to honor the cultures, traditions, and histories of Native American peoples. This month offers a unique opportunity for our district to engage in learning and celebration. We encourage the community to participate in local events and educational programs that highlight the significant contributions of Native Americans. From art exhibitions to storytelling sessions, there are many ways to explore this vibrant heritage. Join us in recognizing the important role Native Americans have played in shaping our nation, building a deeper understanding and appreciation of this part of our country's fabric.
We're Hiring!
Interested in working part time? Visit the EdJoin website to see what positions are available in the Etiwanda School District.
Things to Do!
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