WMHS Newsletter
January 2025
WMS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had 16 Wildcat Students of the Month at WMS this month. They are pictured below:
-Anaya Auclair (Grade 5)
-Zach Bernier (Grade 5)
-Lilyana Busa (Grade 7)
-Brayden Cabral (Grade 7)
-Alessandra Contreras (Grade 5)
-Lyrehc DeMello (Grade 8)
-Ruby Earle (Grade 8)
-Logan Ferraz (Grade 8)
-Avery Ferreira (Grade 5)
-Peyton Gendreau (Grade 7)
-Makenzie McAvoy (Grade 7)
-Jillian Melnyk (Grade 7)
-Troy Pacheco (Grade 8)
-Aiden Page (Grade 6)
-Leah Peckham (Grade 7)
-Johnny Powell (Grade 7)
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
WHS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had 3 Wildcat Students of the Month at WHS this month. They are pictured below:
-Isaac Antonio (Grade 9)
-Grace Dufresne (Grade 9)
-Kennedy Hession (Grade 9)
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
Term 2 Report Cards
January 27, 2025 marked the end of Term 2! Report cards will be available on the Community Portal by Friday, January 31.
Please note that progress reports and report cards are not mailed home at WMHS. If you are having difficulty accessing the Community Portal or need an account, please email Jackie Corey at jcorey@westportschools.org.
As a reminder, students who are failing more than two classes at report card time are academically ineligible for all after-school activities, including sports, clubs, dances, and all social events. Additionally, students who fail to meet the WMHS Citizenship Rubric standards will be placed on a social contract. Please refer to the Student Handbooks for additional information.
WMHS School Updates
MCAS - Important Updates
In November, it was determined at the MA ballot boxes that passing MCAS would no longer be a graduation requirement for students moving forward. This vote, however, did not change the federal and state laws that require students in Grades 3-8 and Grade 10 to participate in benchmark testing. As a result, WMHS students will be participating in MCAS testing this spring.
The schedule for MCAS testing can be found HERE. The data received from this testing is extremely important for administration, teachers, and students. It helps us guide instruction, build curriculum, and work collabortively to meet the needs of our students.
Thank you in advance for supporting your student through MCAS testing season! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Laura Charette at lcharette@westportschools.org or at 774-309-3455.
My CAP - My Career and Academic Planning
Westport Middle High School (Grades 5-12) has begun implementation of My Career and Academic Planning (MyCAP). MyCAP, an initiative begun by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, prepares students for college, career and civic readiness. The MyCAP process engages students in authentic postsecondary planning through a continuum of learning focused on the individual student's interests, skills and talents. This process allows students to be the drivers of their education and empowers them to connect their course taking with career interests, to seek out career development opportunities such as internships, apprenticeships, capstone projects, and to identify and develop the personal, social, and behavioral skills needed to be successful in the workplace.
A MyCAP committee has been formed, and on top of attending professional development offsite, the group meets monthly to discuss ongoing implementation in various courses including Foundations of Career Readiness, Personal Finance, 21st Century Skills, College and Career Readiness, Internship, and Work Study. WMHS has begun using MEFA Pathways as the electronic tool for all MyCAP artificats.
More information from DESE can be found HERE.
Administrative Appointments
If you would like to speak with a building administrator, please schedule an appointment to do so. MS appointments can be scheduled by calling 774-309-3022. HS appointments can be scheduled by calling 508-636-1050.
We appreciate your assistance with this!
Student Absences
To ensure we have the most accurate attendance records for your child, please note the following:
1.) If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please call them out: Middle School @ 774-309-3022 & High School @ 508-636-1050.
2.) If your child is going to be absent due to Covid, a fever, etc., please contact the front office & school nurse (Teresa for MS or Suzanne Walinski for HS).
Please make sure all excusal notes are brought in within 48 hours of your child's return to school.
Athletics and Activities
Homework Club
Homework Club is open to any WMHS student! It runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school from 2:15-3:15 PM. There is no sign-up required.
WMHS Activities
Art Club - Melissa Lambert
Robotics Club - Judy Graham
Math Club - Debbie Milton
Makerspace - Rebekah Gendron
E-Sports - Rick Monast
Newspaper - Betheny Borges
WMS Drama Club - Liz Carvalho
WHS Drama Club - Jarrod Russell
WMS Student Council - Trish Paiva and Michelle Tripp
WHS Student Council - Melissa Avila
STEEL - Melissa Avila
WMS Yearbook - Kim Barone
WHS Yearbook - Rick Monast
WHS Environmental Club - Jordan Silva
WHS Medical Club - Suzanne Walinski
Music Club - Liam Sullivan
GSA - Jen Borelli
Please be on the lookout for additional announcements and messages regarding clubs at WMHS!
School Organizations
Music Boosters
Save the Date for the Westport Middle School Drama production of Shrek!
Thursday, February 13 & Friday, February 14 at 6:30
Saturday, February 15 at noon and 4:00.
The Westport High School Drama production of Into the Woods is:
Friday, March 7; Saturday, March 8; and Sunday March 9.
Enjoy the shows!
The Westport Middle-High PTO is busy planning events for our students and staff for the remainder of the school year. We appreciate your continued support - we can not continue our important work building community without all of you!
Save these Dates for important PTO events:
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - PTO Meeting 6:30 PM @ White’s of Westport
Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 4th Annual Casino Night Fundraiser details below
Volunteer at Casino Night - Help make this event a success by volunteering
4th Annual Casino Night Fundraiser
Hosted by The WES-MAC PTO & Westport-Middle High School PTO
Saturday, February 8, 2025
The Cultural Center - South Main Street, Fall River, MA
Join us for an exciting night of gaming while supporting students of the Westport Community Schools.
Come enjoy table games of roulette, poker, blackjack, craps, entertainment, cocktails, Hors d'oeuvres, and more! Dress to impress and join us for a fun-filled night to remember!
$50.00 per person
Ticket price includes:
Champagne Cocktail Hour, Hors d'oeuvres, entertainment, gambling chips and more!
Free parking at the Pearl Street Parking Lot, behind the venue.
For more details visit and to purchase tickets visit www.wesmacpto.org/casino-night
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip News & Updates
Trip Information, presentation, forms and other documents can be found on the 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Page of our website
March 3rd 2024 - 4th Trip Payment is due
Tickets & Money Due: Thursday, February 6th, 2025
Drawing- Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Finding Purpose Beyond the Curriculum Assembly
- On Friday, January 10th, 2025 students at both the Westport Middle & Westport High Schools had the opportunity to attend an assembly focused on empowering themselves and one another to be the best version of themselves. The assembly “Finding Purpose Beyond the Curriculum” discussed our students' adversities and how to overcome them. Students were encouraged to focus on who they are today, who they want to be in the future, and how small changes can have meaningful results. The assembly presented by Aaron Polanski from Authentricity Speaks engaged our students for two hours - and ended with a message to “pay it forward” by thanking those who make a difference in their lives. As a follow up each student was charged with thanking those who have made a difference in their lives and to “Be Kind, Be Honest, and Improve Situations” “#BeTheOne and help others do the same”.
- This program was fully funded by the Westport Middle-High School PTO in an effort to enhance the educational experiences for the students of the Westport Middle-High School. Thank you for your continued support of our fundraising efforts.
Cookies & More Fall Fundraiser Success
- Our Fall Cookies & More Fundraiser was a great success thanks to your support. Many of our 8th Grade Students earned credits towards their Washington DC Trip and our 5th, 6th, and 7th Grade sellers qualified for someamazing prizes.
Congratulations to the top sellers in Grades 5th, 6th and 7th. These students are receiving cash prizes for their sales efforts:
- 1st Place - $100 Prize - DOMINIC ARAUJO
- 2nd Place - $50 Prize - HALEY SOULE
- 3rd Rrize - $25 Prize - HUNTER OLIVEIRA
Thank you to all who supported the PTO’s fundraising efforts with our Fall Cookie Fundraiser!
Please sign up HERE to stay informed and find out how you can support the Westport Middle-High School PTO mission of enhancing the educational experiences for the children of Westport!!
Visit our Website for the latest PTO Information meeting schedules or to make a DONATION.
If you have questions or need to contact us, please email us at whspa02790@gmail.com.
Thank You for your continued support,
Westport Middle-High School PTO
4th Annual Casino Night Fundraiser
The WES-MAC PTO & Westport Middle High School PTO cordially invites you to join us at the 4th Annual Casino Night Fundraiser!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
The Cultural Center
South Main Street, Fall River, MA
Join us for an exciting night of gaming while supporting the students of the Westport Community Schools. Come enjoy table games of roulette, poker, blackjack, craps, entertainment, cocktails, Hors d'oeuvres, and more! Dress to impress and join us for a fun-filled night to remember!
Ticket price includes: Champagne Cocktail Hour, Hors d'oeuvres, entertainment, gambling chips and more! Free Parking
For more details visit and to purchase tickets visit www.wesmacpto.org/casino-night
Happy New Year from Westport SEPAC!!
We wanted to thank all who participated in our first Pie Fundraiser this year. We had a great turnout and raised over $6000. A special Thank you to the volunteers who helped unload, sorted and assisted parents with their pickups.
Please keep your eye out for our January fundraiser: Flyers went home this week. If you did not get one: Here is the link: Goose's Good Eats Fundraiser
Our next meeting is: February 13th at 6:30 pm. Join Us at the Westport Public Library meeting room. This meeting will include a presentation from Attorney Cabral-Townson.
Early Release Day for Students
Today is an early release day for students with staff training in the afternoon. Dismissal will be at 11 AM.
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025, 11:00 AM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
Shrek the Musical
Please come check out the WMS Drama Club, led by advisor Liz Carvalho, as they perform Shrek the Musical! There are three show dates: 2/13, 2/14, and 2/15! Times are as follows:
1.) February 13 - 6:30 PM
2.) February 14 - 6:30 PM
3.) February 15 - 12 PM and 4 PM
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 06:30 PM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
February Vacation
February vacation is Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21. Classes will resume on Monday, February 24. Enjoy the break!
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 07:30 AM
WMHS School Council
WMHS School Council will take place on Thursday, February 27 at 2:30 PM in the Principal Office. Please consider joining if you are a staff member, parent, or family/community member.