Edgewood News
An e-newsletter from Edgewood Middle School
August 23, 2024
Welcome Back!
EPAT Help Requested: Feed the Teachers!
EPAT would like to show our appreciation for all of our teachers and staff at Welcome Back Night on Wednesday, August 28! The sign-up form can be found here. Please bring any food items to the office after 2:00 pm on August 28th. Non-perishable items can be dropped off earlier that day. Label any items that you'd like back. Please pick all items up by Thursday, August 29 - the office will be open 7:00 am-2:45 pm. Thank you!
School Starts Tuesday, September 3!
Just a reminder, sixth grade students will attend ONLY on Tuesday, September 3. Seventh and eighth grade students will join the sixth graders on Wednesday, September 4. Please see our updated back-to-school reminders below.
Office Hours
Bus Registration
For students registered for busing, bus passes will be sent in the mail the week of August 30. ParentVUE will also be updated with the busing information at that time. Any new students who have not registered for busing should do so by visiting mvpschools.org/transportation. Any new students will get their passes sent to the school directly. The Transportation Department will not address any bus change requests between the dates of September 3-18 to allow them time to complete routing.
Any questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 651-621-6027 or transportation@mvpschools.org.
Reminder to Update Student Information
Parents, just a reminder to ensure we have all information needed for the upcoming 2024-25 school year, please log into your ParentVUE account and complete the Online Data Verification for your student/s. This is where you will verify your family information and make sure you have updated emergency contacts listed, etc. PLEASE NOTE: This process needs to be done each school year.
To complete the process, log into ParentVUE and click on the "Online Data Verification" button in the upper right-hand corner. Be sure your contact information is correct, current address (please attach proof of residence if you have a new address or you are new to Edgewood), and you have emergency contacts listed for your student. Thank you for your help in this matter!
What is ParentVUE?
Parents of middle and high school students can view attendance records, test history, schedules, grades, assignments and personal information. Personal Learning Plans can be accessed on ParentVUE and parents can make payments for meals and activity fees, as well as reporty absences.
Visit this website to find guides for using ParentVUE, including instructions for activating your account, updating your notification preferences, checking grades and more. Scroll down to the "ParentVUE instructional guides" section for a selection of helpful videos.
If you do not have a ParentVUE account set up or you forgot your log-in information, please contact Shannon at Shannon.mildenberger@mvpschools.org for an activation code.
Parent Orientation Night
Parents, please join us for our Parent Orientation Night on Thursday, September 19, from 4:00-7:30 pm. Come during that timeframe that works best for you. This night is geared towards our parents and learning more about your scholar's schedules (Meet teachers & learn more about course syllabus, grading practices, and supporting your scholar), ParentVUE and the benefits of it, as well as receiving help to complete the Online Data Verification, which needs to be completed each year.
Community Ed Registration Now Open
Registration for fall activities is open now! Check out the electronic catalog and register at mvpschools.org/RegisterCommunityEd.
Community Programs
Middle School Consent Form for High School Activities
Seventh & eighth grade athletes that wish to participate on a high school team will also register online. Before you begin your online registration, approval must be obtained from the middle school principal or dean, the high school activities director, and coach. In addition, signatures from both student & parent/guardian are also required. You can get a copy of the middle school consent form in the front office or print out a copy.